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Forums - General Discussion - Seriously sick of the politics threads

Entroper said:
Rath said:
Galaki said:
I don't see nuclear power and the likes happening. Not anytime soon. The oil lobby will strike it down.

Peak oil will be within 5 years. Something has to replace it.

Very little of our electricity actually comes from oil, though. Oil is primarily used to power transportation, with the lion's share of electricity generation coming from coal. Nuclear power isn't likely to replace oil unless we all start driving electric cars. I think going to ethanol is much more likely, especially given the recent advances in ethanol production from cellulose and other organic material (not corn).

True that electricity don't comes mainly from oily. But with electricity becoming an abundance, the transportation that use mostly oil will be diverted to electricity. Hence, making the value of oil drop. The oil lobby will do anything to keep its value sky high. 

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Like I said, electric cars aren't going to happen with ethanol around. Also, I'd like to see an electric semi truck, or an electric passenger jet.

ikilledkenny said:
If you really don't like the politics thread, just ignore them.

 Thatsa solution to :P

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

PDF said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:
PDF said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:
If you do not vote. You win in my opinion.

Every politician is fail. America should be run by the majority and it is not. This is why we are in such a deep crisis.

Imagine if in 2002 George Bush had to "ask" Americans if we can go to war. Our lives might be drastically different if we got to vote on it. You know, if the majority had a say in that instead of the gay sex issues that we were to vote on at that time, maybe we would not "need" Chelsea's mom or Obama's drama.

Anyway, I think America should go on strike and have absolutely nobody vote.

I luagh at all of that.

If you truely understood our voting systems and how the whole voting process works then you would know that a Majority Vote in a place as big as the USA would not work.  If we went to a popular vote then small rural towns and most of the heartland of America would have no say.  Poloticians would only be interested in big cities and only interested in adressing their concerns.  There are a # of different voting methods that we could use that are better for instance.  Going to a distric vote for each state rather than a whole state.  Is that perfect? NO but it is better than what we have now.  We could also force states to give a % of their electoral votes rather than the whole thing.

True our Voting system is broken but that is no reason to boycott it.  You accomplish nothing by doing that.  America is great becuase ever so many year you get to change your leaders.  If you are not happy with your mayor, govoner, or President you can vote him out.  The best way to get us to change is to vote for the candidate you think will bring it.(not any endorsement of Obama)

If George Bush asked us if we wanted to go to war and it was a popular vote, we still would of gone.  Most Americans supported the War at the start.

To your last comment, I said "MIGHT" as in it is undertermied. You nor I have any idea how it would have turned out for sure, but at least we would have had a true say in how it happened. As it were, we had no say and the power is not with the people.

Second, if we went to a democracy, then everybody would have their say. Small and rual areas might not make majority vote, but at least they can try, through any means of media to convince the bigger markets to take a look at issues from their stance. Hey, did we get to vote on gay marriage? But the gays, the ones that it affects, are in the minority. How would they ever get a law passed in their favor? You see my point here? I hope so.

Since our voting system is "broken," how do you propose we fix it? Ghandi showed the world that boycotting and non-violent actions actually CAN make a movement just as lethal or even moreso than thee opposite. It takes a level of discipline and lack of selfishness that most are not willing to sacrifice for, but it really could work.

To tell me to vote, when nobody reasonably represents me or this society in a way that I find productive, is to show the true ignorance and sheep-esque persona that I see as more of a problem, and more dangerous to our brethern than our actual leaders.

Polls obviously showed majority was in support of the war.  It wasnt even a 60/40 split more like a 70/30.

Do you not know we are a Democracy?  We are a Republic which falls under a for of democracy.

I do not think you understand how are government works and why a simple majority vote is not so simple.  We are a federal government.  That means we have a National Government and a State Government.  The National is there to keep the States in line.  The State government is there to deal with your problems.  You dont want somone in another state to decide what you get to do. Do you?

States want to hold on to their power and sovereignty.  It benefits us.  It is why laws vary from state to state.  People dont want New York and California to make all the decision for everyone.  If we went to majority vote less people would have there say.

