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Michael-5 said:
Jay520 said:
Michael-5 said:
bananaking21 said:
over rated
- batman AA (extremely over rated!)

Why is batman over-rated? 

I thought Batman was amazing, it's the only game where you play a good guy, and you never kill anyone. It's amazing how well they managed to pull that off, but the series is getting milked a bit.

2 games...milked

seems legit.

3 when Origin comes out, and 3 games in 4 years is a bit much.

However I'm not complaining about Batman, they have a good engine, and if they want to release it on PS3/360 with any reasonable amount of success, they had to release one this fall. This is nothing like Halo or Assassin's Creed.

ethomaz said:
Gran Turismo 5 = underrated.

This is where your Avatar is perfect!

gooch_destroyer said:
Oh and I forgot about pokemon as an overrated game

Say wha?

Why because it doesn't deserve the ridiculous sales it gets, or because it doesn't deserve the 8-9/10 scores each main game gets?

If it's the latter I have to disagree. While a lot of new Pokemon are unimaginative, and lame, the mechanics are still solid, and I'm really looking forward to the new game.....even though I feel they ruined Pokemon by making MewTwo evolve...or transform.

Nah man I just never really got into it really. I kinda like the anime back in the day though, But it got overshadowed by DBZ