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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA upset with Nintendo for not blocking used games? Possible pressure from EA for Sony to follow?

joeorc said:

this does not sound like its dodging the Question:

I sat down with Yoshida a few hours after the PS4 reveal tonight and one of the first things I asked was whether used games would be blocked.

"Do you want us to do that?" he asked.

No, I said. I think, if you buy something on a disc, that you have a kind of moral contract with the person you've bought it from that you retain some of that value and you can pass it on.

Do you agree, I asked?

"Yes. That's the general expectation by consumers," said Yoshida. "They purchase physical form, they want to use it everywhere, right? So that's my expectation.

No one ever said you couldn't "play" used games... just that there will be a fee associated with it. For MS that fee (at this time of understanding) is 100% on all games. For Sony its "up to the (individual) publishers".

How did so many people miss this tidbit that was prominent on many sites just after the feb 20th event?

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I won't buy any EA game, so I won'tbuy or sell used EA games. I think they can now be so haaappppy...

AstroMaSSi rules

superchunk said:

No one ever said you couldn't "play" used games... just that there will be a fee associated with it. For MS that fee (at this time of understanding) is 100% on all games. For Sony its "up to the (individual) publishers".

How did so many people miss this tidbit that was prominent on many sites just after the feb 20th event?

And no where has that fee been confirmed!, just because Sony is leaving it up to the publisher does not mean they will impliment it. And even Microsoft has stated it is not finished about their xboxlive network features for xbox one yet.


because Microsoft may do it, does not mean Sony will. How many year's have people claimed that Sony would have no other choice to move playstation Network to a required Paid service..and yet its still free, an not required. Sony has Playstation+ and Playstation Home both generating Income!


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

JGarret said:
It does explain EA dropping those online passes.

That´s sad.

Damn, that's a good point.

Most people in that thread were just expecting something worse to come along, and this might be it.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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aikohualda said:
so EA wants to be in Gamstop shit list?
maybe gamestop would push nintendo now...... if ever they would be the only company to retain the used games
oh well gamestop is doomed anyways.. and nintendo

That could be interesting.  I wonder how EA would feel if Gamestop decides to not carry any EA games?

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

Now Playing
Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
3DS - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Trilogy) (2005/2014)
Mobile - Yugioh Duel Links (2017)
Mobile - Super Mario Run (2017)
PC - Borderlands 2 (2012)
PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

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I new something was a foot...

This is the beginning of the end, if Microsoft doesn't do something about this...

Cripes! A youtuber by GamersGettingPlayed said this for about TWO GENS AGO!!! x_x

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!

if sony pulls the same shit as microsoft, i am flipping to pc and wii u combo. I buy used games and i have shit internet connection, so this affects me significantly. i am so pissed off the industry is moving towards this direction

RolStoppable said:
Panama said:
I like how EA were adamant they weren't the worst company in America due to the atrocities other companies commit, yet here they are, continuously shitting all over the industry and the consumer.

Careful. Lately we had a bunch of people who were calling for protection for EA for these kinds of posts.

John Riccitiello posts on VGChartz?

theprof00 said:
Didn't EA just say like a month ago how they were no longer interested in pursuing DRM?

Exactly for this reason. Do you really think EA would have stopped using online passes if it wasn't for the Xbox One and possibly PS4 blocking used games. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

PS4 will support it I think, but it will be optional. Haven't Sony confirmed 1st party titles won't use it? I suspect the likes of EA and Activision will want to implement it.

However, as Persona 4: Arena confirmed, PS3 can use region locking on games, however in the whole lifespan of PS3, Persona 4: Arena is the first and currently only game to implement it.

If people stick to their principles on this and kick up enough of a fuss (i.e. don't buy titles that are locked in that way) and they realise they're bleeding money as a result, it'll soon stop on PS4 and in Xbox One's case it'd soon be patched out. But only if it hurts them financially. At least if it's optional on PS4. the message can be sent out through voting with your wallet.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.