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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo is the only one who has balls

NintenGOD said:
hunter_alien said:
teigaga said:
hunter_alien said:
sales2099 said:
Nintendo has balls all right, but it just cost them major 3rd party support.


Are we sure though? Didn't the wii U's 3rd party support die once sale numbers came in for both hardware and software. I remember EA, Activision, Ubisoft.. All the big guns supported Wii U at launch.

Every major 3rd party supports every major platform release. Even the N-Gage had some support, tough it never took off. Its not that expensive to make a couple of launch titles, and see what happenes from there on. Too bad that most games underperformed on the U.

Nintendo came off from their most successfull console ever, and they fall on face. They should simply go handheld only IMO, at least there japanese developers are trully standing behind them

Did you call for sony to leave the business when the PS3 fell flat on it's face after the PS2?

I did not call for it, tough I was ready and accepted the idea that it could be a possibility. Sony had no backup plan tough, while Nintendo has ( dedicated handhelds). Sonys only chance would have been going fully third party.

Never the less they had other business segments on which they could rely (movies, music, electronics, banking, etc.) while Nintendo is gameing only. The question still remains if Sony can survive in the industry, but the same can be said about Nintendo.

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even though you work mainly on asumptions and rumours here, if true, which isnt a crazy idea, i would completely agree with you

enditall727 said:

@hivycox lol i was agreeing with everything until you went and blamed it all on Sony. WTF!?

Why do you all always blame Sony? This is not Sony's fault. ..the hell you gonna sit here and blame Sony for Nintendo's lost support

Nintendo chose their own path and its not Sony's fault

I didn't say its all Sony's fault! I just stated if my assumptions are true than its up to Sony whether or not Nintendo will get EA's support!
If someone carries the entire fault than it would be EA!

TripleMMM said:

Atleast I let someone else step up to shine. :D

Team Nintendomination: UNITE ! :D

Chandler said:

I haven't read anything in this thread but my fanboy head tells me that it went like this:

EA threatened to not support any console that would allow used games without any sort of compensation. Microsoft and Sony agreed to it and Nintendo didn't so EA said fuck you, 2 out of 3 is good enough for us, Nintendo you're out.

Sony successfully managed to tiptoe around this topic at their conference but Microsoft didn't and the internet blew up about it.
Sony sees this, gets cold feet because their next console is basically do or die for them (in the video game industry) and bails out.
EA will probably be like "Shit, we can't live with only one console, so yeah, I guess we still bring games to you Sony".
Microsoft will be like "Hey, wtf, wait a minute, we took this blow for you and now you fuck us over? We'll bail out, too. No used games policy on Xbone either!".
EA: "Well, ok, we tried to enforce this, can't do anything about it when all of you are pussies and bail out."

MS & Sony: "So what about Nintendo?"

All: "Loooool fuck theeeem"

And this is how I justify boycotting EA in my head. This and the fact that they can't produce good games anymore.

Post of the day.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

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Yep, Ninty's got balls and has been doing things it's own way, for better or worse, for many years now. It will take a lot more than lacking EA support to chnage that.

Nintendo Network ID: DaRevren

I love My Wii U, and the potential it brings to gaming.

KHlover said:
bananaking21 said:
KHlover said:
bananaking21 said:
i reckon you havent seen the playstation move

Yeah, I agree. Releasing a controller with almost no support at all and expecting it to do well is a ballsy move (heh). Not that the WiiMotion+ was any different, it is just that Sony lost the gamble :P ....making me think:

You know who really had balls? THQ. Expecting to be able to sell millions of drawing tablets aimed at kids to the Sony hardcore crowd...BALLS.OF...



it was a joke....... what is the top of the PS move ? a glowing ball.....

And you think my answer was completely serious? Note to self: Use more emoticons

lol i just had a bad long day, thats probably why i didnt get it 

DevilRising said:
pokoko said:

Then you won't be buying anything.  Anyone who believes that Nintendo or Sony isn't as greedy as Microsoft is fooling themselves completely.

Honestly, I have no idea why some people look at Nintendo with rose-tinted glasses in this regard.  Nintendo is the company that once lost third party support because of greed.  They're the company that tried to rule the gaming industry with an iron fist and got shot down to Earth for it.  This is the company that had the arrogance to attempt to sell the 3DS at a massive, unprecedented profit, simply because they thought people would fall for it.

If Nintendo isn't supporting DRM, then it's a business and/or technical decision, not because they only care about making people happy.


Nintendo never lost third party support due to "greed". Anyone who believes that is a fool. Third parties made a TON of money and established still-to-this-day-running franchises on Nintendo consoles, even the SNES, by which time Nintendo had greatly relaxed third party publishing policy. That policy was originally implemented as a risk cutting measure for brining the NES to NA, as they had seen what had happened with the crashed American video games market. It crashed specifically because systems like Atari just allowed anyone at all to put out games for their console, and it flooded store shelves with crap that people got tired of. That isn't to say that Yamauchi's policies weren't still that of a somewhat ruthless businessman. They were. BUT, it's not as if they did it without cause, just because. And again, they relaxed those policies in the 16bit era. If third party companies hated Nintendo for these policies, they would have jumped ship to the popular-in-America Genesis console, and Game Gear. But no, for the large part, they stuck with SNES and Game Boy, or at least developed for both. Companies like Konami and Capcom eventually put out games for Genesis, but only sparingly, and their best stuff still came out on NIntendo consoles. Square and Enix both continued to exclusively put their games on SNES and Game Boy. That does not seem like the actions of companies that held Nintendo in contempt for their stringent NES-era policies.

