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Atleast it made the biggest turn around ever in console history. Sure GC to Wii is a much more impressive thing and thats what I would call a real comeback.


But the PS3 managed a turn around within the same console lifecycle, that is quite astonishing. It was headed towards complete failure and made Billions of losses Sony, actually managed to get back into the race as contender and not ending up as a total failure.


People seem to forget how bad the situation was. Sony lost 200-300 Dollar per console and sold abysmal. The only other console that managed to turn things around somewhat, was 3DS. Which also seemed to fail at first. The PS3 failed just much harder and lost Billions. Sony managed to catch up to the 360 and to make the console profitable halfway through its life, Now the PS3 can atleast gain back its losses.


Its not a comeback though its damage containment. A Comeback would have been regaining most of its former market share and making an unexpected overall profit. PS3 will at best get back to half their former marketshare and earn back the losses it made in the beginning.