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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony dropping th 80GB in favor of 120-160GB with Dual Shock 3

TheBigFatJ said:
dolemit3 said:
More rumors and speculation.

Arstechnica has been accurate every single time they've posted something like this about the PS3 with their source.

Keeping their pricing the same is a mistake. If they're doing a move like this, they're doing it to increase sales of the more expensive unit in an effort to improve their bottom line. Look at Microsoft: the "Elite" is $100 extra for some black paint, a 120 GB hard drive, and an HDMI cable, and people are still buying it.

Fixed that for you.

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If they could price that at 400 $ and the 40 gb model to 300 $ untill the release of MGS4 , than we would see a Sony dominated summer , over the 360 , and maybe even close in some regions to the Wii :)

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

that would be dang tight if a 160 gig came out with bc!

I hope they will remove BC to lower the price even more - >40 gb sku for $349, 160 gb sku for $449 and PS2 for $99 would work nice. Definitely they shouldn't introduce new model for Europe. 40 gb sku works great here and it's the cheapest for them to produce.
With every passing month BC means less and less. Seriously the last big PS2 game was released back in March 2007 (GoWII).

This makes perfect sense....I don't know why people are dogging on the PS3 still. If it's the fact that they're bundling in the DS3 instead of Motorstorm, then what's the problem? How else will you get the controller out of the box, unless you suggest they simply do a swap.....but why do that when you can make the HDD bigger, and have the system cost the same? If the new SKU is nothing but a bigger HDD and has a DS3 in it, then really, there should be nothing to complain about, it's not like they're changing configuration like the 40GB

Honestly, I think most people here bitch at Sony just because it became the norm back in early 2007, and they don't want to let it go (I know I still see the "PS3 has no games" argument). If the PS3 dropped to $199 RIGHT NOW, I bet there'd still be complaints

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Needs b/c!!

The PS2 is still selling... people clearly want that functionality. Adding b/c would be like giving the PS3 a £80 price cut for all those now buying PS2s.

I don't know why people keep talking price cuts. One thing people keep missing is that the US Dollar is taking massive hits. Everyone in the US has already received a big discount simply due to currency fluctuation. $400 US Dollars today is only worth in Yen about $355 a year ago.

well i dont see why they would release another SKU,but i think they will

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

FishyJoe said:
I don't know why people keep talking price cuts. 

Maybe because $355 is still too much for most people? Seriously go and try to convince customers they have had hidden price cut already...

kber81 said:
FishyJoe said:
I don't know why people keep talking price cuts.

Maybe because $355 is still too much for most people? Seriously go and try to convince customers they have had hidden price cut already...

You're missing the point completely. Sony is taking in LESS money at the same price they were a few months ago. Same with Nintendo. Cutting prices in the US is a double edged sword.