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I would be very curious to know what proportion of early Wii U adopters already owned either the PS3 or 360, and had access to the game before it was released on the Wii U?

Regardless of the reason, the game came late to the Wii U without significant enhancements, you can't expect people to wait around for the same version of a game or to buy it again just because it will make you feel better. Furthermore, given the choice, most people with a brain are going to pick up the version of the game with the larger online community, there was no way that the Wii U version was going to be able to compete with that.

Lastly, the initial release had Wii-mote controls that were worse than the Wii COD games, making them rather unusable in competitive games, something that was only properly patched about a month ago.

Anyway, rumours are rumours, I don't doubt that Activision would have liked this game to sell better than it has but I'll bet they didn't bank on it.