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PDF, look at your definition of democracy. That is NOT a definition for this country.

Final-Fan. I understand what you are saying. I have already stated that I can see holes in the plan but I would rather have those imperfections than the ones we have currently. I am not sure if you realize this or not, but America is on the decline right in front of our faces. If we do not adapt, we are going to be left in the history books sooner than any of us would like. But I do appreciate what you are trying to do here.

To boycott only works if everyone does it. I understand that I am not even close to in control of the majority so I am not going to say that I am doing much. But for me to NOT vote and then recommend a boycott is NOT hypocritical. If I voted, and then said, "Our system is not working," what would you think of me? Ghandi is just one person. Martin Luther King Jr. is just one person. I am not likening myself to them, I am modeling myself after them. In order for anyone to actually agree with me, they have to me stand by my beliefs. Otherwise, I fail.

To your second point, I think that is very subjective. The Greeks have used a true form of democracy and made it work. Why would we not be able to? Especially in this day and age. By the way, people become more interested in what they have their hands in. Want to see our country more educated on our policies? Give them more power. The power to vote on important topics will, in most cases, urge people to become more educated.

The biggest benifit of having a true democracy is that the level of corporate meddeling will be slowed. Too many people, from too many different parts of America, in too many small places, have a say. The big money will no longer have big control. It is easy to bribe a few hundred people. It becomes a lot more difficult when a few hundred is drastically in the minority.

I think the benefits outweigh the downsides. I am not saying my belief is perfect. Your last section of point one is very much what people said to Ghandi before he became GHANDI. I said it takes a level of discipline, and the good thing about discipline is, it can be taught.

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