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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why do some people never have anything good to say about Nintendo on this site? Nintendo gamer's, Set an example today, and do not be negative!

As long as mods allow them to do that it will continue happening

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

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Its true. Unfortunely i find those are the people that arent the brightest. They are easily influenced by what the "popular internet opinion" is and try to side with them to have a laugh. Nintedo Directs are a wonderful means to deliver news and excite the fanbase.
The only people who dont feel this are those that do not have Nintendo systems and thus hate on it in an effort to justify their own choices.

In short, they feel left out so they try to downplay the excitement.

If you want it more clearly: They are butthurt.

spurgeonryan said:
theprof00 said:
Nintendo fans should've sided with Sony fans. Instead, they decided to talk a lot of shit about the Vita alongside the 360 fans.
I'm not saying I'm out for revenge, in fact I own a wiiU (though still waiting for games), and am planning on getting a 3dsxl soon.
But the simple fact is, you talk shit about a console not selling well, and you might get bit. That's just how it goes.

Ok. Make a thread about it. Do you see Nintendo gamers going in the Vita thread and ruining your day? No. Make a thread about it so that I can ignore it and the rest of the guys who hate nintendo can go in there and laugh all day long.

Hey, you just have the same position as me spry. I don't talk any shit, but still have to deal with shit-talking, and endless doomed comments. We're in the same boat, so stop alienating me (like you are right now) because I know you don't talk shit, and neither do I, yet we still both have to deal with people who do.

Success of NDS, Wii and 3DS is hard to swallow for most of them, understand one thing the success of Nintendo is success build upon unique thinking, this is in direct contrast to success of Sony and Microsoft, the success of MS and Sony is build upon appealing to most primitive instinct in society -the instinct of mob, just look at their most successful games there is blood, brutality and licensed sport simulators, exactly things that are appealing to mob.

On the other hand Nintendo success is without this, no wonder the mob scream, because they constantly failing (and they can't) to understand that not every body is interested in this.

theprof00 said:
Nintendo fans should've sided with Sony fans. Instead, they decided to talk a lot of shit about the Vita alongside the 360 fans.
I'm not saying I'm out for revenge, in fact I own a wiiU (though still waiting for games), and am planning on getting a 3dsxl soon.
But the simple fact is, you talk shit about a console not selling well, and you might get bit. That's just how it goes.

Help my memory out would you. Did the 3DS come before or after the Vita?

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

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Gotta learn to take the good with the bad. I love Nintendo, I support them every way I can. But I also have been very critical of them the last few weeks. Maybe I expected too much of ND today. I honestly was excited for it this morning, but I was quite disappointed after the presentation was over.

Were you honestly satisfied with Nintendo's presentation this morning?

I felt they could have did better. As a Wii U owner, I didn't walk away with anything too exciting to talk about other than using wii motes on the gamepad.

speaking for myself, im frustrated with nintendo because i know they can do better and it feels like such a half assed attempt with the wiiu. there is about nothing that makes me want a wiiu, not the price and not just for nintendo games. and thats sad because ive wanted every nintendo system they ever launched and bought them. so when its time to criticize nintendo gets it just like any other company that screws up, sony and being down forever, M$ always on rumor, rare sucks, etc. Its just those are being fixed or set straight while nintendo goes and faps behind closed doors at e3 watching the competition steamroll any attempt to come back. they just rolled over and thats sad.

especially when now gamecube numbers are much better than wiiu now, now i guess we use dreamcast numbers now? no one is going to risk the capital for wiiu development when there is so much to use on the ps4/720. it reminds me of what ive been playing for 8 years already on the 360/ps3,i already have a wii with just nintendo games this isnt the wii for me, maybe U


Hater gonna hate, that´s all

Chandler said:
theprof00 said:
Nintendo fans should've sided with Sony fans. Instead, they decided to talk a lot of shit about the Vita alongside the 360 fans.
I'm not saying I'm out for revenge, in fact I own a wiiU (though still waiting for games), and am planning on getting a 3dsxl soon.
But the simple fact is, you talk shit about a console not selling well, and you might get bit. That's just how it goes.

Help my memory out would you. Did the 3DS come before or after the Vita?

after the 3ds, which was after the ps3.

theprof00 said:
Chandler said:
theprof00 said:
Nintendo fans should've sided with Sony fans. Instead, they decided to talk a lot of shit about the Vita alongside the 360 fans.
I'm not saying I'm out for revenge, in fact I own a wiiU (though still waiting for games), and am planning on getting a 3dsxl soon.
But the simple fact is, you talk shit about a console not selling well, and you might get bit. That's just how it goes.

Help my memory out would you. Did the 3DS come before or after the Vita?

after the 3ds, which was after the ps3.

You mean like, after the WIi, or, after the Gamecube? Lets go all the way back in the condescending prick-timeline.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.