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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Am I the only one who doesn't understand people saying the PS4 reveal was amazing compared to Xbox One?

S.T.A.G.E. said:
BenVTrigger said:


True Bungie was a very smart choice. And certainly made some buzz.

Blizzard however seemed to fall flat. Diablo didn't really create much buzz and their user base is mostly on PC. Not the mainstream demographic.

but yes Bungie was VERY smart move by Sony.

InFamous also had a very strong chance of building appeal in a new gen where they have a fresh start. Sony bought Sucker Punch for a reason, they believe in this IP and they want to see it throught and many other titles with them. Some companies just work better with Sony than outside of them ::Cough::Insomniac::Clears throat::. Knack has a definite audience whom are the Jak N Daxter, Rachet and Clank crowd, but they have a chance to expand that even further next gen. The guy who made it is considered the Miyamoto of Sony. I think he's also responsible for Crash Bandicoot if I am not mistaken. I think more details need to be shown abot Knack. I believe E3 will fill in the gaps. Killzone...well I just love its gritty, realistic style so thats the perfect launch game to prep me for whats to come on the PS4.

I agree and both Killzone and Infamous were good choices for the reveal.

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BenVTrigger said:

Eh we've gotten some pretty deep discussion in the thread rolling about that.

pretty much 90% of the time I talk about this stuff I'm referring to market trends and sales not individual stuff. Something that gets lost on a lot of people here. I'm more of an old school style member here like guys like mrstickball were back in the day. That's why I post here.

I'm just telling you that aside from that edit in your OP, it is assumed by default that you're talking about opinions just like everyone else. You used words like "mind blowing showcase" and "incredible", which make people naturally think about their own subjective opinions rather than their affect on the market. Also, people should not have to read the entire thread to get the point of the thread - that's what the OP is for.

Anyway, I have only seen a few posters running around saying the PS4 will dominate the Xbox in sales. Most people are talking about what they feel of the consoles.

BenVTrigger said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
BenVTrigger said:


True Bungie was a very smart choice. And certainly made some buzz.

Blizzard however seemed to fall flat. Diablo didn't really create much buzz and their user base is mostly on PC. Not the mainstream demographic.

but yes Bungie was VERY smart move by Sony.

InFamous also had a very strong chance of building appeal in a new gen where they have a fresh start. Sony bought Sucker Punch for a reason, they believe in this IP and they want to see it throught and many other titles with them. Some companies just work better with Sony than outside of them ::Cough::Insomniac::Clears throat::. Knack has a definite audience whom are the Jak N Daxter, Rachet and Clank crowd, but they have a chance to expand that even further next gen. The guy who made it is considered the Miyamoto of Sony. I think he's also responsible for Crash Bandicoot if I am not mistaken. I think more details need to be shown abot Knack. I believe E3 will fill in the gaps. Killzone...well I just love its gritty, realistic style so thats the perfect launch game to prep me for whats to come on the PS4.

I agree and both Killzone and Infamous were good choices for the reveal.

Best part...knowing Sony thats just the start. Bring on the new IP's and sequels. Megatonz at E3 I tellz ya!

Jay520 said:
BenVTrigger said:

Eh we've gotten some pretty deep discussion in the thread rolling about that.

pretty much 90% of the time I talk about this stuff I'm referring to market trends and sales not individual stuff. Something that gets lost on a lot of people here. I'm more of an old school style member here like guys like mrstickball were back in the day. That's why I post here.

I'm just telling you that aside from that edit in your OP, it is assumed by default that you're talking about opinions just like everyone else. You used words like "mind blowing showcase" and "incredible", which make people naturally think about their own subjective opinions rather than their affect on the market. Also, people should not have to read the entire thread to get the point of the thread - that's what the OP is for.

Anyway, I have only seen a few posters running around saying the PS4 will dominate the Xbox in sales. Most people are talking about what they feel of the consoles.

Eh I could've probably worded the OP better. Noted.

Well Sony did also show off a controller but a lot of it has to do with bias. Wii U comes with a touch screen= Casual gimmick that wont add to gaming. PS4 comes with an inferior touch pad=Innovation. 6month old port on Wii U means its not next gen and Nintendo is doomed. PS4 gets a year old Diablo 3 port = completely next gen with parts superior to PC hardware.
Many people were all excited because MS and Sony were going to dominate WIi U from day one, but we all knew that would change the minute MS made its announcement. WHen and if Sony makes the same announcement people will suddenly change their mind just like they did when Sony announced Move.

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The Xbox one will lose next gen for sure. The things it has is just ridicules.
it has DRM and no used games. This has been confirmed 100%.

I think cause Sony actually showed games, although the only game that interests me is Knack.
Also, I thought both were kinda boring.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

They showed a lot of games that many were quite impressed by and they showed they are dedicated to the gamer and the games.

BenVTrigger said:

- Make sure you read the thread. This is from a business, marketing, and sales standpoint. Not which console you like more -

Honest question. I simply don't understand why people are acting like the PS4 was this incredible mind blowing showcase.

At the PS4 conference they showed

Knack - Which looks like it could be a decent little platformer

Killzone - Looked great but was expected and nothing revolutionary

Infamous Second Son -same as Killzone

Drive Club - could be a good racer. Not much was shown

Diablo - Which will be multi platform

Destiny - multiplat

Deep Down - likely multiplat

Square Enix - Lol

And good specs.

MS showed a new core IP from Remedy, an improved Kinect, the actual console, a new great controller, a sequel to the biggest gaming franchise in the world with exclusive content, a highlight real of the biggest sports games on a new engine with exclusive content, Forza 5 sequel to the highest average Meta racer ever, 15 exclusives in the first year, NFL partnership, Halo TV show, cool media features.

To me its clear MS focused on mass market and did a better job selling to them than Sony did. That being said Im NOT saying they had a better conference for gamers. In fact Sonys conference was probably better from a "gamers" perspective

Still if you read the comments you would think Sony showed ultra megaton after megaton. Which frankly didnt happen. It looks like a solid system for gamers but honestly wasnt all that impressive either.

E3 should be much better for MS and Sony.

Think about it, Sony was a teaser way before they were ready.

MS' reveal was a planned event.

Does that change things?

I agree. The ps4 conference was very weak. They showed a bunch of sequels and some new IPs which aren't going to be big (knack and driveclub). Microsoft on the other hand showed stuff for gamers and casuals. This thing is going to sell like hot cakes. This console will be beast!