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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I Wish Microsoft Never Entered The Gaming Business (From a Nintendo POV)

MegaDrive08 said:
There's nothing wrong with the WiiU, it's gonna be a cracking console, if your so bothered about specs get a gaming pc, Sony/Microsoft can play at been gaming companys but there not, I'll support a company with history and tradition, How anyone can call themselfs a gamer and not support a "gaming" company, the only real one left, then your not a true gamer in my eyes, maybe if you supported Nintendo 3rd party games would sell better and would have better hardware, support the heart and soul of the industry Nintendo!!

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lol? Wii isn't Gamecube's successor? Pretty sure SMG, LoZ:SS, MKWii, SSBB, Metroid 3, and so ons had previous installments on the GC. Just cause they added the Wii series into mix doesn't change that.
Also, different is good, and competition usually creates differences. It gives us consumers choices. If you don't like what Nintendo's doing, simply get a different system.

Einsam_Delphin said:
lol? Wii isn't Gamecube's successor? Pretty sure SMG, LoZ:SS, MKWii, SSBB, Metroid 3, and so ons had previous installments on the GC. Just cause they added the Wii series into mix doesn't change that.
Also, different is good, and competition usually creates differences. It gives us consumers choices. If you don't like what Nintendo's doing, simply get a different system.

To me it isn't in a lot of ways. It was a dramatic philosopical shift from Nintendo and end of a lot of their 2nd party alliances as they moved into an area focusing on soccer moms/non-gamers. I think you're missing the point of what I'm saying, I'm not saying there's anyhting wrong with MS in fact I am quite concilartory with regards to their success and role in the industry.

The system I wanted was a real successor to the SNES, which the GameCube might've grown into had it had a more wide open market to work with. I'll be the first to admit Nintendo made many mistakes. The Wii was not that system though, neither is the Wii U really.

badgenome said:
MegaDrive08 said:
There's nothing wrong with the WiiU, it's gonna be a cracking console, if your so bothered about specs get a gaming pc, Sony/Microsoft can play at been gaming companys but there not, I'll support a company with history and tradition, How anyone can call themselfs a gamer and not support a "gaming" company, the only real one left, then your not a true gamer in my eyes, maybe if you supported Nintendo 3rd party games would sell better and would have better hardware, support the heart and soul of the industry Nintendo!!

I love me some Jennifer Lawrence!

I don't feel like reading your thread just because of the title.

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I cannot imagine how shitty online play would be still to this day had MS not ripped the torch from Sega's cold, dead hands and carried it on.

The GCN may or may not have sold more, there's no guarantee that gamers who went the way of MS would have went Nintendo, especially at the 55-100% clip you speculate on in the OP.

Nintendo has no one to blame but themselves. They went with the weak hardware and different control method. It worked for them last gen, but then they're the ones who again went with weak hardware and another different control method. They are the ones who picked the terrible name.

They have tons of money in the bank. They should have been more aggressive snatching up 3rd party games and studios, and made more powerful hardware.

Soundwave said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
lol? Wii isn't Gamecube's successor? Pretty sure SMG, LoZ:SS, MKWii, SSBB, Metroid 3, and so ons had previous installments on the GC. Just cause they added the Wii series into mix doesn't change that.
Also, different is good, and competition usually creates differences. It gives us consumers choices. If you don't like what Nintendo's doing, simply get a different system.

To me it isn't in a lot of ways. It was a dramatic philosopical shift from Nintendo and end of a lot of their 2nd party alliances as they moved into an area focusing on soccer moms/non-gamers. I think you're missing the point of what I'm saying, I'm not saying there's anyhting wrong with MS in fact I am quite concilartory with regards to their success and role in the industry.

The system I wanted was a real successor to the SNES, which the GameCube might've grown into had it had a more wide open market to work with. I'll be the first to admit Nintendo made many mistakes. The Wii was not that system though, neither is the Wii U really.

I would have loved a GameCube 2! (In hardware and target market, not sales) The Wii was such a step down for Nintendo, but the Wii U is half a step in the right direction. It is a shame sales don't reflect that.

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

i agree with the op.. i love the og xbox and sounds like op does too. a lot of good points for a 'what if' situation.

It's kind of in the same way a Sega fan may muse about "what if" Sony never entered the game business. Well in that scenario, likely Sega would've probably still be making hardware today.

Without the Playstation, the Saturn despite all its mistakes probably would've gained moderate traction and the Dreamcast moreso, at least letting Sega keep their head afloat.

That's not to say Sony is "evil", it's just kind of wondering the what the game industry might be like in a different way.

Because lets be honest, a lot of the charm from the game industry went away when the Sega of old died.

Well it's a fact that the Wii is the Gamecube's successor. I mean, physically the only real differences between it and the cube are motion controls, online features, n better graphics. It was marketed differently but why does that matter to you? It got them the sales the GC didn't have, which is good for them, means nothing for you. And here's yet another why do you care. The philosophy doesn't matter as long as we get the goods, which we did. Also I never said anything about you saying Microsoft is wrong or whatever. Only that you're caring too much about insignificant things and not enough about the games themselves, which are what matters most as they're what make the system, not the actual system itself.