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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Put a fork in the Wii U, it is done. [Sensible discussion only, no flaming]

RazorDragon said:
Osc89 said:

Max King of the Wild said:

Naw, nintendo didn't gain that many overly estatic fans that will buy anything Nintendo because of the Wii. They will sell more than the Game Cube but that doesn't mean the hardest of the hard nintendo fans increased much. It just means they are doing a better job of attracting the people that don't have loyalty

I agree, if anything they have lost fans because of the Wii. At least for me Nintendo has gone from tied for first console choice to secondary console only for first party games, and that was all because of the Wii. I haven't even got the Wii U yet, not sure if it is worth it right now. All this was because they wanted to be the latest fad product, rather than keep the base happy.

I don't agree with you there. I was a fan of Nintendo before, became even more of a fan after Wii's release(till 2010, tough), which was the only last-gen console that actually gave me new game experiences and offered more game variety than FPSs, TPSs or other generic shooters PS3 and 360 mostly received. It's one of the worst Nintendo consoles though, but, comparing it to the PS3 and 360 certainly helped it in my personal view. My only problem with the Wii was with how Nintendo managed the console. After 2010, arguably the best year software-wise for the Wii, Nintendo completely stopped supporting it(causing third-parties to do the same) and left the console without 2 or 3 noteworthy game releases for 2 years. Even though I find the Wii to be the best console this generation, Nintendo managed it like s***, which is one of the reasons I'm wary of buying the Wii U(the other one being the fact that I don't have money to buy one).

Really? When I look at Metacritic I see 14 Wii games with 90+ compared to 45 for PS3. And out of that 14 we have 2 Zelda, 2 Mario, 2 Metroid, and 2 Rock Band. Not exactly a huge variety of quality games, unless I am missing something?

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

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The PS4 components are a mistake because they're going to raise the comparative manufacturing cost of the console. Sony aren't in the financial position to make huge losses on each unit sold. There's absolutely no way that they can manage to have the PS4 retailing for less than $400.

Microsoft have taken a much more sensible approach with their hardware but if those rumours are true they've shot themselves in the foot regarding software and running the console. I've plenty of people on plenty of boards flat out saying that no used games is a dealbreaker.

As for the Wii U sales, I've already given my reasoning - software.

snowdog said:
The PS4 components are a mistake because they're going to raise the comparative manufacturing cost of the console. Sony aren't in the financial position to make huge losses on each unit sold. There's absolutely no way that they can manage to have the PS4 retailing for less than $400.

Microsoft have taken a much more sensible approach with their hardware but if those rumours are true they've shot themselves in the foot regarding software and running the console. I've plenty of people on plenty of boards flat out saying that no used games is a dealbreaker.

As for the Wii U sales, I've already given my reasoning - software.

There's really nothing in the PS4 chipset all that special outside of double the RAM that was expected, which they placed likely an 8-9 year order on, meaning they probably got one hell of a deal on it. GDDR5 RAM is in every modern GPU too, it's not like its some exotic, speciality component. If I'm a RAM supplier, sure I'd probably take the deal on 8-9 years worth of double the order of RAM even if it means I give you the RAM for a cheaper price per stick. That's millions and millions in revenues given the way the PS1/2/and even 3 have sold (en route to 100 million perhaps). 

Otherwise it's just some cheap notebook CPU cores + mid-range PC GPU. 

Nothing out of this world for late 2013. Blu-Ray drive is dirt cheap. One thing Sony will likely change is you'll have to buy propiertary HDDs (like the 360), so that opens up another revenue stream for Sony. 

Sony won't make a profit at $399.99, but they probably won't take that big of a loss either. I'm thinking less than $40 a unit. 

Osc89 said:

Really? When I look at Metacritic I see 14 Wii games with 90+ compared to 45 for PS3. And out of that 14 we have 2 Zelda, 2 Mario, 2 Metroid, and 2 Rock Band. Not exactly a huge variety of quality games, unless I am missing something?

