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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Get Xbox Live Gold $34.99 12 months now

pezus said:
Wth happened here lol. Half my nation gone

Trolls were out in force. Unfortunately for them, Axumblade was in the thread kicking the shit out of every fucker that popped out from under the bridge.

You should be happy, your Nation is now troll free!

This post has been moderated by Axumblade


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HesAPooka said:
ganoncrotch said:
HesAPooka said:
Legit question. I'm probably going to be picking up a 360 later this year. Is this type of deal for gold something that is easy to find or is this the type of thing that should be snatched up when you find it?

if you are going for a new xbox account then there is almost always offers direct from the dashboard for signing up for your first 3/6/12 months, it's their way of getting you to sign up for it using your credit card and hope that you'll forget to unsub so that it will charge you again automatically in 12 months time when you've forgotten about it. Basically if you are getting a new Xbox you'll be able to get some months free or really cheap to get started with, but you'll really want to get a full sub anyways to gold because it's like a toy without batteries not having it, you can't use a lot of the apps like Youtube even for example will not work without a gold sub.

Would almost pick one of these codes up myself but I'm almost 100% sure that they are region specific btw so be careful any other euro folk looking at this and drooling :D price of 12 months here in stores is 50euros so this would be a steal for a years worth of gold.


Nice info thread btw, more stuff like this on how to game for less is always nice for people to share.

good to know thanks a lot of the reply.

I'm basing this on two things btw, I once got a special offer thing from a site which gave a free avatar award thing but the site was a .com and the code it gave me absolutely refused to work on my EU account xbox and another time I bought an arcade compilation of xbox games while in France and on returning home the code inside to download MissPacman also didn't work with a incorrect region as the reason for it not working. so yeah.... even from France to Ireland distance doesn't work.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Oh my goodness. This thread is a wasteland. Someone call the cops on axumblade. We need to file some rape charges for all the trolls.


That's right, and the republic is growing stronger in the mean time. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Oh and thanks for the deal. I'll definitely put it to good use. :)


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UltimateUnknown said:
fillet said:
JayWood2010 said:
UltimateUnknown said:
Can I use this code on a non-american Xbox? If so this would actually be worth buying since my membership is running out in a month. I guess last time I buy Live before next gen.

I honestly dont know.  Im not sure if codes are region locked

Xbox Live codes are region locked.

Nah I checked. Gold cards are region free but MS point cards are region locked.

Unfortunately it seems Newegg doesn't accept Paypal from regions other than US.

Ahhhh yes of course that's quite true sorry for the misinformation was thinking of points.

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Wow what a steal!!! I cannot believe sales like these exist!!

ganoncrotch said:
HesAPooka said:
ganoncrotch said:
HesAPooka said:
Legit question. I'm probably going to be picking up a 360 later this year. Is this type of deal for gold something that is easy to find or is this the type of thing that should be snatched up when you find it?

if you are going for a new xbox account then there is almost always offers direct from the dashboard for signing up for your first 3/6/12 months, it's their way of getting you to sign up for it using your credit card and hope that you'll forget to unsub so that it will charge you again automatically in 12 months time when you've forgotten about it. Basically if you are getting a new Xbox you'll be able to get some months free or really cheap to get started with, but you'll really want to get a full sub anyways to gold because it's like a toy without batteries not having it, you can't use a lot of the apps like Youtube even for example will not work without a gold sub.

Would almost pick one of these codes up myself but I'm almost 100% sure that they are region specific btw so be careful any other euro folk looking at this and drooling :D price of 12 months here in stores is 50euros so this would be a steal for a years worth of gold.


Nice info thread btw, more stuff like this on how to game for less is always nice for people to share.

good to know thanks a lot of the reply.

I'm basing this on two things btw, I once got a special offer thing from a site which gave a free avatar award thing but the site was a .com and the code it gave me absolutely refused to work on my EU account xbox and another time I bought an arcade compilation of xbox games while in France and on returning home the code inside to download MissPacman also didn't work with a incorrect region as the reason for it not working. so yeah.... even from France to Ireland distance doesn't work.

That is really unfortunate actually :/  


BasilZero said:

I told you woman! Your evil sonyite religious empire will fall! Btw prof00's thread brought me here.


@OT somewhat Noob question incoming - What is the difference between Silver and Gold? (feature wise and no this is not sarcasm)

Online Play

Access to a Some of the Apps

Party Chat

Various deals here and there, the best example of which was the recent 'Ultimate Game Sale' which was actually pretty 'Steam-esque' in the sort of deals on offer

Access to (sporadic) betas.

there might be a couple of little bits im am missing.

axumblade said:
BasilZero said:
pezus said:
Wth happened here lol. Half my nation gone



I told you woman! Your evil sonyite religious empire will fall! Btw prof00's thread brought me here.


@OT somewhat Noob question incoming - What is the difference between Silver and Gold? (feature wise and no this is not sarcasm)

If I'm remembering right...and please let me know if I am wrong anybody...Gold is used to access online gameplay and online apps (i.e. Netflix, ESPN, Zune streaming, etc). Silver is mostly for having friends that you can message online and downloading demos. I'm probably way off since I haven't had it in 2 years...

Pretty much.

Silver is pretty worthless :/  I ran out of XBLG a few days ago and as soon as I saw how the Dashboard looked with Silver i just couldnt leave it like that.  It was really lonely and depressing looking lol


amp316 said:
toadslayer72 said:
kowenicki said:
amp316 said:
If you guys aren't interested in the service then don't comment in the thread since the OP asks for this.

Still, there's no need to get so upset at others for their opinions, Jay.

I like Jay and you guys do deserve a thread where you can discuss the price of Live without being trolled.  The minor issue I had to be honest was in the OP.  When you tell someone not to do something, people are going to come in and do it.  It's like when your dad would tell you not to touch his tools when he left the house when you were a little boy.  You know that the first thing that you did was start juggling wrenches and screwdrivers the second he left.  Sorry if I wasn't more clear. 

It just seems like the whole thread is a giant bait hook though, you know?  I thought the whole point of forums was to speak your mind about the topic at hand.  Is it off topic to speak about XBL if the topic is in fact XBL, even if some of the responses are negative instead of positive?  I mean why even make a thread like this to begin with.  It's like a sales pitch for Microsoft, on Jay's behalf, and he doesn't even work for them... to add insult to injury, only positive comments or questions about the deal will be tolerated? 

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.