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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

tbone51 said:

I played pirate warriors (the first one) and seen Red World and there's a clear difference imo. That could influence it alot more than you think.

Really?  I thought Unlimited World Red looked really good for a 3DS game.  At least on par with the Vita version of Pirate Warriors.

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tbone51 said:
Clyde32 said:
Tlozjb said:
I wonder if a miracle could happen, and we see one of the 3 Zelda Musou SKUs chart today.

We might see one because four left the chart yesterday. 

Maybe but expect it later. I do hope it comes this week but its 3 different SKU! (or 2, cuz im not sure everybody gets the third sku)

Does COMG track Amazon Japan or GAMECITY because those are the only two places selling the Treasure Box version (which is #1 on Amazon Japan)...

Kresnik said:
tbone51 said:

PRE ORDERS, just started for Hyrule Warriors!!! It releases in about 80 days, hopefully it can make the charts with in 2months of release :)

I was actually thinking about this today.  I'm really wondering how this game is going to do.

RIght up until recently I've been pegging it as "It'll appeal to Zelda fans and it'll appeal to Musou fans so it should sell really sell"

But I'm not sure that second part is all that true anymore.  Tecmo Koei have made it pretty obvious that if you're a fan of musou games, you'll need to buy a PSV/PS4 going forward or a PS3 currently.  And so I don't know how many of them would actually invest in a whole console just to play a game with similar gameplay in a franchise that they may or may not have any interest in.  Probably pretty low actually (especially in Japan).

So what you're left with is: how many Zelda fans are interested in playing a Zelda game in a new genre; how many musou fans already own a WiiU and how many WiiU owners are willing to try out a new collaboration like this?  S'gonna be interesting to watch.

Definetly TBH if this makes sense, after keeping an eye out for it, at first looked like a Dynasty Warrior game just with Zelda paint on it. But now after magazine came out the game is actually looking like instead its actually a Zelda game with Dynasty Warrior Gameplay Style+Elements! 

The story might even be Canon. The guy who in charge of LoZ is heavily looking into (helping out) this game as well (forgot exactly wat but still pretty exciting).

I checked points on COMG, This game doesn't look like it'll hit anywhere close to DynastyWarior games (ps3) at all! Over 300point games O.o

Kresnik said:
tbone51 said:

I played pirate warriors (the first one) and seen Red World and there's a clear difference imo. That could influence it alot more than you think.

Really?  I thought Unlimited World Red looked really good for a 3DS game.  At least on par with the Vita version of Pirate Warriors.

I dont kno, maybe it just looks slower to me. Something was off. Maybe i should give it a try? One Piece is my Favorite Manga (hence why i had to buy one piece pirate warriors!!!)

sundin13 said:
tbone51 said:
Clyde32 said:
Tlozjb said:
I wonder if a miracle could happen, and we see one of the 3 Zelda Musou SKUs chart today.

We might see one because four left the chart yesterday. 

Maybe but expect it later. I do hope it comes this week but its 3 different SKU! (or 2, cuz im not sure everybody gets the third sku)

Does COMG track Amazon Japan or GAMECITY because those are the only two places selling the Treasure Box version (which is #1 on Amazon Japan)...

No COMG is itson retail stores of about 9-12 in a specific area. We use COMG for good comparisons and expectations :)

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tbone51 said:
sundin13 said:

Does COMG track Amazon Japan or GAMECITY because those are the only two places selling the Treasure Box version (which is #1 on Amazon Japan)...

No COMG is itson retail stores of about 9-12 in a specific area. We use COMG for good comparisons and expectations :)

Oh now Im upset... I really want that Treasure Box. I guess that means import stores like Amiami and Play Asia most likely wont stock it then =(


ryuzaki57 said:

Pirate Warriors 2 opening was 335K on PS3/PSV. It is well over 500K in Japan alone on those two systems that represent a 10-11m install base. Red World 3DS only is 250K after 6 months on a 14m install base. I think the conclusion is very clear : many fans where driven off by the fact it released on 3DS alone.

The only conclusion I see is that Nintendo must have hired some people to do horrible things to you, because your passion to downplay their feats in every possible aspect is incredible.

I'm trying to imagine the reaction of the people in this thread if Hyrule Warriors enters the chartz today.

Clyde32 said:
I'm trying to imagine the reaction of the people in this thread if Hyrule Warriors enters the chartz today.

if it charted today expect an extra 50pages of post :p But it wont imo, tooo soon!

maybe this weekend, but not today. Is too soon to Hyrule Warriors

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