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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - RUMOR: Activision Upset at Black Ops II Wii U Sales, Says Nintendo Fans Are All Talk

On a 2m base of new users and considering COD generally got 1m (1% of base) on an install base of over 90m.... I think they'd be excited by 100,000 (5% of base), but realistically 50,000 should of been all that could be expected. Even if they did get the 5m out by March.

Considering the Miiverse has 20 to 30k in it all the time, I think they sold between 50k and 100k. Since the game has had no sale prices they should have revenue of around (75k*$35) $2.65million. I doubt they spent half that on the port.

This report is bogus. Activision probably spent less than $1m porting the game and I'm sure they've made that back and then some. While the overall sales of WiiU have died off and thus game sales are likely lower than they all want, its certainly not losing money for them.

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Poor Nintendo looks like they just can't garner any third party support.

Dunno what to say....Can't argue with the truth I guess.

curl-6 said:

I bought the Wii versions of World at War, Modern Warfare, Black Ops, Modern Warfare 3. More than two thirds of my Wii library is third party.

I will buy Need for Speed Most Wanted U when it comes out this month, and the only real reason I haven't bought Black Ops 2 on Wii U is because I don't own the console yet.

Nobody can accuse me of not supporting third parties on Nintendo systems.

I guess you are the famous lonesome Nintendo 3rd party fighter fairytales are talking about.Never thought that you really exist.

pezus said:
curl-6 said:
pezus said:

3rd party games just don't sell on Nintendo home consoles. This is almost an established fact.

Just Dance, Skylanders, Disney Epic Mickey, pre-MW3 Wii COD, Goldeneye 007, Sonic Secret Rings/Colours, Zumba Fitness, Monster Hunter Tri...

Like I said. Should've said: 3rd party games that are not party games don't sell on Nintendo consoles. 

Sonic is basically first party. Just Dance too, or it was, and it's a dancing game. Skylanders is a game for kids. Mickey too. CoD did not sell well at all. A beastly franchise selling barely 1m on the most popular console is embarassing. Don't know what Goldeneye sold but surely it wasn't much since they decided to make a sequel on PS3/360. know what I will say. MHTri is Monster Hunter at the peak of its popularity. So that's maybe 2 3rd party games selling well if we're generous and we continue ignoring party/dancing games as we should.

Discount the things that prove me wrong, and I'm totally right!

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Lol Activision. They expected the Wii U version of a game that had been released much earlier to other formats to sell well? People are shelling out hundreds of dollars for a new console, and will only get the games they really want. If Blops2 was a game someone really wants, they would have already bought it on another platform. Why are Activision so stupid?

I love 3rd party games on the Wii U, i've got Assassins Creed 3, Batman and Darksiders 2 along with NintendoLand NSMBU and ZombiU, and they're all great games. But people who really want Blops2, bought it at the Blops2 launch, not at the Wii U launch.

"damage their relationship"

what relationship?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

pezus said:
curl-6 said:
pezus said:

3rd party games just don't sell on Nintendo home consoles. This is almost an established fact.

Just Dance, Skylanders, Disney Epic Mickey, pre-MW3 Wii COD, Goldeneye 007, Sonic Secret Rings/Colours, Zumba Fitness, Monster Hunter Tri...

Like I said. Should've said: 3rd party games that are not party games don't sell on Nintendo consoles. 

Sonic is basically first party. Just Dance too, or it was, and it's a dancing game. Skylanders is a game for kids. Mickey too. CoD did not sell well at all. A beastly franchise selling barely 1m on the most popular console is embarassing. Don't know what Goldeneye sold but surely it wasn't much since they decided to make a sequel on PS3/360. know what I will say. MHTri is Monster Hunter at the peak of its popularity. So that's maybe 2 3rd party games selling well if we're generous and we continue ignoring party/dancing games as we should.

Dancing/kids/party games are just as legitimate as any other genre.

Eurocom said they were happy with Goldeneye Wii sales, and the Wii COD games were profitable and broke the million barrier until MW3, even if they didn't rival the sales of the PS3/360 versions. Activision/Treyrach wouldn't have kept making them if they were failures.

SxyxS said:
curl-6 said:

I bought the Wii versions of World at War, Modern Warfare, Black Ops, Modern Warfare 3. More than two thirds of my Wii library is third party.

I will buy Need for Speed Most Wanted U when it comes out this month, and the only real reason I haven't bought Black Ops 2 on Wii U is because I don't own the console yet.

Nobody can accuse me of not supporting third parties on Nintendo systems.

I guess you are the famous lonesome Nintendo 3rd party fighter fairytales are talking about.Never thought that you really exist.

That's me! Cost me a fortune to buy those 1.7 million copies of Goldeneye Wii all by myself, but I do what I have to do, because I'm the hero Nintendo's fanbase needs, but not the one it deserves right now... :P

I would be very curious to know what proportion of early Wii U adopters already owned either the PS3 or 360, and had access to the game before it was released on the Wii U?

Regardless of the reason, the game came late to the Wii U without significant enhancements, you can't expect people to wait around for the same version of a game or to buy it again just because it will make you feel better. Furthermore, given the choice, most people with a brain are going to pick up the version of the game with the larger online community, there was no way that the Wii U version was going to be able to compete with that.

Lastly, the initial release had Wii-mote controls that were worse than the Wii COD games, making them rather unusable in competitive games, something that was only properly patched about a month ago.

Anyway, rumours are rumours, I don't doubt that Activision would have liked this game to sell better than it has but I'll bet they didn't bank on it.