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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Some Japanese Dev claims SSBB is unfit for Wii

Griffin said:
The game is made by Nintendo and has Mario in it, the sky's the limit on sales. People buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games, and everything else is just a bonus.

I have bought 3 games with mario in, I have 3 nintendo consoles, MK64 I actually was given (didn't think it would be that good so I wouldn't have bought it)
MK64 meant that I bought MKDD on GC, though I certainly didn't buy the GC for that game.

Now I have a Wii and SMG.

If any single franchise was to be the incentive to buy a console for me it would be Zelda.
Of course I'm just one person.

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The Fury said:
The different market thing that he mentions is already visable to me. just looking at EA Sports sims sales for Wii and other systems. FIFA08 sold better on PS2 (thought this is expected), 360, PS3 and the PSP. It still sold well mind Tiger Woods golf on the other hand sold better on the Wii then the others.

I guess we'll have to see with SSBB. I understand his point though.

Sports games are really the only games that have had this problem.  And being a big sports fan with a Wii only, I think the bigger problem is the quality of the game.  EA has chosen to go casual on their sports series for the wii.  As such, some of the career mode/option choices on the PS3/Xbox 360 are not available on the Wii.  And some of the games have had horrible controls.  If EA released a full fledged Wii version, with classic or waggle controls, they'd see much better sales.  I know because I get excited about EA games until I see the reviews and the reviewer harps on the lag/poor controls.  Sports games are about tight controls.  If EA doesn't get it right, they need to go back to classic controls.

The article has to be fake, the guy just shoves his head right up "JC Barnett's" ass from the start. The whole thing is pretty much "See! I told you so! And he agrees with me!" And he couldn't have picked a worse game to target. SSBB is going to sell 6 million+, we all know this. And Galaxy already did in under 4 months what it took Sunshine 4+ years to do on the Gamecube in Japan.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

yeah it is a coincidence that the game they use as an example is probably the one Wii game thats getting the most search hits about now.


stranne said:
Q: How many Microsoft engineers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. Bill Gates will just redefine Darkness as the new industry standard.
 Nice, very nice 




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wii deserves 2 SSB let alone 1



JC Barret = Rolstopable...

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

While I agree with the premise hardcore games have had at best a checkered past on the console, and if you remove Nintendo from the equation the light of hope vanishes from the room. Call them Hardcore, Mature, or Advanced. Whatever the name you choose they do not perform well. Their casual brethren are gold mines, while they are money pits.

That said I do not agree with the game being sighted for demonstration purposes. First it is a franchise with name brand recognition. We all know that improves sales regardless of quality. The next Final Fantasy can be utter garbage and sell over two million copies on name alone. Second a strong lack of competition on its respective console will only increase sales. Red Steel sold so well on the Wii thanks to absolutely no competition in its genre and a weak library to contend with at the time. A great game with little competition will do well.

The third reason its a bad game to sight for this phenomena, and it is blatantly obvious. Smash Brothers as a game and as a franchise was never a hardcore or mature game to begin with. This is a old school casual game. I know some don't want to even think they are hyped about a casual game, but casual is not a four letter word synonymous with a bowel movement. This is a game that anyone can play. This is a fast paced button masher with simple controls that are quickly picked up, and thanks to the frantic nature of the battle it could make your retarded cousin look like a idiot savant on occasion. Having skill is a good thing, and the game might even support it, but its hardly a requirement to play it and have fun.

The game will do exceedingly well on par with Mario Party, because it is basically Mario Party version of a fighting game. That means it is exactly what Wii owners want for their console. I can't imagine this game selling less then three million copies in its first month of sales. Now if that were to happen it would be akin to an atom bomb going off in the developers ranks. They will assume only the most ultra casual game on the platform is a safe bet. Rather then even remotely trying to push that envelope.

Me said:

 Anyways the fact the dev felt they had to remain silent proves they know it's a stupid point of view or truly demonstrates how much power the Wii and it's Internet publicity can hold.


Doesn't have the balls to back up is comments... nice

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


Wow that was a fairly balanced post coming from Dodece : )

I agree with most of what you said except that SSBB is purely casual. Brawl is one of those few games that appeal to all types of gamers. The controls make it so a veteral can really master the game, while a casual first timer can pick it up and play(hopefully with another casual first timer) Where you went wrong is that core gamers love SSB also.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut