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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 made the greatest comeback ever.

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PS3 made the greatest comeback ever

Agree 471 71.04%
Disagree 192 28.96%
oniyide said:
VGKing said:
Machiavellian said:
brendude13 said:
I don't think people understand what the OP is trying to say, either that or they are intentionally ignoring it. He meant the sales comeback of a single console only, not the financial comeback of a company.

It is quite surprising to see the PS3 selling so well after how things were in 2007. 3DS could be compared to it but its poor start didn't last nearly as long.

No I believe people do understand what the OP is talking about and people responding is saying you cannot dismiss the Money Sony had pay in order to come back.  You cannot dismiss Sony going into the red while their competition has stayed in the green.  You cannot dismiss that Sony lost a major market like the US to both their competition.  If it takes 7 years for you to almost catch your competition while you are about to release your next product, then people are defining a comeback in narrow terms.  As a product, that cost you th profits for your first and second gen product, do anybody think SONY believe this is a win.

If the OP would have stated that Sony as a business, making smart decisions to prepare their next console on some good moves and smart choices I will definitely agree.  Because of the competition, Sony had to rethink their business and how they do business.  They have take the strenghts of their competitors and made them strengths of their own while also bring some good features to their services like Plus.  Sony mentality on Indie developers have changed and their thought process on giving the people who will make you successful (Developers) have changed.  Sony as a company I would say made a great comeback.

The PS3, well like some one said, If Sony is willing to pay billions of dollars to gain 2nd place, I am sure MS and Nintendo is more than willing to let Sony do that again.  The winners are still Nintendo and MS.  MS turend around and became a national powerhouse, and Nintendo reclaimed heir crown.

This Gen everything starts over again and it appears before MS even get their product on the market, Sony fans are already proclaiming a win when this generation hasn't begun.  This will not be a sprint but a marathon and all parties are pretty much starting at the same time.

Company financials have nothing to do with this thread. Tha'ts really the only thing that the PS3 failed at. But it doesn't matter. I could mention how Microsoft also lost billions on the 360. Did you forget that they also sold the console at a loss? Did you forget about the RROD? The Xbox 360 may be a cash cow right now, but so is the PS3. Both consoles bled money for years and years for their companies.

Now lets please get back on topic.

THis. Its like they dont want to admit the PS3 is a good machine so they a adding stuff that has noting to do with the discussion. 

Actually no, the PS3 has always been a great machine, the key is that it has not always been a great product.  There is a difference between the 2.  The PS3 today is not what it was when it released (thrust me I still have my 60GB first Gen PS3 but its broke).  You cannot just ignore what it cost for Sony to get to this point today.  You cannot say something is great but it cost a company billions to get it there as a product.  People say, who cares what it took Sony to get here but then you are ignoring he health of the company if thats the case.

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Atleast it made the biggest turn around ever in console history. Sure GC to Wii is a much more impressive thing and thats what I would call a real comeback.


But the PS3 managed a turn around within the same console lifecycle, that is quite astonishing. It was headed towards complete failure and made Billions of losses Sony, actually managed to get back into the race as contender and not ending up as a total failure.


People seem to forget how bad the situation was. Sony lost 200-300 Dollar per console and sold abysmal. The only other console that managed to turn things around somewhat, was 3DS. Which also seemed to fail at first. The PS3 failed just much harder and lost Billions. Sony managed to catch up to the 360 and to make the console profitable halfway through its life, Now the PS3 can atleast gain back its losses.


Its not a comeback though its damage containment. A Comeback would have been regaining most of its former market share and making an unexpected overall profit. PS3 will at best get back to half their former marketshare and earn back the losses it made in the beginning.

The silliness coming from this thread is just that: silliness.

A lock will be applied if necessary to stop said silliness.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I remember a few years ago the favored line from the xbox fans about the ps3 passing the 360 was "It will probably be marginally ahead of the 360 blah blah blah statistical tie for 2nd."

I feel like using this line about now. "The ps3 will probably get so close to the Wii it will be considered a statistical tie for 1st"

Yep, greatest comeback ever... they went from 3rd to.... 3rd???

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

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TheLastStarFighter said:
This thread has gone all over the place and has some misinfo and misunderstanding.

The PS3 is the second biggest comeback console. #1 is the SNES, and the stories are kinda similar for the two. The SNES launched last behind the Genesis and Turbographix 16, but it was more powerful and had much better 3rd party support. As the generation went on the other systems lost steam while the SNES eventually dominated the market. Whoever said Genesis beat SNES and was a big comeback is way off. SNES outsold Genesis 50 million to 30 million. Genesis was an early starter, not a comeback.

PS3 is a similar story, as it was a follow up to a massive success but started slow and took a long time to gain market. But it istn't the biggest comeback because, as has been said by others, it's still in last place. It will probably finish a slight second in the end but it will still have about 30% market share. SNES meanwhile went from last to around 60% market share, making it a much, much bigger comeback success.

Really? I always thought they were always in first. Interesting and fair enough if true. But did SNES have the negativity that PS3 ganered in its early life? I kind of doubt that.

RolStoppable said:
TimCliveroller said:
VGKing said:
TimCliveroller said:

WTF... facts? Imagination maybe... Playstation Land reply.

