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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One Media Backlash? Forbes, Wall Street Journal and More

The media today has been quite anti-Xbox One. Mainstream media. Gaming media. In general, the reaction to Xbox One Policies has been pretty much negative. From a site funded by Microsoft to Forbes and the Wall Street Journal.

Granted, the Forbes articles are Contributer stuff, but they are currently the most viewed articles on Forbes.

Forbes Contributer 1 - Microsoft Confirms Gamers Fears Over Xbox One

Forbes Contributer 2 - Microsoft's Shortsighted Approach Might Have Already Killed Xbox One

Forbes Contributer 3 - The Xbox One Might Let Sony's PS4 Win By Default

Polygon, Microsoft Funded - "Gross, despicable, greedy, pathetic, cowardly and out of touch"

Wall Street Journal - Owning Your Videogames Is So 1994

TIME - Xbox One Policies Are Clear as Mud

Metro UK - Xbox One and the corporate war against consumers

NowGamer - Xbox One: Its For Publishers, Not For You

EuroGamer - Microsoft kills game ownership and expects us to smile

Kotaku - Xbox One Just Had a Very Bad Day

MCVUK - Indie RetailersDesperate for Pre-Owned Answers

Destructoid - "Gamers react to Microsoft's robbery of consumer rights"

The Diplomat - Has Microsoft Already Ruined Xbox One?

There are more. This is the Internet. There is always more. But I think its interesting to see the negativity, especially when its popping up on mainstream media. People are being heard. Mainstream media is catching on.

Still listening, Microsoft?

Its worth noting that there are also positives here, though the negatives far outweigh the positives at this moment in time. Big E3 coming up for Microsoft and Xbox One.

Post different articles, positive or negative, and Ill throw them in the OP.


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what I would give to be a fly in MS's game division HQ...though a spot with no bright lights/sugar/fly tape/ and spiderwebs :p

Its like Microsoft wants the Xbox One to fail. Every few days they release more bad news about the console.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Still enough time to regroup.

Good. I hope MS gets so much negative press that even the mass consumer won't touch it, not just the majority of peeps on forums like this.

Sony needs to realize the golden egg they've been handed. 3rd parties are already ignoring WiiU, but Sony could come out and say there will be no such system and clean up easily. Hell, I'd buy one just to prove the point.

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Hopefully ea, activision and ubisoft are learning a proxy lesson here.

This is brilliant. If the mainstream media catches on and the "casual" audience are made aware of all the anti-consumer policies M$ are trying to bring with the Xbone, they are less likely to be deceived by the smoke and mirrors of voice control and waving hands around.

This will hopefully ultimately benefit us as gamers. If M$ become afraid that their main market, the "casuals" that they are targeting the Xbone towards may turn against them, then they are more likely to change their policies. At the end of the day I want the Xbone to be good and this is probably the best way for it to happen right now. Let's hope the news spreads even more.



Now.... don't panic!

theprof00 said:
Hopefully ea, activision and ubisoft are learning a proxy lesson here.

They will only learn a lesson if a DRM CoD and Fifa sell 50% of their non DRM  PS360 counterparts. Their attitude to MS will be that MS screwed up the PR. PC gamers have taken up up the butt for years, so that must mean console gamers should have been as easily duped, so it's MS's fault, not the fault of the DRM concept.




“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


All going according to the plan. Hopefully the backlash will encourage them to do otherwise.


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