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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Iwata Is Aware That People Believe That WiiU Is Underpowered And Says This Is A Misunderstanding

Cobretti2 said:
Grandia said:
tontus said:
DaRev said:
pezus said:
He fails to mention the consoles that most people WiiU is underpowered compared to. WiiU being underpowered compared to PS4 and most likely Nextbox isn't a misunderstanding, it's fact.

Iwata doesn't fail to do anything, because what he's saying is that you can develop games on the WiiU (yeah it's that simple). He is not comparing the WiiU to any other console - you might want or expect him to to that, but he is not. For example, NBA 2K 14 will come out eventually for all consooles, including the WiiU, so the console is not underpowered. Similarly, the next Modern Warfare and other 3rd party games (Watch Dogs) should be on the WiiU as well, so the console is not underpowered.

What I think Iwata is saying as well is that there is this a seed of crazy thinking being cultivated by people like Epic and Sony and MS, that games have to look a certain way to be a game - this is the misunderstanding Iwata is talking about. I assume the way he plans to change this misundertsnading to make sucessful games on the WiiU (from the second half 2013), and once developers see that their games can sell well on WiiU, regardless of how they look, they will understand that the WiiU is not underpowered.

The only reason games like the next CoD, NBA & Watch Dogs are coming to the Wii U is because they're coming to the PS360, if they were made for the PS4/Xbox Infinite then you can be sure that they wouldn't come to the Wii U, why would developers sacrifice quality/increase budgets just to release on the Wii U when the sales won't justifiy those efforts? In a few years when multiplatform games aren't being made for the PS360 then they'll also stop coming for the Wii U too.

And expecting and wanting significantly more advanced graphics from next generation consoles is not crazy thinking, it's exactly what the vast majority of people expect and want from new consoles. Also more power can help make the gameplay, load-times, & AI etc, better too. Iwata making a successful Nintendo game isn't going to encourage developers to make games for the Wii U anymore than successful Nintendo games encouraged developers to make their games for the Wii. There is no misunderstanding, developers know that they will make more money developing for PS4, Xbox Infinite & PC without having to sacrifice quality for the underpowered Wii U which wouldn't be worth it anyway as only Nintendo exclusives sell well on Nintendo consoles.

There is no big leap in graphics this time, games on PS4 will not look significantly better than on PS 3 or WiiU. There is no possibility for much better looking games, look at games like Uncharted 3 or Gears of War 3 it looks almsot as good as the reality it is not that far away from photo-realistic. How you want to make games that look better than the reality?

All games which will come out for the next generation consoles will be possible with only minor downgrades on the wii u too, the only question is if developers will see enaugh potential to sell games on the wiiu. It has to pay of for them to releas downports for wiiu.

we are no were NEAR reality. There was some article about a week or two ago that said you need about 2PETAFLOPS (or some othe rnumber cant remember) to acheive this.  It equates to 2000 gtx690 cards (so whatever the TFLOPS on this card are)

We are nowhere near reality in a mathematical sense but from a human eye sense we're pretty close.  I'd say the heavy rain is perhaps 60% of the way that the human eye can detect to reality. And with each new major leap in power the improvement that the human I can detect is less and less. Perhaps in the new generation we'll be 75% of the way to reality in terms of the human eye. So not a massive leap compared with last gen.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
RazorDragon said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Grandia said:

All  I saw from Ps 4 could also run on a PS3, Killzone 4 look almost identical to Killzone 2 and 3, there is no space for big improvements anymore. Sure mega nerds who count every pixel separate will see improvements but for almost every other gamer out there there is no difference if you play crysis 3 on PS3 or with the best possible settings on a high end PC. It is not worth wasting money for such minor graphic improvements in my opinion.

This is clearly a lie. PS4 was running KZ4 in real time playable what is above Killzone 2 and 3's cinematic  graphics by multiples. What a joke of a response.

Just like Killzone 2 was running in real time playable at E3 2005? We don't know any of that. It surely looks better than KZ3 and KZ2, still, I absolutely don't think it's a generation ahead in the graphics department.

Dude...that was not a cinematic, that was a demo. It is a generation ahead, you're just in denial about it. PS3, 360 and Wii U are not capable of that. What you saw in the KZ4 demo was stronger than KZ 2 or 3 cinematics. Its the very reason the PS3 isnt getting an Uncharted game until next gen, because Uncharted 3 Pretty much graphically put the PS3 through the ringer for power. Part four will need much more power than the PS3 can dish out and Naught Dog admitted this openly. KZ4 is not possible on the PS3....thats not current gen graphics. The only thing capable of that graphics right now is PC.

