Salnax said:
Console games in general are doing poorly in Japan now. The only "Big" JRPG franchise that sticks mainly to consoles at the moment is Final Fantasy. And, now that I think of it, that was the last console game of any sort to sell a million copies within a year in Japan, selling over a million in three weeks.
I'm sure that when Kingdom Hearts 3 and FF15 come out, the console RPG will do as well as it has since the 7th gen started.
I agree, but Call of Duty might do better then some smaller JRPG's, like Drakengard and stuff. I wish smaller name JRPG's would sell better on Consoles in Japan, it's unfair when you see how well handhelds do.
pezus said:
It's more like the FFXIII brand is beginning to wear out. SE have milked it far too much.
That's true, but smaller name JRPG's won't sell much better. COD is growing, and that's my main rant. More COD = Sad gaming world.