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Forums - Sony Discussion - Let's make #PS4freeonlineplay

LurkerJ said:
Kantor said:
I was upset too, at first. But look at it this way: Sony is not doing well financially. They're certainly not making a huge profit on the PS4 if they are making one at all. At the same time, PS+ is a great service, and it's honestly worth it with or without online multiplayer. As Tretton said, it has 95% satisfaction.

If this move can get their PS+ penetration up and earn them some more money to invest into the platform and online infrastructure, maybe it's not all that bad. It won't affect you, me or most of the people on this site, who are already subscribers, and it's an incentive for others to sign up.

My only problem would be if they start to weaken the PS+ service with the PS4. But if it stays like it is now, it's not ideal, but this isn't an ideal world and I have trouble really being angry about it.

PSN plus is a great service on PS3. It won't be the same on PS4. There are simply no games to give away for free, unless they want to canabalize the sales of their 1st party titles. They should at least make it cheaper than LIVE.

But they are giving away ps4 games with ps+.  Drive Club will be given away as well as 3 indie games.  

OT:  I'm not a fan of paying for online, but I'll get over it after a while.  I have ps+ already so I am good though.  At least they are leaving any apps like netflix, hulu, amazon instant video, music unlimited, etc. free for everybody if they don't have ps+

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No. I want Sony to make some money this gen, perhaps they can they re-invest it...

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Chark said:
dharh said:
Chark said:

All the new features can be part of a service. It's the current existing ones that can be kept as basic access.

In other words you want the thing that most people absolutely must have as the free part, thus a majority don't have to sub to PS+. I don't see how Sony recoups the costs then.

I think the majority will get PS+. They've made the service pretty great and it is growing all the time. A new console, new marketing strategies, new features exclusive to PS+ will spur adoption.

If it was not pay to play online I think PS+ adoption would be significantly less.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

Chark said:

The new features aren't going to be bogged down by free riders because those will require a subscription. Sony should keep their basic level stuff the same as it is with the PS3, as a standard. Including online multiplayer. Will the experience be better with PS+, of course, but it is far better for the consumer that Sony will have to work hard to attract subscribers.


yes there's no deny its better for the consumer to have services free but there comes a point when you have to consider that the company makes losses in doing so

then take into consideration that sony is in a very bad position financially 

especially when you're in sony's position something has to give at some point

I think they are approaching this the right way. They are giving ps+ members exceptional value with all the games and discounts. I know it sucks having to pay for online play, but I have faith that Sony will make it worth while. I have yet to hear of an unsatisfied ps+ member.

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Suddenly, paying for playing online isn't a bad thing, at all.

I agree with those stating that this new model will help drive Playstation Plus subscriptions and that is a good thing. The truth is, Sony is holding off a lot of money-grabbing tactics in order to keep the consumer trust and brand loyalty they've only recently regained after the PS3 fiasco (I have one and I love it, but $600 for a machine that was not developer friendly is steep).

The next generation of games will cost more, newer streaming services will cost more, and putting so much in the box at launch (hdmi, headset, gddr5) for $399 won't really help Sony get a lot of money back. What will is games sold and whatever they can get back from those services, and I don't think we as consumers should expect that all to be free. Yes, we had it before, but if it's going to cannibalize the subscription model I can understand why Sony is forced to make this move.

Even though Sony has just begun to see profits this year, the only real successful part of their company is gaming. TVs are sinking, PC's are sucking and none of their phones/mp3/tablet devices have seen any real success like the competition. They've got to start making money of their investments if they don't want to completely go under.

I think I can spare $50 a year for a ton of free games, cloud services, cross game chat and the aforementioned multiplayer even if I'd prefer not to. In the end, that money will allow the services to be unified and more robust like with XBox Live (which no matter if you don't like paying for multiplayer is still a better network service on both performance and features than the current free PSN).

LurkerJ said:
Kantor said:
I was upset too, at first. But look at it this way: Sony is not doing well financially. They're certainly not making a huge profit on the PS4 if they are making one at all. At the same time, PS+ is a great service, and it's honestly worth it with or without online multiplayer. As Tretton said, it has 95% satisfaction.

If this move can get their PS+ penetration up and earn them some more money to invest into the platform and online infrastructure, maybe it's not all that bad. It won't affect you, me or most of the people on this site, who are already subscribers, and it's an incentive for others to sign up.

My only problem would be if they start to weaken the PS+ service with the PS4. But if it stays like it is now, it's not ideal, but this isn't an ideal world and I have trouble really being angry about it.

PSN plus is a great service on PS3. It won't be the same on PS4. There are simply no games to give away for free, unless they want to canabalize the sales of their 1st party titles. They should at least make it cheaper than LIVE.

As soon as Gaikai gets fully implemented for PS3/2/1 games they will have plenty to give away for free and give huge discounts for. Day one they are giving away a PS4 title, more than making 1 years worth of PS+ pay for itself.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

This is taking it too far in my opinion. You have to understand that running servers for titles of this magnitude is not free. Add onto this that Sony is not Microsoft. They don't have billions of spare cash to throw around anyway they please. So charging the $5, while it does suck a little, isn't something that's detrimental. They need a little bit of that money too.

PSN Plus is a good deal as is. You get discounts, free GOOD and RELEVANT games, and other features.

What the heck guys. Now we're just acting stupid, Sony is already spoiling their customers enough with used games and a 400 dollar price tag. Let em' charge.