Last gen consoles certainly aren't capable of what was shown, I'm not denying this. The amount of geometry alone would be impossible to do with PS3 and 360 GPUs. I'm talking about the end result, which in fact doesn't look a generation ahead of PS3 and 360 games, just like PC games IMO don't look a generation ahead when compared to PS3/360 games, they just look much better, which is Killzone 4's case IMO. N64 to Dreamcast looked a generation ahead. Xbox to Xbox 360 looked a generation ahead(if using a HD TV, of course). This new generation simply doesn't have that wow factor when talking about graphics, sure, they look much better, but it's not 64 to Dreamcast or Xbox to X360 with HD TV better.

About KZ4 gameplay being a real time: we never know.

RazorDragon said:

About KZ4 gameplay being a real time: we never know.

You really are in denial.

Killzone 4 was played live, in front of an audience, by Jimmy Fallon. Care to explain this one? I want to be entertained by the spin you'll come up with.

I find it rather peculiar that you're hell bent on calling Killzone 4's graphics not a generational leap above the current consoles, yet you insist on saying that the demo might not even be real time... If it's not a generational leap above the PS3, why would that be hard to believe it ran in real time? -__-

Quit with the FUD.

Hynad said:
RazorDragon said:

About KZ4 gameplay being a real time: we never know.

You really are in denial.

Killzone 4 was played live, in front of an audience, by Jimmy Fallon. Care to explain this one? I want to be entertained by the spin you'll come up with.

I find it rather peculiar that you're hell bent on calling Killzone 4's graphics not a generational leap above the current consoles, yet you insist on saying that the demo might not even be real time... If it's not a generational leap above the PS3, why would that be hard to believe it ran in real time? -__-

Quit with the FUD.

I'm just saying that we don't know. Just like, for example, it's not known if the Star Wars Kinect E3 2010 demo was real gameplay or not. We know about the final Star Wars Kinect product. Killzone 4 isn't released yet, so it's not possible to be sure if what was shown is real time or not.

Saying that the demo might not be real time isn't the same as saying that it has graphics that seem like generational leaps, you know.

RazorDragon said:
Hynad said:
RazorDragon said:

About KZ4 gameplay being a real time: we never know.

You really are in denial.

Killzone 4 was played live, in front of an audience, by Jimmy Fallon. Care to explain this one? I want to be entertained by the spin you'll come up with.

I find it rather peculiar that you're hell bent on calling Killzone 4's graphics not a generational leap above the current consoles, yet you insist on saying that the demo might not even be real time... If it's not a generational leap above the PS3, why would that be hard to believe it ran in real time? -__-

Quit with the FUD.

I'm just saying that we don't know. Just like, for example, it's not known if the Star Wars Kinect E3 2010 demo was real gameplay or not. We know about the final Star Wars Kinect product. Killzone 4 isn't released yet, so it's not possible to be sure if what was shown is real time or not.

Saying that the demo might not be real time isn't the same as saying that it has graphics that seem like generational leaps, you know.

Nice spin. Ha ha ha

But we know it was real time. They played that part during Jimmy Fallon's show. Why isn't this getting through to your head, I wonder.

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RazorDragon said:
Hynad said:

I'm just saying that we don't know. Just like, for example, it's not known if the Star Wars Kinect E3 2010 demo was real gameplay or not. We know about the final Star Wars Kinect product. Killzone 4 isn't released yet, so it's not possible to be sure if what was shown is real time or not.

Saying that the demo might not be real time isn't the same as saying that it has graphics that seem like generational leaps, you know.

I'm confused, so are you saying the demo people have been playing has been a hoax and its all scripted?  That seems a bit far fetched doesn't it?  I mean I get that you wanted to liken KZ4 to the KZ2 reveal but this seems like you're stretching a bit too much for that.  


KylieDog said:
JazzB1987 said:
When will people finally get some education ?

Underpowered = not powerful enough to do what it was supposed to do.

A bike is not underpowered compared to a car since both can do what they are supposed to do.

My notebook power supply is underpowered. It is supposed to handle around 100watts but it can just deliver 90watts and therefore my Core i3 is down clocked when both GPU and CPU reach 100% load and sometimes I have like 1 FPS for 1 second even tho the games usually have 50. THATS underpowered.

If you "believe" (this has nothing to do with thinking!) that something is not good enough for you then dont buy it. It wont magically become better just because you whine about it it can not LEARN because its a thing. Spam mail devs etc before devices come out and not after it happened.

