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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - GameCube Vs. Wii U (Month To Month In NA)

NintendoPie said:
I'm surprised this thread still doesn't have a "Cripple Fight" picture up in here.

They only do that with Pezus..

It is not fair though to compare the Gamecube with the Wii U.  The Gamecube had rivals like PS2/Dreamcast and Xbox around this time while WiiU is still alone on the market so have it more easy.


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Well the GC did incredibly well in North America; if we look at PS3 and 360 data you'll see a similar trend, and I wouldn't be surprised if the GC outsold them in the first year.

It's the Worldwide picture which is key here, as opposed to one area. Sure, the Wii U is doing poorly, no-one is denying that. But trying to hammer home your argument without giving us all of the data is somewhat disconcerting.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Soundwave said:
Ljink96 said:
How do are you guys content enough to compare other consoles to a system with none of Nintendo's huge games on it yet? Just hold it. At least wait until Super Smash Bros 4 or Mario Kart comes out to judge. Nobody is going out to buy a Wii U just for Game&Wario or ports of games that already sold on PS3 and Xbox360. Just give it time. It's not like the PS4 or 720 will sell a million units every day or something.

 I think New Super Mario Bros U is pretty big and Nintendo was hoping that Nintendo Land would've been big too, but I think in that case I think people are just tired of mini-game titles on consoles.

Nintendo Land three or four years ago on the Wii would probably sell 10-20 million copies under a similar concept (Mii based mini-games based around popular Nintendo IP). It's just the time has passed for this idea, and people are not taking to the Wii U tablet.

It's big, bulky, and low tech compared to most people's tablets. It's just not an idea that's gaining traction.

Well the GamePad was Nintendo's share of innovation. They have a regular controller as well. Anybody can make a poweful console. If people only want a powerful console their hopes will be crushed in the future when there will only be so much you can do with a console's power before making it a full blown PC. It may be bulky but it's quite comfortable. If you don't like something, not saying it is actually you, then don't use it. The Wii U has all kinds of other accessory units to play games with. There's even a gamecube accessory. The sad thing is, the Wii U tablet will probably be the most innovatice piece of tech on the gaming market. A share controller and Kinect 2.0 won't be all that great. People will buy a Wii U when they don't feel like they can play it on their xbox or play station. Or, when they feel like they haven't already played it. NSMBU is just like playing NSMBWii with more levels and stuff. We get it, it was new a while ago but not anymore. When will 2D mario get truely interesting again?

GC had a really good launch. Hard to beat for anyone.

Wii U will definitely outsell GameCube. The console game market is SO much bigger than it was in the early 2000's. It's not a niche industry anymore for geeks.

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.

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Really puts it in perspective..

But it's nice to see the Gamecube win a sales thread

A relaunch in November this year and lots of games and the Wii U will probably sell quite well

Barozi said:
GC had a really good launch. Hard to beat for anyone.

It's funny because at the time a lot of people bemoaned the GameCube for having a terrible launch.

No big Mario launch game, nothing to counter Halo, and a post-launch lull that lasted from Jan-April of 2002, was quickly being beaten by both the PS2 and XBox in monthly sales, etc. 

It was all "wait for Mario and Zelda and Metroid to come out!" back then, lol. A lot of Nintendo fans were saying the system doesn't really launch until Super Mario Sunshine comes out and can't be judged until then.

Screamapillar said:
Wii U will definitely outsell GameCube. The console game market is SO much bigger than it was in the early 2000's. It's not a niche industry anymore for geeks.

That is hardly any kind of certainty. Your assuming the market has only grown in volume, but haven't made any allowances for any increase in sophistication. This market is without a doubt far more sophisticated then that market. The only constant being how Nintendo conducts business, and the product that it provides. It not keeping pace with the times may finally catch up with it. Not to mention comparatively speaking the quality has declined steeply. The Wii damaged the image of the company with long time loyalists. The single minded devotion to the casuals the company displayed. Really amounted to them abandoning their long time core audience. The casual audience now being gone, and the core having been burned. Means the console probably can't sell on name alone, but a improvement in delivery is required.

Of coarse we know now that a console can't just sell on name alone. Even die hard brand loyalists have their limits. Sony after all found that out the hard way last generation. When they discovered that there was only so much consumers would pay for a gaming console. Even for one of their consoles. The thing about it is that Nintendo probably doesn't deserve good sales of their console. Given that they have failed to delivery on just about every promise they made to rectify all of their past wrongs to their core player base. Which may have actually lapsed, because of all that bad behavior. They haven't seemed to have learned one thing from all of their past failures.

There is actually a gaping hole in the logic. Performing the same actions over again should not give you a different result. Performing those same actions again, but doing a poorer job the second time. Should actually give you a poorer result. Both consoles if the Wii U goes the distance will get the same first party titles. The difference is the GameCube will have gotten better third party support, and that console enjoyed a more consistent delivery. While the market is bigger now at least on paper. That is only a twenty percent or so increase, and how much of that is due to the casual flood that has largely receded. I guess the real question is how can that market growth possibly cancel out and exceed the decrease in apparent quality.

Soundwave said:
aikohualda said:
do you guys think wii u will out sell GC???

Mario Kart U is really going to have to drive hardware sales and a much cheaper price point because I don't see many people accepting this as their primary console, so it has to be much cheaper.

Mario Kart won't do much. These "core" Nintendo titles have been proven to not sell systems. People didn't buy a Wii to play Mario Kart, they bought Mario Kart because they had a Wii.

Nintendo needs another Wii Sports or Wii Fit phenomena to even come close to the Wii sales. Otherwise, this will sell closer to the Gamecube or N64.