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amp316 said:
toadslayer72 said:
kowenicki said:
amp316 said:
If you guys aren't interested in the service then don't comment in the thread since the OP asks for this.

Still, there's no need to get so upset at others for their opinions, Jay.

I like Jay and you guys do deserve a thread where you can discuss the price of Live without being trolled.  The minor issue I had to be honest was in the OP.  When you tell someone not to do something, people are going to come in and do it.  It's like when your dad would tell you not to touch his tools when he left the house when you were a little boy.  You know that the first thing that you did was start juggling wrenches and screwdrivers the second he left.  Sorry if I wasn't more clear. 

It just seems like the whole thread is a giant bait hook though, you know?  I thought the whole point of forums was to speak your mind about the topic at hand.  Is it off topic to speak about XBL if the topic is in fact XBL, even if some of the responses are negative instead of positive?  I mean why even make a thread like this to begin with.  It's like a sales pitch for Microsoft, on Jay's behalf, and he doesn't even work for them... to add insult to injury, only positive comments or questions about the deal will be tolerated? 

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.