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i dowload the game 15 days ago (AC3) i have a super slow conection (4MB), and it took me 15 hours to dowload the game, but it was at the maximun speed that my internet connection can support, so superchunk maybe you have a problem in your LAN.

AC3 can be 16 GB but is more boring that a lot of games that are only 256 MB.

34 years playing games.


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errorpwns said:
dahuman said:
errorpwns said:
dahuman said:
bananaking21 said:
could somebody explain to me why the download speeds are so slow?

I think it's location based, my downloads are usually at the right speeds on that slow ass USB ethernet thing, pretty sure the Wii U caps it out most of the time actually but it's stable.

Question, superchunk, where do you live?

Slow ass? Unless you have a 200M/bit+ internet connection, which I rarely doubt even then you would still be downloading games at possibly 40 M/Bps+ with the ethernet thing. 40MBps was just a comparison as that's what most USB 2.0 HDDs achieve. I mean I consider my 20Mbps or 2.4MBps internet good. And using the adapter will probably result in a more stable connection than Wifi unless your Wii-U is touching the router.

I'm going to test it real quick on speedtest and see if it's actually 100Base-T in a bit, I was alwasy under the impression that it's 10 which would be like 1.25MB capped out and frawn face slow but the ping is better for playing games, will update later, if speedtest runs lol.

Right, I wasn't thinking about that type of cap. You're right. Theoretically if it's a base 10 then yeah it will be capped at 1.25. And if you're lucky and its a base 100 you've got a 12MBps cap. I owe myself a facepalm. Thanks for pointing that out.

Just tested it and it's slower than my Wifi on transfer speed LOL! It does respond faster on web page loading though, now if they'd just release a gigabit version.....

irstupid said:
radiantshadow92 said:
superchunk said:
radiantshadow92 said:
so are u gonna buy more games online with wiiU

Online gaming hasn't been an issue either.

As I mentioned, its only been when downloading content.

thats not what i asked xd..i just think u should have gotten ACIII on another system and evoided the long download times. does wiiU version have exclusive content or something?

Downloading 20gb games can take a long time on any console or even pc.

Heck had to redownload witcher 2 not too long ago and that took a good 10 hours probably and is a 15 gb download.  

It doesn't matter what your connection is, you are downloading from a someone else.  Obviously Assassins Creed in this case didn't have enough seeders out there for this game.  Or however it works on consoles.  What I would be wondering about before bitching to Nintendo is who is the one sending you the game.  Is Ubisoft the ones in charge of the server sending out the download or is it on Nintendo?  

I hate people blaming someone before they know for a fact it is the person's fault.  I mean there have been games I have played that the online connection sucked ass, and it wasn't because of the console, it was because the games servers, which the game was in charge of not the console.

Maybe AC3 didn't think they would get many Wii U downloaders so they only have a few dedicated servers to sending the download.  Whereas on the PS3 they may have tripple that amount.  


Cause I've had super slow downloads on wii, 3ds, ps3, steam, 360, ect you name it.  I've also had super fast downloads on all of them.  So I'm not in a position from experience to say what would be th problem.  

downloading 20gb should never take 26 hours with dl speed of 21mbps on any system. there is no excuse unless the op is lying about his dl speeds which i doubt. also, i think ur overreacting take a chill pill.

Weird. I've not noticed any slow download speeds, but I have noticed the slow installing speed. A ~1GB file takes 15-20 minutes to download and then maybe 10 minutes to install.


snyps said:

A 20 GIGABYTE Download isn't a quick thing.  Unless you have 100 seeders ;-P



Seriously it's the same thing on PS3360



Quit ur bitchin!

I just downloaded Vanquish on PS3 which is 12 GB in less than an hour.  And that's on a wi-fi connection.  

Around the Network
maximus22 said:
snyps said:

A 20 GIGABYTE Download isn't a quick thing.  Unless you have 100 seeders ;-P



Seriously it's the same thing on PS3360



Quit ur bitchin!

I just downloaded Vanquish on PS3 which is 12 GB in less than an hour.  And that's on a wi-fi connection.  

And that thread was from 2008 WTF

Man, so take 20 Mbps, convert to MBps (2.5) * 60 * 60 = 9000MB/hr = 9 GB per hour. Should have taken 2 hours theoretically. So you take 5 as a conservative estimate. 25 hours? Somethin' ain't right.

Nintendo cappin'

Train wreck said:
maximus22 said:
snyps said:

A 20 GIGABYTE Download isn't a quick thing.  Unless you have 100 seeders ;-P



Seriously it's the same thing on PS3360



Quit ur bitchin!

I just downloaded Vanquish on PS3 which is 12 GB in less than an hour.  And that's on a wi-fi connection.  

And that thread was from 2008 WTF

Haha I didn't even notice that.  

From my experience the downloading speed on the Wii U is extremely inconsistent. Just yesterday I downloaded 2 games, one was 300-something mb and the other 1.3GB or so (The Cave). Both games took roughly 30 minutes to download despite one game being 3x the size of the other. Sometimes DL's jump from 30% to 35% in a minute and then they just get stuck at 60% or something for minutes on end. And my WiFi-connection is really stable. I've never had that problem on my Wii, 3DS, PSP or PS3 and certainly not on my notebook.

Also the Wii U's Flash storage must be extremely slow - F-Zero (SNES!) took more than 2 minutes to install. Well, it's probably not the flash storage but I thought Flash would make installations quicker on consoles, too. When I updated my Retina Macbook to Mountain Lion (4GB in size) the whole installation took me a mere 10 minutes. That's like 10x the speed of an average Wii U installation. Downloading + installing games as small as F-Zero should be a breeze and done in a minute or so. It took me almost 5 minutes to download + install F-Zero.

Bloody hell, chap! That really is some major issue. Anyone pin-point this problem that it's Nintendo's end, localy or the infrastructre as a whole?

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!