Slé, Monster Hunter.
Pokémon is a bombastic flop.
Wow...can't wait for Monster Hunter/new 3DS release numbers
wow 78!!
is a new record?
^ even YW2 did 100 some day.
Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.
NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code: SW 7885-0552-5988
jonathanalis said: wow 78!! is a new record? |
Not even close (unless you meant for just this game i dunno :0
At this Rate Monster Hunter could even get over 3000 points
Munchies said: Pokémon is a bombastic flop. |
I'll wait until Monster Hunter is out before I judge. At the moment I would really prefer to reserve a copy of MH than for a pokemon game coming out only in almost 2 month
Can people please remember the time when MonHun 4U was doing single digits on the pre-order charts? In that regard, it was doing worse than Pokémon OR/AS, no?
Anyway...MonHun might actually break 3000 points, assuming they go ahead and break 100 points in one day, at least once.
Anyway, go EO II Untold! Break the records set by Persona Q!
I seriously wonder if MH4G will reach 3000 points..
---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---
miguekatsura666 said: Phantasy Star Nova VS chartz (55 days left) -Freedom Wars: 33 pts (+1) (Ratio 1048:1) (FW physichal sales: 189,634) -God Eater 2: 169 pts (+0) (Ratio 644:1) (FW physichal sales: 264,831) -Phantasy Star Nova: 41 pts (+0) -Toukiden Extreme: < 13 pts (?) (Ratio 1201:1) (FW physichal sales: 86,512) |
keep up the good work!
OT: People asking for Pokemon, here you go (XY numbers are 48 days as no record of 49 days)
XY: 962p ORAS: 705p (798 sales)
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