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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Will Sony ride the porn wave to victory next gen?

The gloves are off in the battle to win the next generation of consoles and we’ve already seen a few missteps from the main contenders. Nintendo went early in an attempt to pick up the early adopters but forgot the most important rule of them all. It’s all about gaming, make sure you have games.


Next Sony revealed their hard core gaming machine and tempted everyone with some incredible looking games and ideas. Best of all they’ve finally updated their controller to something gamers want and the only mistake they made, debateable, is that they didn’t show off their goods.

Microsoft quickly jumped onto that little nugget and mocked them mercilessly about their lack of goods. Promising that when it was their turn to take the stage they would blow us away and wouldn’t hold back on showing us what they’ve got.

And did they ever do that, I’ve never seen such a huge package but then Microsoft appeared to forget what it was doing and started rambling on about everything but what we care about. It’s all about the games Microsoft how could you forget that?

The Internet was in uproar and all three consoles have now remembered what the industry is about and have all promised a solid show around E3 next week. But what about that other elephant in the room that no one has had the guts to touch yet?

Porn… it’s long been rumoured that the porn industry decided the early video wars with Betamax being assigned to the history books because Sony refused to allow porn to defile their devices. VHS (and Toshiba) on the other hand were far more open and the rest, as they say, is history.

Now the average gamer is currently 30 years old and evenly split between men and women. According toMaryland Coalition (anti porn) their are over 40 million Americans who regularly view porn. 33% of these being women and a whopping 70% of males between the age of 18-24 visit porn sites in a regular month.

25% of all search engine requests are for pornographic searches so there is obviously a large market out there and yet not a single console allows sexually explicit games on them. It’s not like these games don’t exist either so will one of the big three throw caution to the wind and openly embrace the majority of adults in the world?

Microsoft simply won’t. The Xbox isn’t a large portion of their income and they would never risk sullying their entire brand by being caught with little johnnies pants down. Nintendo on the other hand only make money from gaming but at the same time has worked exceptionally hard in creating a reputation of being the family orientated company in the market.. even if Nintendo did start out with sex hotels.

But what about Sony? Sony currently makes the most of it’s money from its Insurance business, something most people are not aware off so they don’t have to worry about people leaving in protest.

In fact investors are currently urging Sony to sell off the electronics business as, in their words

“Electronics is its Achilles’ heel and, in our view, it is worth zero”

So Sony has the least to lose and the most to gain from dropping their zero tolerance in regards to Adults Only titles. Free minded people the world over, especially in Europe and Asia, wouldn’t think too negatively about Sony allowing porn on the consoles as long as some decent age restriction ability is implemented.

The vast majority of porn is now Internet based and it is quite the crowded market. However there is a gaping hole where the interactive elements of porn should exist. Is Sony big enough to fill it or are we going to continue being treated like children for another full generation?

Well if it doesn’t happen I guess we all have the video game parody films to lend from Darryn?

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This would never happen. There isn't a single major retailer that would stock AO titles.

lol is everyone embarrassed to comment or say something? :D

You don't have to talk about porn itself hahaha

I can watch porn on my WiiU gamepad, that's enough

Somini said:
lol is everyone embarrassed to comment or say something? :D

What am I, chopped liver? :(

Around the Network

yeah make an exclusive deal with
still waiting for a decent 3d porn for my 3ds :p


I thought Playboy:  The Mansion for PS2/Xbox was pretty heavily adult oriented.

LemonSlice said:
This would never happen. There isn't a single major retailer that would stock AO titles.

True would be a problem in the US, but most porn related AO games in the US are available for 16 year olds here (some 18).
Since Germany often gets violence reduced version, I deman porn reduced versions for the US (and let us have the naughty stuff) !

Gaystation - for the hip, young french boys who got instered in homosexuality. PS Move included.

Barozi said:
LemonSlice said:
This would never happen. There isn't a single major retailer that would stock AO titles.

True would be a problem in the US, but most porn related AO games in the US are available for 16 year olds here (some 18).
Since Germany often gets violence reduced version, I deman porn reduced versions for the US (and let us have the naughty stuff) !

What if the whole point of the game is the naughty stuff? You can't sell porn without porn.