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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony Japan president: PS Vita sales have increased four-fold

"Oh lol, it's below da 3DS, teh DOOOOMESZ, I say!"

I don't know if anyone seriously expected the vita to outsell the 3DS. It just won't happen. But if it manages to significantly increase its weekly numbers, the Vita should be perfectly fine. I wouldn't worry too much.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

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400% increase in sales is pretty good, especially how they expect it to be a slow burner.

Honestly I am dissapointed if these numbers turns out to be true, but its a good sign nonetheless. 

Also, theres is a lot of fanboyism in this thread, both pro-Vita and anti-Vita. I am surprised really, people just want to downplay everything nowadays.

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Huh. Well, that... is a number. Kind of.

If 44k is right, my guess is that Vita sales will even out around 20k in Japan. Certainly better than what it was doing before. Hopefully a couple more games come along soon and push that higher.

A strong Vita in Japan would be disastrous for Nintendo given that that's where they are currently selling about 60% of their 3ds' in =/

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Awful numbers if true I was expecting 70k at least, with 45K I expect to hit 10K again within 5-6 weeks.

Atleast Sony's press-conference injected life back in Vita. I just hope for them that this keeps on going! ;)

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!

Vita doesn't need to do 3DS numbers. It just needs to improve to the point where it's sustainable. It would be tough for Vita to ever come close to 3DS, what with the synergy of having 1st party games, Monster Hunter, a lower price and a massive install base.

Can someone post how many sold Gamecube and DreamCast in their first price cut first week?

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

sales would be even higher if they drop the price in america and therest of the world