You cant boycott elections.  If you do what does it accomplish? Nothing.  You cant boycott and force them to give you a better candidate when what you think a good candidate is diff than other people.  You have to just choose which one you think is the best and if you really wantto make a change get invovled.

1) Polls are taken from a small sample that may or may not be accurate. And besides, thee amount of information our government would have to tell us would change drastically; if we had control. We would want to know more about the situation before sending our troops into war. And that changes the whole outlook on what either of us is talking about. We still could have went, but WE would have decided.

2) Republic =/= Democracy. Obviously I know that and so do you.

3) Stop thinking. You make yourself look the fool. None of my points are perfectly sound and even I can see the holes in the plans. That does not mean I wish them different, nor do I "not understand" how "are" government works. Just stop it already. I mean, I must know something...

4) Then on a state to state level, keep things as they are. But on a NATIONAL level, give everyone the right to have a say. And you completely dodged my gays point. The minority can have a say, or even impact the majority with some effort. That is where the system I would hope for shines. State to state can stay the same, but when it comes to war, or national economics, let people become educated, instead of sedated. You understand what I mean? Just because of thee ability to vote on major things like that, you would find many, upon many more people interested in how our country is run. As it stands, people are losing interest and our country is definitely hurting because of it.

5) I CAN boycott elections if I want to. Hell, I already have on a few occasions. To ask for a better system is thee only responsible action we, as a country, can take. I already stated my views. You are sheep and part of a bigger problem than those officials that get elected. You feed into the problem and then look at our children; your children, and say, "well, you fix this mess we created." Eventually, someone has to committ to an action that changes this country. Right now, you are telling me to keep it exactly the same. That is not going to fix anything. It has yet to thus far. We are in serious decline right now.

6) The best candidate to represent me is ME. And the best candidate to represent you is... probably not Obama or Hilary. You get me? We should have more control. That is what I look for. There is nothing wrong with us having the say.

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Entroper said:
Rath said:
Galaki said:
I don't see nuclear power and the likes happening. Not anytime soon. The oil lobby will strike it down.

Peak oil will be within 5 years. Something has to replace it.

Very little of our electricity actually comes from oil, though. Oil is primarily used to power transportation, with the lion's share of electricity generation coming from coal. Nuclear power isn't likely to replace oil unless we all start driving electric cars. I think going to ethanol is much more likely, especially given the recent advances in ethanol production from cellulose and other organic material (not corn).

 Urgh no. Biofuels are a very bad route to take.

Biofuel crops compete with regular crops for land, essentially biofuels becoming mainstream would lead to an extremely large famine. 

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Rath said:
Entroper said:
Rath said:
Galaki said:
I don't see nuclear power and the likes happening. Not anytime soon. The oil lobby will strike it down.

Peak oil will be within 5 years. Something has to replace it.

Very little of our electricity actually comes from oil, though. Oil is primarily used to power transportation, with the lion's share of electricity generation coming from coal. Nuclear power isn't likely to replace oil unless we all start driving electric cars. I think going to ethanol is much more likely, especially given the recent advances in ethanol production from cellulose and other organic material (not corn).

Urgh no. Biofuels are a very bad route to take.

Biofuel crops compete with regular crops for land, essentially biofuels becoming mainstream would lead to an extremely large famine.

Yeah, like we would really create a famine just so we could drive around.  The key phrase in my post was "cellulose and other organic material (not corn)."  Switchgrass does not compete with regular crops for land, because you can grow it where you can't grow regular crops.  You can also get cellulose out of the corn husks instead of fermenting the sugars inside the kernel.  In fact, we can now use just about any kind of waste biomass to make ethanol.

Let's dial it back, PDF and GhaudePhaede010.

I. Boycotting elections accomplishes very little if half the people already don't vote and you just give everyone else who disagrees an easy win. Boycotting elections only works if you do it in such huge numbers that it draws attention to the injustices you want corrected. That's just not going to happen so you're wasting your vote.

