From my experience the downloading speed on the Wii U is extremely inconsistent. Just yesterday I downloaded 2 games, one was 300-something mb and the other 1.3GB or so (The Cave). Both games took roughly 30 minutes to download despite one game being 3x the size of the other. Sometimes DL's jump from 30% to 35% in a minute and then they just get stuck at 60% or something for minutes on end. And my WiFi-connection is really stable. I've never had that problem on my Wii, 3DS, PSP or PS3 and certainly not on my notebook.
Also the Wii U's Flash storage must be extremely slow - F-Zero (SNES!) took more than 2 minutes to install. Well, it's probably not the flash storage but I thought Flash would make installations quicker on consoles, too. When I updated my Retina Macbook to Mountain Lion (4GB in size) the whole installation took me a mere 10 minutes. That's like 10x the speed of an average Wii U installation. Downloading + installing games as small as F-Zero should be a breeze and done in a minute or so. It took me almost 5 minutes to download + install F-Zero.