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Taboo isn't Geno, and he has his own hands. The Master Hand is the size of Taboo whole anyhoo.

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Ah, so the rumor is bunk.

What is Taboo from?

Who want to bet tiers? (and give reasons) We should get us a good laugh when it comes out...

Top tier:

High tier:
Sonic - He is very fast, and yet has the ability to KO.
Toon link: He is great at adding % to the opponent. He can range, he can go close and he can do air attacks.
Marth: Deals much, is fast, and overall better version of Ike (with differences, I know)
Charizard, deals a LOT of damage, gets fairly easy in compared to weight.
PKMN Trainer overall.
Wolf - seems like a better version of Fox/Falco, has lower tempo, but easier to KO and adds % about as easy.

Mid Tier:
Mario - he normally is average.
Squirtle - Very fast, but if you were going to play him a lot, you have a KO problem
Fox - Has been slown down a tad, doesn't have the same hitting abilities as before.

Low tier:
Captain Olimar. He looks like he is too easy to kill, and same with the Pikmin.
Ike, he is too slow, and doesn't deal enough compared to that.
Ivysaur: Cannot KO very well, does not damage very well.
Falco. A mix between Fox and Wolf, apparantly, but is neither fast nor does great KOs

Bottom tier.

Ice Climbers. This is just sad. They've been slown down more than the average, and it also looks like their damage have been nerfed. They look like they might be the worst characters.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

I do believe Taboo is an original character, like Master Hand.


The Master Hand was tied by strings like a puppet to Taboo?...Ganondorf tried to attack Taboo directly but got knocked down. The Master Hand got disconnected and turned against Taboo, but also failed. So, Taboo's just the guy behind the Master Hand, I don't think he's from anything.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

The idea behind the characters seemed to change over time, in the first game they were all dolls in the toy box and when Master Hand snapped his fingers they came to life, so I figured Master Hand was supposed to be a real person playing with the dolls and having fantasy fights between Nintendo characters.

Then in Melee they were trophies but came to life to battle (opening is where I'm taking this from) and the ending was all the same.

This time around they're more like real characters that turn into trophies if beaten but can be brought back at any time by touching the trophy. All leading up to master hand again but then its controlled by a super natural being and not a person like the N64 seemed. Lots of the early stuff is assumption but it makes sense cause that's what we all did with our action figures as kids.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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Today's update was pretty good.

I like the sonic stage but do you stay in one spot or keep on moving along.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Hey look there's Tails!!!! LOLL

Anyways. This is a really creative course and it looks exactly like the Sega Geninseis...

The falling land was a good touch to the stage making it really unique. 

Tottally agree with I like Bacon. It was a good update!!

I don;t like it how the stage will fall apart tho...wish it would stay like that for the entire match
anyways, I found Tails and Knuckles in the bg very interesting indeed

supermario128 said:
I like the sonic stage but do you stay in one spot or keep on moving along.

You stay in one spot. No scrolling or whatever. Check some vids on youtube.