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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo and its lack of any reasonable sense when it comes to modern technology.

ironmanDX said:
They won last gen earning billions of dollars, billions more than you or I will ever earn in our lives.


What the hell are you going on about?

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Out of interest are you downloading to the Wii U's flash memory or to an external HDD?

Also from your post I'm guessing your from North America? How do the eShop prives compare to retail over there? I'm from the UK and didgital prices over here are ridiculously expensive.

This thread is ridiculous and based on a faulty premise.

This wi-fi speed issue is with the OP's network and not with Nintendo.

The same thing happens to me on ocassion on PSN with my PSP.

OP, reset your modem options. By this i dont mean manually but through that interface you acess on your PC browser. Change one of the MHz settings (wide etc will do aswell) and change it back. Reset the Wii U system and reconnect and your download should be working correctly.

Distasteful that you create this thread with biased information though. Also, shame on people like Rol that come here to throw salt in wounds that dont exist. Serisouly, get off your high horse, we can see you are walking naked.

You are obviously not getting an optimal wireless connection to the Wii U, there are a ton of setting you could try messing with, or you can just go get an ethernet adapter and be done with the worry.

For what its worth I use the ethernet adapter and downloaded/installed AC3 in 8 hours (12 Mbps connection speed).

Who is John Galt?


3DS Friend Code : 2535-4338-9000 

AMD FX 8150 , 8 GB DDR3 Kingston Memory,  EVGA GTX 560 TI 2 GB superclocked, Samsung 256 GB SSD

Nem said:
This thread is ridiculous and based on a faulty premise.

This wi-fi speed issue is with the OP's network and not with Nintendo.

The same thing happens to me on ocassion on PSN with my PSP.

OP, reset your modem options. By this i dont mean manually but through that interface you acess on your PC browser. Change one of the MHz settings (wide etc will do aswell) and change it back. Reset the Wii U system and reconnect and your download should be working correctly.

Distasteful that you create this thread with biased information though. Also, shame on people like Rol that come here to throw salt in wounds that dont exist. Serisouly, get off your high horse, we can see you are walking naked.

My wifi speed was demonstrated to not be an issue in the OP.

Its literally only one thing... content from Nintendo.

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retroking1981 said:
Out of interest are you downloading to the Wii U's flash memory or to an external HDD?

Also from your post I'm guessing your from North America? How do the eShop prives compare to retail over there? I'm from the UK and didgital prices over here are ridiculously expensive.

Internal flash.

They are largely the same and in this case AC3 was on sale and when including the 10% back I get from Nintendo, it was actually a bit cheaper.

superchunk said:
Nem said:
This thread is ridiculous and based on a faulty premise.

This wi-fi speed issue is with the OP's network and not with Nintendo.

The same thing happens to me on ocassion on PSN with my PSP.

OP, reset your modem options. By this i dont mean manually but through that interface you acess on your PC browser. Change one of the MHz settings (wide etc will do aswell) and change it back. Reset the Wii U system and reconnect and your download should be working correctly.

Distasteful that you create this thread with biased information though. Also, shame on people like Rol that come here to throw salt in wounds that dont exist. Serisouly, get off your high horse, we can see you are walking naked.

My wifi speed was demonstrated to not be an issue in the OP.

Its literally only one thing... content from Nintendo.

Conveniently, only seems to happen to you. Sorry, i dont believe that it isnt your Wi-fi. It clearly is.

CityOfNoobs said:
You are obviously not getting an optimal wireless connection to the Wii U, there are a ton of setting you could try messing with, or you can just go get an ethernet adapter and be done with the worry.

For what its worth I use the ethernet adapter and downloaded/installed AC3 in 8 hours (12 Mbps connection speed).

Its not he wireless.

My WiiU is downstairs with my router and gets great connection. Everything else BUT the downloading of content is super fast on the WiiU.

My PC that is upstairs on the opposite side of the house has a noticeably worse connect (wiiu browser is faster) and it rates above 17Mbps.

Its Nintendo.

Nem said:

Conveniently, only seems to happen to you. Sorry, i dont believe that it isnt your Wi-fi. It clearly is.

Considering its  known issue to be slow downloading updates and such and a ton of people on miiverse had the same issue... its not just me. Read my post above yours on my wifi again.

snyps said:

A 20 GIGABYTE Download isn't a quick thing.  Unless you have 100 seeders ;-P



Seriously it's the same thing on PS3360



Quit ur bitchin!

It took me around 3-4 hours to download Ni No Kuni from the PSN store ( 22.7 Gb). ( My cable download speed is around 12 Mb/second, but obviously the PS3 is slower than that ( or the PSN is slow.)

So no, it's not the same thing....

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !