Imma tag :)
Good week for those at the top.
Will MH4 explode until release day or has it hit the limited supply wall?
outlawauron said: Good week for those at the top. Will MH4 explode until release day or has it hit the limited supply wall? |
thats wat im worried about :0 oh well, its going to be big so im sure capcom will brag about sales!
The strange rise in average pre-orders after Pokemon makes me wonder if some people are just ordering Pokemon along with MH. Nintendopie Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)
This weekend will definitely be interesting. Some dropping off, and some exploding.
@Otaku; I think MH4 and X/Y definitely have a positive relationship in the sales department.
Michael-5 said: When do you think we'll see Wind Waker HD make the list? It releases September 26th in Japan. |
Pre-order has to start first.
MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.
saicho said:
Pre-order has to start first. |
tbone51 said:
pre orders been started for 2 weeks now! Didn't you see that sexy box art? |
I just miss seeing WiiU in the top 20...
-Wii Party U, while likely a huge seller, won't have many pre-orders
-Wonderful 101 is looking to bomb
-Wii Fit U also won't have many pre-orders, and it's not releasing until December
-Rayman probably won't cart either
So all I have is Wind Waker U, maybe Sonic, and Super Mario 3D Worlds.
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Not a bad day really. I wonder how many preorder Pokemon and MH in one fell swoop.
A very green day, well green for points I mean.
Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread
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