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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Over-rated/Under-rated games

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most underated game of all time is Ridge Racer 5

most overrated of this gen Skyrim

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overrated: Grand Theft Auto IV, Gears of War 2, Heavy Rain, Xenoblade Chronicles, Dishonored

VERY overrated

Assasins creed
God of war
Gears of war

Underrated heavily

Arc rise fantasia
Metroid other M
Need for speed Nitro
Red steel 2
No more heroes 2
Silent hill SM

jamesmarkus87 said:
overrated: Grand Theft Auto IV, Gears of War 2, Heavy Rain, Xenoblade Chronicles, Dishonored

completely agree about Dishonored.  I platinumed it so I really gave it a chance but I never really could get into it.  Just felt clunky and the story was extremely weak.  It just came off as very bland with clunky combat and platforming.

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Michael-5 said:
Jay520 said:
Michael-5 said:
bananaking21 said:
over rated
- batman AA (extremely over rated!)

Why is batman over-rated? 

I thought Batman was amazing, it's the only game where you play a good guy, and you never kill anyone. It's amazing how well they managed to pull that off, but the series is getting milked a bit.

2 games...milked

seems legit.

3 when Origin comes out, and 3 games in 4 years is a bit much.

However I'm not complaining about Batman, they have a good engine, and if they want to release it on PS3/360 with any reasonable amount of success, they had to release one this fall. This is nothing like Halo or Assassin's Creed.

ethomaz said:
Gran Turismo 5 = underrated.

This is where your Avatar is perfect!

gooch_destroyer said:
Oh and I forgot about pokemon as an overrated game

Say wha?

Why because it doesn't deserve the ridiculous sales it gets, or because it doesn't deserve the 8-9/10 scores each main game gets?

If it's the latter I have to disagree. While a lot of new Pokemon are unimaginative, and lame, the mechanics are still solid, and I'm really looking forward to the new game.....even though I feel they ruined Pokemon by making MewTwo evolve...or transform.

Nah man I just never really got into it really. I kinda like the anime back in the day though, But it got overshadowed by DBZ

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kljesta64 said:
most underated game of all time is Ridge Racer 5

Are you joking? or is this game better then recent Ridge Racers? I recall Ridge Racer for N64 wasn't bad.

jamesmarkus87 said:
overrated: Grand Theft Auto IV, Gears of War 2, Heavy Rain, Xenoblade Chronicles, Dishonored

Get out....

DieAppleDie said:
VERY overrated

Assasins creed
God of war
Gears of war

Underrated heavily

Arc rise fantasia

How do you justify the voice acting? No offence, but I almost want to laugh when I watch you tube videos.

Also I diagree with you about Gears of War, I loved that franchise, but I think you have a good list of over-rated don't like shooters much do you?


On Topic: I think InFamous is under-rated. I like it just as much as Uncharted, and a but less then GT, but most people have it on the bottom of their lists.

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DieAppleDie said:
VERY overrated

Assasins creed
God of war
Gears of war

Underrated heavily

Arc rise fantasia
Metroid other M
Need for speed Nitro
Red steel 2
No more heroes 2
Silent hill SM

Hmmm....all Wii games in the underrated list and all HD games in the overrated list. I like it.

Almost every Sony game from this generation is on those extremes. Uncharted and Killzone come first in my mind as the most overrated titles ever from this gen, with Resistance and Disgaea being on the other end, two games that I consider extremely underrated.

Also, Final Fantasy CC Echoes of Time for DS/Wii is probably the most underrated title this gen. After the awesome Ring of Fates, which is my favourite RPG this gen, Echoes of Time got bad scores despite being a overall improvement over the last game.

Michael-5 said:
bananaking21 said:
Michael-5 said:

Hm, our opinions seem to be polar oposites. I actually really dislike god of war because you me, it was just square square square, new weapon, square square, dodge, square.


As for Batman, do you not like Batman the character as well? That could add to the reasons why Batman just didn't work for you.

well you are the one who asked me why i hated the game but yeah its seems like a lot of people enjoyed the game sp i guess thats a good thing. though still believe the only reason some people enjoyed it was because its "batman". i really liked him when i was a kid, when i grew up i didnt hate or like him, i simply didnt care about him or you could say i was impartial about him, that describes it better. after the game i really disliked him and now after the movies and all the people saying how awesome it is while i see it as an abomination to good movies i honestly dispise him

Maybe, but for me, and people I know in person who enjoyed the game, this isn't the case.

I hate Superhero movies/games, I only liked the Batman movies because they were so well executed, and a good popcorn flick. I liked Batman the game, for the gameplay, and the gadgets. I really liked how someone actually made a violent game, with an adult target audience, which has no homicides in it. Actually, I think how they tried to tie the game in with the Badman series hurts the game. I mean look at Mega Joker at the end of AA, if Joker wasn't the villain, that would have been less stupid.

P.S. We are polar oposites on our opinion of Batman/God of War. I feel a lot of people like God of War because of a) tits, and b) blood and graphic decapitation (He ripped off a dudes head in GoW3!). Without that, GoW isn't as huge, and my support for this are the PSP iterations (which I actually like better then the main series).

@bolded - i know, its just something i feel happens when it comes to anything batman related

and yeah i guess we just are the oposite on this case lol atleast we actually enjoy games though not just argue about them

Overrated- GTA IV, FF VII( great game but not even the best FF game), and God of War. Underrated- Sleeping Dogs, Spec Ops the line, the Resistance series, Bioshock 2, Ghostbusters, Future Cop,and the Syphon Filter series.