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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Put a fork in the Wii U, it is done. [Sensible discussion only, no flaming]

snowdog said:
The PS4 components are a mistake because they're going to raise the comparative manufacturing cost of the console. Sony aren't in the financial position to make huge losses on each unit sold. There's absolutely no way that they can manage to have the PS4 retailing for less than $400.

Microsoft have taken a much more sensible approach with their hardware but if those rumours are true they've shot themselves in the foot regarding software and running the console. I've plenty of people on plenty of boards flat out saying that no used games is a dealbreaker.

As for the Wii U sales, I've already given my reasoning - software.

Sony is building hardware for nearly 70 years. If anyone in this business knows what he's doing, it's Sony. They have some of the best engineers on the planet. They also get really huge discounts, as they are buying in masses and have good connections as one of the biggest manufacturers worldwide. I also have no doubt that many parts of the PS4 will be built by Sony themselves, making production even cheaper. When it comes to hardware, Sony has the advantage on their side. And by the looks of it, they are making good use of it. I have no doubt that Sony can build a machine with more power than Microsofts approach for significantly less cost. Building a console is not just putting some parts together, it takes a hell lot of development and I think when it comes to hardware, Sony easily outclasses the divisions of Microsoft and Nintendo, who are mainly software companies. 

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

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leatherhat said:
Mr Khan said:
Nintendo can overcome with some properly-executed expanded-market games. NSMBU was a solid start, but it needs supplemented. The expanded market of Wii Sports/Fit may be lost to tablets, but people looking for the classic Nintendo experience (not the N64/GameCube nintendo experience) still have only one place to turn, and Nintendo has but to answer them.

The expanded market left nintendo years ago, the only market it has left is hardcore nintendo fans. So gamecube sales is about all can do.

We're getting all confused on the matter of Nintendo fans. There are really two camps of Nintendo fans: the NES/SNES types and the N64/GameCube types. The latter does only have about 15 million or so in its ranks. The former is much larger. They are expanded market of the "lapsed gamer" subset, as opposed to the "non-gamer" subset.

The lapsed gamers find nothing appealing in what gaming has become, aside from those who still hold true to the old values (e.g. Nintendo, when they're thinking straight) can get at them.

Aside from the fact that the second subset of the expanded market still exists, albeit in diminished numbers and energy

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

NES/SNES gamers though if they do play a lot tend to be 360/PS3 players. I grew up with the NES. So did a lot of my friends. If they do game they're pretty much all about the PS3/360 now. They did get a Wii and they had their fun with it, and playing 2D Mario or Mario Kart was fun for a while, but that has largely worn off now.

Nintendo needs to have some kind of strategy that's better than "remember when ...". That only gets you so far. Playing NSMB for example was cool because a lot of people hadn't played a 2D Mario in many cases since Super Mario World like 15 years ago or whatever.

But now there's a "new" NSMB every couple of years, it's like "big deal". Ditto for Mario Kart, with MKWii a lot of people had not played the franchise since the SNES or N64 days, but now there's a new MK every 2 years.

Nintendo's giant sin with the Wii/DS was they had a golden oppurtunity to create the next big Mario/Pokemon/Zelda character franchise, but they really didn't even try, now things like Wii Sports/Brain Training/Nintendogs don't have longevity so they basically came out of the Wii/DS generation empty handed with no new franchises to sell the Wii U/3DS with. 

Many gamers also simply left, and their force is not to be discounted.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Many gamers also simply left, and their force is not to be discounted.

That or they get the 10-15 minutes every second day that they actually play games from playing cheap $1 games on their iPhone or iPad or Galaxy S3. 

After marriage, your gaming time is going to shrink. After marriage and kids .... say bye bye, lol. I have a friend who between work, kids, and marriage can barely get out of the house to have a beer once a week and even getting out for a movie can be hard. 

He sometimes plays Black Ops with his step son on PSN after work, but that's pretty rare. 

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The console cannot sustain the good sales that it had during the holiday with a single relevant title (NSMU).

If Nintendo is serious about increasing the Wii U sales to a relevant level they need to a few things:

1) New Super Mario U bundle.
2) U$ 50 price cut during the holiday season
3) Wii U Sports released before black friday
4) Wii U Fit released ASAP
5) Mario Kart U before black friday

EDIT - Small corrections in the first sentence.

I don't know how can anyone expect sensible disscussion while at the same time says a console it is done with less than 6 months in the market.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Max King of the Wild said:
Netyaroze said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Netyaroze said:

It wouldn't be funny yet. Nothing came to the rescue since launch so it would be pretty empty right now.  

Nintendo Land, NSMB2, Zombie U, Monster Hunter, Lego City

Definatly more out now than when the Ps3 one started

Most of them are Launchtitles when Wii U didn't need saving.  Or were there Motorstorm and Resistance on the board for PS3 ?

MH3 is a port and Lego City was already released ?? 

I think the first game on the board will eventually be Pikmin. Thats about to be released soon ?


Its the amount of hopes that ride on a certain game (pricecut, peripheral, feature) that makes it a worthy entry for the chalkboard. 

Nobody seriously thought Lego City/MH would save the Wii U ? 

No one was talking up the Ps3's launch line up though. The Wii U's launch line up was one of the best for a console and people were talking about how great the system and games will sell. I mean, the best game the Ps3 had was Resistance which no one knew anything about unlike NSMB and Monster Hunter... which, why are people even talking about Monster Hunter now? It's been launched in the region it would have made the most difference already.

Yeah but now that Wii U tanked despite having a good launch lineup, like PS3 tanked despite being a PS3, what will save it ? Now that the Wii U is clearly in trouble? Wouldn't that ,whatever it is, be the first entry if it fails ? Whats the expectation among Nintendo fans ?

Netyaroze said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Netyaroze said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Netyaroze said:

It wouldn't be funny yet. Nothing came to the rescue since launch so it would be pretty empty right now.  

Nintendo Land, NSMB2, Zombie U, Monster Hunter, Lego City

Definatly more out now than when the Ps3 one started

Most of them are Launchtitles when Wii U didn't need saving.  Or were there Motorstorm and Resistance on the board for PS3 ?

MH3 is a port and Lego City was already released ?? 

I think the first game on the board will eventually be Pikmin. Thats about to be released soon ?


Its the amount of hopes that ride on a certain game (pricecut, peripheral, feature) that makes it a worthy entry for the chalkboard. 

Nobody seriously thought Lego City/MH would save the Wii U ? 

No one was talking up the Ps3's launch line up though. The Wii U's launch line up was one of the best for a console and people were talking about how great the system and games will sell. I mean, the best game the Ps3 had was Resistance which no one knew anything about unlike NSMB and Monster Hunter... which, why are people even talking about Monster Hunter now? It's been launched in the region it would have made the most difference already.

Yeah but now that Wii U tanked despite having a good launch lineup, like PS3 tanked despite being a PS3, what will save it ? Now that the Wii U is clearly in trouble? Wouldn't that ,whatever it is, be the first entry if it fails ? Whats the expectation among Nintendo fans ?

Okay then, Monster Hunter can still be put there because I still see people naming this game because it isn't in the west yet. Along with Rayman because it was suppose to be an exclusive 19 days before it launched and Lego City. So I guess it can use 2 more games first

VITA IS DOOMED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111
Here in Germany a Black 3ds xl costs 200 € and a black 3ds with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate costs also 200 €.