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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vote for your favorite console exclusive FPS of this generation.

Tagged games:


Choose your Destiny!

Halo 3 44 24.18%
Killzone 3 19 10.44%
Resistance Fall of Man 6 3.30%
The Conduit 9 4.95%
Halo 4 51 28.02%
Killzone 2 25 13.74%
Haze 1 0.55%
Halo Reach 11 6.04%
Left 4 Dead 10 5.49%
Resistance 2 6 3.30%
Mr Puggsly said:
kivi95 said:
How can people like Killzone 3 more then Killzone 2 O_o ?

Because KZ2 was boring!

KZ3 was less boring.

You basically just repeated what we already knew, just with different words. It's like asking, "Why do people like Blue so much?" And then answering, "Because Blue is liked by people." Doesn't tell us anything.

OT: Left 4 Dead 2

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killzone 2 by far

Resistance 2. Awesome co-op mode.


Resistance 2 is the only one of those I played. So that's what I voted for. I heard Resistance 3 was the best though. Why is it not in the poll?

Around the Network

Killzone 2 here

Halo 3

Its killzone 2 by a mile

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

Don't have Xbox so I can't say Halo since I never played them.

But my vote goes to Resistance 2. Regardless of many people hating on it, I had ridiculous amounts of fun and joy out of Resistance 2's mutliplayer and Co-Op. Not to mention the Single Player stuff as well. Plus it had online split screen which is a huge thing for me.

never played a halo, except for the MP at a friends house.
But I will always remember resistance 1 :)