Get over it.

Thats just moving goalposts.

When people say WiiU is underpowered that are saying it will not produce PS4/360 quality* of games.  And it won't.

*in every way.

So people use wrong words not because they dont know any better but because they do it on purpose? thats much better xD

Try to guess my sentence then (I will also use wrong words now)   "Hurr Durr food pencil chain mouth monkey trunk fish eyelid." (what did I say xD?)

Why do we base quality on PS4? or nextbox?   Mario Galaxy looked better than maybe 50% of PS360 games.
WiiU can (didnt happen yet but it can!) produce better graphics than PS3  so is the PS3 underpowered?  Is every console underpowered compared to the PC?  No? Why doesnt PC count but WiiU and PS4 does?  Because PS3 is old and is from another Generation and PC is not a console? Who said release date matters? Or being a console matters?  Why do people try to force devices into stupid generations when Nintendo clearly has no intention to fit into a generation debate?

What is quality? Graphics? LOL! WiiU can have 5 player sonic allstar racing transformed with 2 screens PS4 (as far as we know) cannot. I can play while taking a sh!t!!! Thats quality!
There is more quality and effort put into Fire Emblem Awakening on the "ancient-tech" 3DS than is in any Uncharted game or Gears of War. Most games dont have FE:A's production value.

You cant just take into account what helps your argument. WiiU is not underpowered its as powerful as it was planned to be if people from the other fanbase or whoever they are can't live with that its solely their problem.

And even if its "underpowered" its out 6 months now people should get over it already. Or dont they have more important stuff to do with their lifes than argue about something they cant change?

Is the PS3 underpowered because Bayonetta on Ps3 was crappier than on 360?  Was the 360 underpowered because FF13 looked better on PS3?

So skip E3 then inform people that you aren't under powered. While the newer more powerful systems come out during the holidays. Is it just me or is something wrong with this stategy.

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.

Hynad said:

Nice spin. Ha ha ha

But we know it was real time. They played that part during Jimmy Fallon's show. Why isn't this getting through to your head, I wonder.

Thanks for the compliment.

Anyway, the "controller problem" Jimmy Fallon and the other guest who also played the game had was strange at best, specially considering that when the Sony guy played, everything seemed to go normally. I'm not saying it wasn't real time, but I also can't be 100% sure that it was running at real time because of what happened during the gameplay.

RazorDragon said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
RazorDragon said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Grandia said:

All  I saw from Ps 4 could also run on a PS3, Killzone 4 look almost identical to Killzone 2 and 3, there is no space for big improvements anymore. Sure mega nerds who count every pixel separate will see improvements but for almost every other gamer out there there is no difference if you play crysis 3 on PS3 or with the best possible settings on a high end PC. It is not worth wasting money for such minor graphic improvements in my opinion.

This is clearly a lie. PS4 was running KZ4 in real time playable what is above Killzone 2 and 3's cinematic  graphics by multiples. What a joke of a response.

Just like Killzone 2 was running in real time playable at E3 2005? We don't know any of that. It surely looks better than KZ3 and KZ2, still, I absolutely don't think it's a generation ahead in the graphics department.

Dude...that was not a cinematic, that was a demo. It is a generation ahead, you're just in denial about it. PS3, 360 and Wii U are not capable of that. What you saw in the KZ4 demo was stronger than KZ 2 or 3 cinematics. Its the very reason the PS3 isnt getting an Uncharted game until next gen, because Uncharted 3 Pretty much graphically put the PS3 through the ringer for power. Part four will need much more power than the PS3 can dish out and Naught Dog admitted this openly. KZ4 is not possible on the PS3....thats not current gen graphics. The only thing capable of that graphics right now is PC.

Last gen consoles certainly aren't capable of what was shown, I'm not denying this. The amount of geometry alone would be impossible to do with PS3 and 360 GPUs. I'm talking about the end result, which in fact doesn't look a generation ahead of PS3 and 360 games, just like PC games IMO don't look a generation ahead when compared to PS3/360 games, they just look much better, which is Killzone 4's case IMO. N64 to Dreamcast looked a generation ahead. Xbox to Xbox 360 looked a generation ahead(if using a HD TV, of course). This new generation simply doesn't have that wow factor when talking about graphics, sure, they look much better, but it's not 64 to Dreamcast or Xbox to X360 with HD TV better.

About KZ4 gameplay being a real time: we never know.

Dude...if you think that wasnt  real time demo...this conversation is already lost. Nintendo is getting nowhere near that within their whole gen. Nowhere.