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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS4 has "50% more raw power" in graphics than Xbox One, says report

Munkeh111 said:
LemonSlice said:
Munkeh111 said:
I still maintain cross platform games will look basically the same.

That's like saying that games perform the same on a 180$ graphics card as they do on a 300$ one.

There are lots of things added GPU power can be used for; higher resolution, framerate, AA, detail, shadowing, textures, effects... it's all up to the developer. Even if the game was made with XBox in mind and they look the same on a scaled down still image, they'll have a higher native resolution, better AA, less tearing and will perform smoother, things that granted not all, but a lot of gamers appreciate.

It's definitely not that big. I just don't developers will put that much effort into distinguishing between them

I think you're right. Multiplatform games will severly underutilise the PS4 assets because...lazy developers. It will be left to the first party studios to do all the "dis console be maxed on our game" stuff.

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Jimi Hendrix


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Yes, but 50% isn't all that noticeable. Might not matter at all in the real world. Even the WiiU is less and that might not matter either.

Neither one are where I think they should be - should be 2.5Tflops or close to it. This gen GPU's are a disappoint.

But it's what you can do with your tools not the size. And both Halo 4 and Uncharted 3 have shown you can make fine looking games on the old hardware.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

The key result will end up being nothing to do with sheer power, but instead which console do the developers actually develop a title for, and which console will get the port of the title? While PS3 was a more powerful console than Xbox 360, the difficultly to develop on it meant most devs made games for Xbox 360 and ported them over to PS3, resulting in frame rate drops effecting gameplay. If the PS4 is as nice to develop for as some of the devs are crowing about, this might change.

ethomaz said:
AnthonyW86 said:

And can people please stop calling it Xbox 1, because then you are reffering to the first Xbox. It's One!

I'm not a native English... so are there difference between 1 and One?

The signs you use.

green_sky said:

Anyone know where is the secret sauce that was promised. Was that Kinect? Also graphics be damned. Both are going to do 1080P native (hopefully). It would be nice to get higher frame rates though.

Personally I don't care if a game is 720p or 1080p. I would definitely prefer a 720p-game with decent framerate and good AA over a game with 1080p, sloppy framerate and especially no A.

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While the Xbox One boasts incredible integration/technology. Theyre shifting their focus on an audience not made for this type of market. This can either be a disaster or a major success.


sales2099 said:
Wasn't PS3 being boasted for similar things?

In the end, because multiplats are the bulk of libraries, they will be made to tailer to Xbox and PS4, and they will be made as equal as possible.

Only exclusives can set them apart, but I suspect even then the graphics gap will be minimal.

The main difference now compared to the days of old is that the dev's wont have a hard time programing the x86 architecture compared to the Cell so we should see better graphics faster and not at the end of the consoles life cycle as with the PS3.

And I agree with you 100 percent about graphics gap there really isnt much seperating the PS4 and the Xbox one apart from the ram selections.


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walsufnir said:
green_sky said:

Anyone know where is the secret sauce that was promised. Was that Kinect? Also graphics be damned. Both are going to do 1080P native (hopefully). It would be nice to get higher frame rates though.

Personally I don't care if a game is 720p or 1080p. I would definitely prefer a 720p-game with decent framerate and good AA over a game with 1080p, sloppy framerate and especially no A.

Agree. Solid framerates were not a priority this generation. Let's see if that changes. The games that actually had smooth framerates were mostly sub HD like COD. Should be exiting to see what developers do with the "power". 

HoloDust said:
flagstaad said:
HoloDust said:

More - if WiiU's GPU is indeed 320 shader part as rumored, then One is around 5x WiiU and PS4 is around 7-8x.

360 is around 8x Wii. (this is educated guess after lot of time researching the matter back in a day)

Ok, so lets say One is 4.5x Wii U based on your numbers and DieAppleDie numbers. If Xbox One is used as the main console for development and the difference is not as big as the last generation, could the WiiU get more support?

Will the third parties take advantage of the extra power of the PS4, or they will develop only thinking on the One?

I think in theory WiiU could get much more support - then again (I posted this in some other thread) I think it's really the combination of 2 separate problems with 3rd party support and WiiU - first being user base, and second being weak hardware. Later cannot be changed (unfortunately), otherwise I believe we would most certainly see way more support no matter the user base, but I'm not sure that problem number 1 will (or could) be fixed any time soon.

As for development, the way things look now, I'm not so certain One will be lead platform...unlike current gen where 360 had more or less the same power as PS3, but was much easier to work with, PS4 seems to have quite a bit more power that can be easily tapped...and devs seems to like it a lot.

ps4 and one's userbase is 0 right now. and weaker than competition =/= weak.

So it's a PS4 chopped into 3 bits and 2 of those bits taped together?