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TheLastStarFighter said:
This thread has gone all over the place and has some misinfo and misunderstanding.

The PS3 is the second biggest comeback console. #1 is the SNES, and the stories are kinda similar for the two. The SNES launched last behind the Genesis and Turbographix 16, but it was more powerful and had much better 3rd party support. As the generation went on the other systems lost steam while the SNES eventually dominated the market. Whoever said Genesis beat SNES and was a big comeback is way off. SNES outsold Genesis 50 million to 30 million. Genesis was an early starter, not a comeback.

PS3 is a similar story, as it was a follow up to a massive success but started slow and took a long time to gain market. But it istn't the biggest comeback because, as has been said by others, it's still in last place. It will probably finish a slight second in the end but it will still have about 30% market share. SNES meanwhile went from last to around 60% market share, making it a much, much bigger comeback success.

Really? I always thought they were always in first. Interesting and fair enough if true. But did SNES have the negativity that PS3 ganered in its early life? I kind of doubt that.