That's what I thought. Reported.

Is this guy for real? Is this how stuff works in here?

Just because you get reported doesn't mean you will get moderated.

There are just some people who would like to believe that the PS3 is a success, so they don't like it when they are reminded of financials or the fact that the PS3 was expected to dominate this generation.

No, people dont like it when threads are derailed and bringing them up when it is completly irrelevant to what the topic is about is derailing.

The Wii was the greatest comeback ever, from N64 and Gamecube selling under 35 million each, Nintendo earns a 100 million selling console! Playstation was always destined to sell SO MUCH consoles, and definitely more than any Nintendo console, but with the Wii, that winning streak playstation had is over.

Machiavellian said:
oniyide said:
VGKing said:
Machiavellian said:
brendude13 said:
I don't think people understand what the OP is trying to say, either that or they are intentionally ignoring it. He meant the sales comeback of a single console only, not the financial comeback of a company.

It is quite surprising to see the PS3 selling so well after how things were in 2007. 3DS could be compared to it but its poor start didn't last nearly as long.

No I believe people do understand what the OP is talking about and people responding is saying you cannot dismiss the Money Sony had pay in order to come back.  You cannot dismiss Sony going into the red while their competition has stayed in the green.  You cannot dismiss that Sony lost a major market like the US to both their competition.  If it takes 7 years for you to almost catch your competition while you are about to release your next product, then people are defining a comeback in narrow terms.  As a product, that cost you th profits for your first and second gen product, do anybody think SONY believe this is a win.

If the OP would have stated that Sony as a business, making smart decisions to prepare their next console on some good moves and smart choices I will definitely agree.  Because of the competition, Sony had to rethink their business and how they do business.  They have take the strenghts of their competitors and made them strengths of their own while also bring some good features to their services like Plus.  Sony mentality on Indie developers have changed and their thought process on giving the people who will make you successful (Developers) have changed.  Sony as a company I would say made a great comeback.

The PS3, well like some one said, If Sony is willing to pay billions of dollars to gain 2nd place, I am sure MS and Nintendo is more than willing to let Sony do that again.  The winners are still Nintendo and MS.  MS turend around and became a national powerhouse, and Nintendo reclaimed heir crown.

This Gen everything starts over again and it appears before MS even get their product on the market, Sony fans are already proclaiming a win when this generation hasn't begun.  This will not be a sprint but a marathon and all parties are pretty much starting at the same time.

Company financials have nothing to do with this thread. Tha'ts really the only thing that the PS3 failed at. But it doesn't matter. I could mention how Microsoft also lost billions on the 360. Did you forget that they also sold the console at a loss? Did you forget about the RROD? The Xbox 360 may be a cash cow right now, but so is the PS3. Both consoles bled money for years and years for their companies.

Now lets please get back on topic.

THis. Its like they dont want to admit the PS3 is a good machine so they a adding stuff that has noting to do with the discussion. 

Actually no, the PS3 has always been a great machine, the key is that it has not always been a great product.  There is a difference between the 2.  The PS3 today is not what it was when it released (thrust me I still have my 60GB first Gen PS3 but its broke).  You cannot just ignore what it cost for Sony to get to this point today.  You cannot say something is great but it cost a company billions to get it there as a product.  People say, who cares what it took Sony to get here but then you are ignoring he health of the company if thats the case.

"great product" fair enough. I know the PS3 is not the same today as it was before, that was my whole point. THere was alot of wrong with it, but again. I can ignore financials because they have NOTHING to do with me as a gamer. I dont see any of that money. I am ignoring their "health". That has nothing to do with their library. I know what it cost for Sony to get to this point, which is even more praise worthy IMHO. THe games that were coming out intially were not that good. Now they run fine and the 1st party output is twice as good as it was. Online much improved, those are things that i care about as a gamer, which is why i say they made a comeback. 

oniyide said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
This thread has gone all over the place and has some misinfo and misunderstanding.

The PS3 is the second biggest comeback console. #1 is the SNES, and the stories are kinda similar for the two. The SNES launched last behind the Genesis and Turbographix 16, but it was more powerful and had much better 3rd party support. As the generation went on the other systems lost steam while the SNES eventually dominated the market. Whoever said Genesis beat SNES and was a big comeback is way off. SNES outsold Genesis 50 million to 30 million. Genesis was an early starter, not a comeback.

PS3 is a similar story, as it was a follow up to a massive success but started slow and took a long time to gain market. But it istn't the biggest comeback because, as has been said by others, it's still in last place. It will probably finish a slight second in the end but it will still have about 30% market share. SNES meanwhile went from last to around 60% market share, making it a much, much bigger comeback success.

Really? I always thought they were always in first. Interesting and fair enough if true. But did SNES have the negativity that PS3 ganered in its early life? I kind of doubt that.

Nope the SNES was not in a comparably bad situation it just came too late, but it never was at a path to total destruction. It was just that Sega managed to grab some of Nintendos market in the USA before the SNES was released. Master System was quite succesful around here so Sega being on the market with Nintendo wasn't much of a big deal here.


But it never made losses or sold way worse than expected.