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KylieDog said:
JazzB1987 said:
When will people finally get some education ?

Underpowered = not powerful enough to do what it was supposed to do.

A bike is not underpowered compared to a car since both can do what they are supposed to do.

My notebook power supply is underpowered. It is supposed to handle around 100watts but it can just deliver 90watts and therefore my Core i3 is down clocked when both GPU and CPU reach 100% load and sometimes I have like 1 FPS for 1 second even tho the games usually have 50. THATS underpowered.

If you "believe" (this has nothing to do with thinking!) that something is not good enough for you then dont buy it. It wont magically become better just because you whine about it it can not LEARN because its a thing. Spam mail devs etc before devices come out and not after it happened.

Get over it.

Thats just moving goalposts.

When people say WiiU is underpowered that are saying it will not produce PS4/360 quality* of games.  And it won't.

*in every way.

So people use wrong words not because they dont know any better but because they do it on purpose? thats much better xD

Try to guess my sentence then (I will also use wrong words now)   "Hurr Durr food pencil chain mouth monkey trunk fish eyelid." (what did I say xD?)

Why do we base quality on PS4? or nextbox?   Mario Galaxy looked better than maybe 50% of PS360 games.
WiiU can (didnt happen yet but it can!) produce better graphics than PS3  so is the PS3 underpowered?  Is every console underpowered compared to the PC?  No? Why doesnt PC count but WiiU and PS4 does?  Because PS3 is old and is from another Generation and PC is not a console? Who said release date matters? Or being a console matters?  Why do people try to force devices into stupid generations when Nintendo clearly has no intention to fit into a generation debate?

What is quality? Graphics? LOL! WiiU can have 5 player sonic allstar racing transformed with 2 screens PS4 (as far as we know) cannot. I can play while taking a sh!t!!! Thats quality!
There is more quality and effort put into Fire Emblem Awakening on the "ancient-tech" 3DS than is in any Uncharted game or Gears of War. Most games dont have FE:A's production value.

You cant just take into account what helps your argument. WiiU is not underpowered its as powerful as it was planned to be if people from the other fanbase or whoever they are can't live with that its solely their problem.

And even if its "underpowered" its out 6 months now people should get over it already. Or dont they have more important stuff to do with their lifes than argue about something they cant change?

Is the PS3 underpowered because Bayonetta on Ps3 was crappier than on 360?  Was the 360 underpowered because FF13 looked better on PS3?