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Forums - Sony Discussion - My new most overrated game ever

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PSwii60 said:
Purchased it for the sake of collection, but did play SotC at a friend's and show nothing to be impressive about, but surely, it's incomparable to the overrated series that is Mario :)

hah yes that was my most overated franchise before this. well probably still is. 

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Yes, in my opinion ICO is extremely overrated. I'd almost classify it as pretentious crap.

I was so disappointed with it which is the reason why I haven't bothered to touch SotC in that HD collection yet.

For some reason I am absolutely super hyped for Last Guardian though. Perhaps because it has an animal.

I'm not sure If ICO is highly rated enough for it to be considered overrated. Its more a cult hit, which is more to with things that aren't tangible like mood/artistry.

I have not played either and probably will not play them until I borrow it from someone. But with old games I tend to have very low expectations, so maybe you had to high hopes for a pretty old game. Sometimes I play 15 year old games and then when I compare them to FFVIII. If they are even close to the quality of FFVIII then I think it is a fair game but if they just suck they suck.

RolStoppable said:
Boutros said:
SotC is great but I can't believe it got green-lighted with those clunky controls. What's up with that?!

It was intentional to make you really immersed with the struggles Wander had to face. You could feel the pain at every moment.

I wish the pain lasted that much more. Sometimes i am just in that kind of mood. The controls became easy after the first hour though. 

OT: I liked Ico despite its many faults. SOTC was simply amazing though. Not much out there like it. If there is feel free to point me to it. :)

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Yep ICO really is overrated.

Shadow of the Colossus is good, give it try. It is really really hard thought, like, Demon´s souls hard...

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

yum123 said:

The whole game is an escort mission and the not even the worst.

- that chick your escorting has the worst AI ever, she doesnt come to the next area unless you drag her or does anything except annoy you unless you pull her, and you constantly have to go back for her because shes being attacked.

Ico is one of the few games that portrays women the way they should be, she's completely lost outside the kitchen.

Somebody was going to say it, so the sooner the better.

I totally agree with all your points. I also gave Ico a go after hearing all the good things about it. Was sorely disappointed by the gameplay, minimalist attitude and story.

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As someone who adores Shadow of the Collosus, Ico is boring, overrated mush.