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To be fair I HAVE been changing the channel I haven't been on here in quite some time, this is why.

Everyone is so ready to believe mudslinging when i started naming candidates and things that voting for them DOESNT make you, people thought i was accusing that candidate. I don't think McCain is a warmonger, I don't think Huckabee is a theocrat, and i don't think Hillary is secretly a man, I even heard rumours Obama might be half black, but i could care less because their positions matter most. Oh and I'm voting tomorrow.

BTW when I make a thread about the Darfur Genocide asking for people to help write letters to congress. No one can be bothered. No one gives a shit about hundreds of thousands of corpses and more lined up to be next. I guess no one could be bothered the last time when the SAME militia committed genocide in Ruwanda. Guess what happened this week. The Karthoum government appointed the head of the militia with 2 genocides under their belt as head of minority relations. (the blacks and darfuris being the two minoritieshe already "dealt" with.)

Once they've eliminated a few more races, Sudan will eventually get to spoiled white kids who post on videogame forums. I bet you'll write your congressman then :P I'm not asking for war, or espousing invasion, or regime change. Just a little financial pressure. A Boycott, and some sanctions, to keep the economy of this regime down so they will do poorly in the public eye and won't hold the power they need to commit a THIRD genocide, as soon as another race holds land they want, hot women to rape, or just look like fun targets.

Everyone screams blood for oil when it's us in Iraq. But China LITERALLY pays for the oil they buy from Sudan over 70% of ALL the oil exported goes to china, with guns. They pay with automatic weapons which are given to the militias to continue the genocide to take oil rich farm lands from the ethnic blacks. We can't even get the President to tell China, for the sake of their position as a world power and leader to condemn this and join the rest of us in sanctioning them.

We don't care, we are wrapped up elsewhere, in ourselves.

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360 Live SN: Myahon

PSN: Myahon