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Forums - Website Topics - What was your first post?

Dolla Dolla said:

It did change, konnichiwa.


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 You almost got me =p.

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I think i made my own thread intoducing myself. Lol

Current Consoles: Xbox 360 Elite, Playstation 2, Gaming Rig, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3.

Xbox Live: Jessman_Aus - Playing: Ace Combat 6, Fifa 09

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Jessman: Fears the Mangina



Weezy's first post ... wow

it was in a smash bros. thread
forgot which one

Dolla Dolla said:
Weezy's first post ... wow

Ah, the memories.



I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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From Metroid:Corruption - NA sales prediction thread...

BenKenobi88 said:
MontanaHatchet said:
Some of you are a little optimistic. Metroid is a big game, sure, but it has a LOT of competition in August, as shown in this beautiful thread...

This will likely get me slaughtered, but August will be a 360 month. Everyone will buy Madden and Bioshock, no one will have money left for Corruption. I'd put it at...

110-120k first week...

550k by end of September...

Million seller by 08!

Uh...plenty of people who own a Wii will definitely buy Metroid. I hear people talking about Metroid, and I didn't even think they would know what Metroid is. Obviously Madden will outsell it, and probably Bioshock too...but if you're implying that people that own both a 360 and a Wii can't afford 3 games...then pssh for you.

I totally have to agree there. This game is very well hyped and I've read from several sites (in general, they're about even on the harshness scale) that it's the best controled FPS on any console ever. I think it will do well enough within the hardcore crowd to sell out the first week (so I'll say 225k first week) and slow down to about 1/3 or 2/7 of that by the end of September, leading to about 625k (roughly calculated using an exponential sequence) sales or so by then. I love this game, and for that I'm going to put end of the year sales at 1.1 million.

First Week: 225k
End of Semptember: 625k
End of the Year: 1.1mil

But why such a high end of the year number? Well, I think atleast 700-800k can be expected of the hardcore crowd. This is the FPS for a system that shows so much potential for them. I don't care if it's the least of the Big Three, it's still very big. I'm banking on the controls and the genre for the other 300-400k sales. I think it will work quite like the Wii did with word of mouth and first hand experience leading to getting one of their own (oh, and hopefully a nice marketing strategy). I'm thinking the controls, while certainly not as simple as something like Wii Sports, will be so intuitive that casual gamers will be able to play the game (proficiently, not in a pro manner) within thirty minutes.

Couple the above idea with the fact that all the 12 year old kiddies think that FPS = hardcore and mature and teh pwnzorz and I think the game should do well (okay, Metroid is extremely mature and undoubtedly not a casual game and looks to be very good, but that's not the point).



It was a tad longer than Soriku's.

Mine was an introduction post in offtopic.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Weezy remembered it perfectly. Lol, here's his first post:

SONY future plans...

1. Copy Nintendo.

2 .Copy Nintendo.

3. Copy Nintendo.

4. Copy Nintendo.

5. Look for someone else to copy.

6. Lie to their brainless consumers...

OOPS! did i say that last one out loud?

Yikes, I was a windy bastard right off the bat:

"A real quick lesson for those of you wondering about ping... Fibre cables will help slightly, but they won't fix the problem... Ever. Physics and the speed of light are where the real problem lies.

Light travels at roughly 186,000 miles per second in a vacuum. That equates to roughly 3000 miles in 1/60th of a second. To ping something, a signal has to leave your computer, reach the host, and return the signal. So you can cut that 3000 mile number in half for the initial and return signals, turning it to 1500 miles. Add in slight delays in hardware, routing, processing, etc. and that number drops even further. Add in even a few more delays in the stall time between another player contacting the host being offset slightly from your own connection (say you're both half a heartbeat off kilter, add another 1/90th of a second to the communication time).

So, to reach Sega's magic number of 1/60th of a second response time, rough math tells me that in a perfect world with a perfect internet connection, I couldn't play anyone farther away from me than Denver or so (I'm in the Los Angeles area). Now do people really need that kind of response time? No, they really don't in most games, but fighters are their own special entity that rely on twitch gaming even more heavily than do shooters. In short, don't expect improved connections to help one damned bit in future online gaming. You could have a 256k DSL connection or a 10 MB T1 connection, the inherent problems of ping and online gaming are still there."

I was soooooooo tempted to edit that post right now and change it to "You're an idiot, Soriku." just for this thread.

Or check out my new webcomic:

Mine was a thread entitled "Site looks like crap in Firefox" =P

The problem was fixed =)

I'm sure I'm not the worst or the best first post...but interesting nevertheless.

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