I didn't play Metacritic when I had a Wii, and most of my Wii games aren't even from Nintendo. Final Fantasy Fables(and also Crystal Chronicles), Madworld, Monster Hunter 3, Goldeneye 007, Muramasa, Lost in Shadow, Arc Rise Fantasia, Sonic Colors, Boom Blox, Another Code R, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, and a few other gamers that I won't list here made the Wii my favourite console of this generation. Also, it received a lot of PS2 multiplats, which, IMO, surpass most PS3/360 multiplats Wii could have got. DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and 3, Baroque, Guilty Gear XX Accent Core, Silent Hill Shattered Memories and a few other great games, all developed for PS2 and Wii.

Soundwave said:
snowdog said:
The PS4 components are a mistake because they're going to raise the comparative manufacturing cost of the console. Sony aren't in the financial position to make huge losses on each unit sold. There's absolutely no way that they can manage to have the PS4 retailing for less than $400.

Microsoft have taken a much more sensible approach with their hardware but if those rumours are true they've shot themselves in the foot regarding software and running the console. I've plenty of people on plenty of boards flat out saying that no used games is a dealbreaker.

As for the Wii U sales, I've already given my reasoning - software.

There's really nothing in the PS4 chipset all that special outside of double the RAM that was expected, which they placed likely an 8-9 year order on, meaning they probably got one hell of a deal on it. GDDR5 RAM is in every modern GPU too, it's not like its some exotic, speciality component. 

Otherwise it's just some cheap notebook CPU cores + mid-range PC GPU. 

Nothing out of this world for late 2013. Blu-Ray drive is dirt cheap. One thing Sony will likely change is you'll have to buy propiertary HDDs (like the 360), so that opens up another revenue stream for Sony. 

Sony won't make a profit at $399.99, but they probably won't take that big of a loss either. I'm thinking less than $40 a unit. 

The guy for some reason thinks Nintendo is going to start selling 100k per week starting the week that is going up soon... even though we know Wii U sold 9k this week which increases the average sales to 101k per week starting the week that's about to go up... and each week it misses the average week will go higher.

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Max King of the Wild said:
Netyaroze said:

It wouldn't be funny yet. Nothing came to the rescue since launch so it would be pretty empty right now.  

Nintendo Land, NSMB2, Zombie U, Monster Hunter, Lego City

Definatly more out now than when the Ps3 one started

Most of them are Launchtitles when Wii U didn't need saving.  Or were there Motorstorm and Resistance on the board for PS3 ?

MH3 is a port and Lego City was already released ?? 

I think the first game on the board will eventually be Pikmin. Thats about to be released soon ?


Its the amount of hopes that ride on a certain game (pricecut, peripheral, feature) that makes it a worthy entry for the chalkboard. 

Nobody seriously thought Lego City/MH would save the Wii U ? 

People just don't like the hardware concept of the Wii U, period. That's the main problem.

No one wanted or asked for another PS3/360 level console with a giant bulky touch pad controller that looks like a kids tablet. This is not appealling to hardcore players or casual players. 

The Wii didn't have that great of a lineup for its first six months either. Wii Sports was all people needed to be sold on the concept. And Nintendo fans got their Zelda, which was basically a recycled GameCube game. But other than that the library was basically sh*t for a long time until Metroid Prime 3 arrived the following August.

But the Wii was sold out forever. Because people liked the hardware concept (simple, get off the couch gaming with easy to understand Wii Sports that wasn't littered with Mario characters, but clean and simple looking Miis).

Wii had it. Wii U does not. I really think it's that simple.

The hardware needed to go back to the drawing board period, this is far worse than just a "oh they don't have Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101 yet, but if they did, they'd be doing great!" problem.

Netyaroze said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Netyaroze said:

It wouldn't be funny yet. Nothing came to the rescue since launch so it would be pretty empty right now.  

Nintendo Land, NSMB2, Zombie U, Monster Hunter, Lego City

Definatly more out now than when the Ps3 one started

Most of them are Launchtitles when Wii U didn't need saving.  Or were there Motorstorm and Resistance on the board for PS3 ?

MH3 is a port and Lego City was already released ?? 

I think the first game on the board will eventually be Pikmin. Thats about to be released soon ?