What DID happen, which has been more than well documented, is that Nintendo decided to stick with catridges for the N64, and several third party companies decided to go more with the Playstation, not because they hated Nintendo, nor because they preferred Sony. But because they wanted to use the cheaper, and more expansive CD format. End-Of-Story. Companies like Midway, Enix, Acclaim, EA, Activision, THQ, Namco, Konami, etc. still made games for the N64. It isn't as if there was some mass exodus. And honestly, if the N64 had used CDs, you could bet your ass that the majority of games like FF7, Symphony of the Night, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, X-Men vs. Street Fighter, the further MMX games, etc. etc. would have appeared on Nintendo's console, either exclusive or at least as multiconsole games. That is literally the entire story to be found there. And quite frankly, I don't think Nintendo sticking with cartidges was really a "Greed" move, because it certainly cost them potential support, and arguably that generation, even though the N64 was still a successful console with some of the highest selling games.

And as for the quip about Nintendo having the "arrogance" to sell the 3DS at it's original price? Please. People were happy to pay similar money for a Vita. The 3DS 3D technology was fairly new and certainly not cheap. The price cut they instigated had them selling at a loss for awhile. And I seem to remember the original DS selling for somewhere around the same price as well, at launch. So I honestly don't know what the hell you're talking about there.

Is Nintendo going to do some kind of used-game blocking scheme? I sure hope not. But I honestly kind of doubt they will. There is third party pressure from CERTAIN companies for the industry to go in that direction. But Nintendo understands, I think, that most hardcore Nintendo gamers buy games for keeps, and their games tend to sell well enough on average for them to not really be bothered by the prospect of the used games market. Which makes EA and MS' move more disengenuous, because both EA and MS' big franchises also tend to sell in the millions. So it's not as if the used market is costing THEM anything substantial. It's only smaller developers that might be hurt by used games sales, and people not buying new game copies. But at the same time, smaller developers are also starting to migrate towards digital. So..........really, the entire industry move makes little real sense. It just stinks of corporate greed.

And on a final note, while I have no doubt that Nintendo is a business out to, above all else, make money. If I honestly thought they didn't really care about their fans or "the gamer", they wouldn't still to this day be making "Nintendo" kinds of games. If ALL they wanted was money, they would have long ago abandoned many of their own IPs, for the more recent trends of shooters, ultra-violent games, and "Western Inspired" game design, like many of the other big Japanese publishers have. Nintendo hasn't, and won't, do that. They know what they do well, and they know the long-time, and new kinds of fans they make their games for. And personally, I'm GLAD they haven't changed. Thank God there is still a few companies like Nintendo out there who make games that actually appeal to me, and not just more cookie-cutter, "me too" garbage like most of the rest of the industry shits out there days.

Rut roh, looks like someone got upset that I suggested that Nintendo might be a for-profit corporation rather than a group of elves making games in a tree-top workshop.  Please forgive me!

Oh.  OHH.  I see, Nintendo's moves only LOOKED like they were ruthless but they were really death-grips of love.  I SEE NOW.  Nice to know.  Can't fault that kind of logic.  I'm sure that publishers who protested that they weren't making money with Nintendo were lying.  Of course.

As far as parallax barrier technology being new, are you serious?  I mean, no, honestly, are you serious about that?  Sure, that makes sense, as the lawsuit that Nintendo just lost hinged on a patent that was filed in 2003 and Sharp has been using it for quite awhile.  Have you even seen the materials estimates for the 3DS?  As I said, they were making a huge profit.  That's what the hell I'm talking about.   Honestly, I can't believe that someone would still be defending that.  Of course, I get the impression that you would have defended it had it been $1000, so I guess this is kind of a dead-end discussion.

Ah, and now you climb on your soapbox again about how Nintendo games are pure and wonderful and filled with unicorns and rainbows.  Bloody hell.  They make platformers, dude.  Games where you jump on stuff to kill it instead of using guns.  That's great and everything, and awesome for people who like it, but damn, some people need to get the hell over themselves for thinking that's something sent from the bloody gods themselves.

The bias is just built into people and nothing will change that. Nintendo knows, and has always known that it relies on consumers for its business and it does not want to alienate them. Just look at some of the reasons people are giving not to give them props for not going the DRM route.

I have been a PC gamer since 94. This is the first console I have owned since the Snes. The reason I went with Nintendo is they have a much better reputation that Sony or MS.
Sony will one month say Nintendo is for children, then they copy their ideas.
Sony sold a faulty PS2 that was so bad they got sued and lost. MS stepped up before Sony did
Sony called most of its user base ignorant/poor people who needed Sony to tell them what tech they needed and they'd work two jobs to get it.
Sony promised day 1 superiority with 4D graphics and that 30ft enemy crabs were part of Japans history.
MS has crippled the PC market for years with dirty business tactics
MS is trying to change gaming into a nickel and dime service
MS and Sony are trying to be the PC. I already have a PC and since they are both x86 based I will be able to play all their games for free.
I'll admit I am a bit bias. Even though my Sony list has more than the MS list I will support Sony long before I support MS.

@pokoko, Yes its a business decision. One in which they sided with consumers like me and I appreciate them for that. What will it be if Sony doesnt use DRM but a business decision? Yet people act like that decision makes Sony the better company, when they havent even said their stance on it, but peopleplay down Nintendo doing it as "just a business decision".

Zelda, Metroid, Fzero,PunchOut, are platformers? Hmm interesting. Your hate for them runs too deep for logic and reason to ever get through to you pokoko.

BTW you response makes you look 12. They makes valid points but you try to belittle them like you are talking to a child and trying to pretend they got their feelings hurt which is honestly a schoolyard tactic used to impress people into thinking what you are saying is right and the other persons wrong. It honestly shows that you really cant backup your opinion with anything valid.