II. The whole point of having a democratic republic instead of a straight democracy is that the country is too big for the latter to be effective. There are just too many things to worry about. Democracy fails when the voters are insufficiently educated in what they're voting on. Right now our elected representatives aren't conscientious enough either but your solution would only worsen the problem.

II.B @ PDF: We have a democratic republic, not a democracy. There have been democratically elected kings, but those countries were not "democracies". Repeat: we have a REPUBLIC whose representatives are elected democratically. Not a "democracy".  (But then again, California does have an awful lot of referendums...)

III. I stand by my earlier post.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

PDF, look at your definition of democracy. That is NOT a definition for this country.

Final-Fan. I understand what you are saying. I have already stated that I can see holes in the plan but I would rather have those imperfections than the ones we have currently. I am not sure if you realize this or not, but America is on the decline right in front of our faces. If we do not adapt, we are going to be left in the history books sooner than any of us would like. But I do appreciate what you are trying to do here.

To boycott only works if everyone does it. I understand that I am not even close to in control of the majority so I am not going to say that I am doing much. But for me to NOT vote and then recommend a boycott is NOT hypocritical. If I voted, and then said, "Our system is not working," what would you think of me? Ghandi is just one person. Martin Luther King Jr. is just one person. I am not likening myself to them, I am modeling myself after them. In order for anyone to actually agree with me, they have to me stand by my beliefs. Otherwise, I fail.

To your second point, I think that is very subjective. The Greeks have used a true form of democracy and made it work. Why would we not be able to? Especially in this day and age. By the way, people become more interested in what they have their hands in. Want to see our country more educated on our policies? Give them more power. The power to vote on important topics will, in most cases, urge people to become more educated.

The biggest benifit of having a true democracy is that the level of corporate meddeling will be slowed. Too many people, from too many different parts of America, in too many small places, have a say. The big money will no longer have big control. It is easy to bribe a few hundred people. It becomes a lot more difficult when a few hundred is drastically in the minority.

I think the benefits outweigh the downsides. I am not saying my belief is perfect. Your last section of point one is very much what people said to Ghandi before he became GHANDI. I said it takes a level of discipline, and the good thing about discipline is, it can be taught.

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To be fair I HAVE been changing the channel I haven't been on here in quite some time, this is why.

Everyone is so ready to believe mudslinging when i started naming candidates and things that voting for them DOESNT make you, people thought i was accusing that candidate. I don't think McCain is a warmonger, I don't think Huckabee is a theocrat, and i don't think Hillary is secretly a man, I even heard rumours Obama might be half black, but i could care less because their positions matter most. Oh and I'm voting tomorrow.

BTW when I make a thread about the Darfur Genocide asking for people to help write letters to congress. No one can be bothered. No one gives a shit about hundreds of thousands of corpses and more lined up to be next. I guess no one could be bothered the last time when the SAME militia committed genocide in Ruwanda. Guess what happened this week. The Karthoum government appointed the head of the militia with 2 genocides under their belt as head of minority relations. (the blacks and darfuris being the two minoritieshe already "dealt" with.)

Once they've eliminated a few more races, Sudan will eventually get to spoiled white kids who post on videogame forums. I bet you'll write your congressman then :P I'm not asking for war, or espousing invasion, or regime change. Just a little financial pressure. A Boycott, and some sanctions, to keep the economy of this regime down so they will do poorly in the public eye and won't hold the power they need to commit a THIRD genocide, as soon as another race holds land they want, hot women to rape, or just look like fun targets.

Everyone screams blood for oil when it's us in Iraq. But China LITERALLY pays for the oil they buy from Sudan over 70% of ALL the oil exported goes to china, with guns. They pay with automatic weapons which are given to the militias to continue the genocide to take oil rich farm lands from the ethnic blacks. We can't even get the President to tell China, for the sake of their position as a world power and leader to condemn this and join the rest of us in sanctioning them.

We don't care, we are wrapped up elsewhere, in ourselves.

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