Its the amount of hopes that ride on a certain game (pricecut, peripheral, feature) that makes it a worthy entry for the chalkboard. 

Nobody seriously thought Lego City/MH would save the Wii U ? 

No one was talking up the Ps3's launch line up though. The Wii U's launch line up was one of the best for a console and people were talking about how great the system and games will sell. I mean, the best game the Ps3 had was Resistance which no one knew anything about unlike NSMB and Monster Hunter... which, why are people even talking about Monster Hunter now? It's been launched in the region it would have made the most difference already.

Soundwave said:
snowdog said:
The PS4 components are a mistake because they're going to raise the comparative manufacturing cost of the console. Sony aren't in the financial position to make huge losses on each unit sold. There's absolutely no way that they can manage to have the PS4 retailing for less than $400.

Microsoft have taken a much more sensible approach with their hardware but if those rumours are true they've shot themselves in the foot regarding software and running the console. I've plenty of people on plenty of boards flat out saying that no used games is a dealbreaker.

As for the Wii U sales, I've already given my reasoning - software.

There's really nothing in the PS4 chipset all that special outside of double the RAM that was expected, which they placed likely an 8-9 year order on, meaning they probably got one hell of a deal on it. GDDR5 RAM is in every modern GPU too, it's not like its some exotic, speciality component. If I'm a RAM supplier, sure I'd probably take the deal on 8-9 years worth of double the order of RAM even if it means I give you the RAM for a cheaper price per stick. That's millions and millions in revenues given the way the PS1/2/and even 3 have sold (en route to 100 million perhaps). 

Otherwise it's just some cheap notebook CPU cores + mid-range PC GPU. 

Nothing out of this world for late 2013. Blu-Ray drive is dirt cheap. One thing Sony will likely change is you'll have to buy propiertary HDDs (like the 360), so that opens up another revenue stream for Sony. 

Sony won't make a profit at $399.99, but they probably won't take that big of a loss either. I'm thinking less than $40 a unit. 


Really? Minus the gpu, the wiiU costs 224 dollars to manufacture, and that doesn't include things like shipping, licensing etc.  With the gamepad costing 80 bucks Although, I wouldn't be surprsied with a 400 dollar price point, my guess is that they will be taking a 100 dollar loss.


JakDaSnack said:
Soundwave said:
snowdog said:
The PS4 components are a mistake because they're going to raise the comparative manufacturing cost of the console. Sony aren't in the financial position to make huge losses on each unit sold. There's absolutely no way that they can manage to have the PS4 retailing for less than $400.

Microsoft have taken a much more sensible approach with their hardware but if those rumours are true they've shot themselves in the foot regarding software and running the console. I've plenty of people on plenty of boards flat out saying that no used games is a dealbreaker.

As for the Wii U sales, I've already given my reasoning - software.

There's really nothing in the PS4 chipset all that special outside of double the RAM that was expected, which they placed likely an 8-9 year order on, meaning they probably got one hell of a deal on it. GDDR5 RAM is in every modern GPU too, it's not like its some exotic, speciality component. If I'm a RAM supplier, sure I'd probably take the deal on 8-9 years worth of double the order of RAM even if it means I give you the RAM for a cheaper price per stick. That's millions and millions in revenues given the way the PS1/2/and even 3 have sold (en route to 100 million perhaps). 

Otherwise it's just some cheap notebook CPU cores + mid-range PC GPU. 

Nothing out of this world for late 2013. Blu-Ray drive is dirt cheap. One thing Sony will likely change is you'll have to buy propiertary HDDs (like the 360), so that opens up another revenue stream for Sony. 

Sony won't make a profit at $399.99, but they probably won't take that big of a loss either. I'm thinking less than $40 a unit. 


Really? Minus the gpu, the wiiU costs 224 dollars to manufacture, and that doesn't include things like shipping, licensing etc.  With the gamepad costing 80 bucks Although, I wouldn't be surprsied with a 400 dollar price point, my guess is that they will be taking a 100 dollar loss.

The DS4 would probably be like $50 less than the gamepad. We know Nintendo is selling them at around $280 and loosing about $35 per console on the Wii U... You think the Ps4 will be about $480?