Just finished loading. Will try it now. You have me intrigued. Not sure TressFX will work on my 7870 though.
Just finished loading. Will try it now. You have me intrigued. Not sure TressFX will work on my 7870 though.
hopefully AMD hair tech will also be available for the PS4, considering the GPU is made by AMD :)
Sal.Paradise said: I've been looking through the gaf pc screenshot thread and it does look amazing, though I think Crysis 3 edges it out graphically, mostly because it just looks more vibrant and colourful. I'll look forward to seeing a TR mod that tweaks the brown colours a bit on PC. |
I've been trying to get sweetfx to work, (I used it to tone down RE5, and Deus Ex Filter), sweetfx crashes for me.
While in motion it mostly looks amazing, theres some places for instance, water and water physics. Where they used tricks on consoles to make it look good. But on PC it sticks out, because you can see the trickery used on console that nixxes didn't convert.
The games pretty fun and interesting so far. I've been playing it for like 4 hours straight.
Hmmm... TressFX can work on High textures but the FPS go down to 17 on Ultra.
Cool hair or ultra detailed textures?
Scoobes said: Hmmm... TressFX can work on High textures but the FPS go down to 17 on Ultra. Cool hair or ultra detailed textures? |
Edit: Idk know now, I disabled ultra detailed textures like you said and now I get cool hair. the cool hair has some issues, but it looks cool, and distracting because it looks cool, so I'm going to disable it the rest of my playthrough, I think because I'll be paying attention to the hair instead of the game haha.
ishiki said:
Yeah, I just had a quick go and died during one of the QTEs because I was just staring at the hair, lol.
I knew Tomb raider > Uncharted in my eyes. Don't care for cinematics. I would romance Lara Croft anyday.
*Yes the game is fantastic.
im really hyped for this game, it will probably be the first game on my new PC (go it today woohoo!) though from the pictures you posted the texture of lara seems not really good. i mean her skin doesnt seem really realistic. they could have done a much better job on the sub surface scattering, it just seems like her skin is plastic.
also the third picture of the second post does show that the model of lara is a bit low poly compared to other games running on PC. which is kind of odd if you ask me
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