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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will you go Digital Download only, next-gen?


Will you go Digital Download only, next-gen?

Yes 28 20.59%
No 64 47.06%
Only for non-retail games 43 31.62%

I will always take quality over convenience, but that's abnormal to the rest of society. Having games which are independent of their consoles is always going to be better. Having ALL of your content locked into one piece of hardware without anyway of getting them out? That's a nightmare for me. Suppose, in 5 years, the PS3 can't go online. What happens when your HDD dies? That's right, you're screwed.

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Now that I think about it.... some games will probably be 30+GB.... like Killzone and Uncharted.

I will probably buy physical copies of those bigger games.

I'd rather not.

(And on the point of physical copies; boxes, manuals etc. I remember back in the Sega Master System days, I was learning to read and I used to read the part of the manual that was in English, then in French, then German, Spanish etc. because I didn't see the point in stopping).

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

digital is like downloading an mp3. i like the feel of vinyl soo.... no

I'm already download only with my 3ds and will be with the Wii U, but if I could choose I would rather keep buying physical copies, what's too expensive here in brazil because of the taxes, f*uck you government.




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I will stay mostly physical. With my PC, I get physical games whenever they have Steamworks support, so there I get the nice box to sit on my shelf and convenience that comes with Steam

While I would love for Sony to have the same approach, what with used games they almost certainly won't, but I will still be staying physical for consoles. I just love having the boxes in a nice collection even though it is probably less practical

Munkeh111 said:
I will stay mostly physical. With my PC, I get physical games whenever they have Steamworks support, so there I get the nice box to sit on my shelf and convenience that comes with Steam

While I would love for Sony to have the same approach, what with used games they almost certainly won't, but I will still be staying physical for consoles. I just love having the boxes in a nice collection even though it is probably less practical

Yes. This would be the better of the two. Origin and steamworks games do what I love. You can buy your phsycial copy. But can also register the key and install the game from the disc (please don't say downloading games like GTA4 is a walk in the park). But don't need the disc in the drive. Nor have the program to be active. You have your perminate safe backup. You can't rely on these services to still be there for decades. Plus, I want to own what I buy. And, what are the actors/creators gonna sign? My ipad?

Digital only for me. No more plastic waste, shipping, and useless stuff taking up space.

Unless there's strict DRM all around, then I'll just stick to gaming on my computer.


I'd quit gaming and stick to retro (or, up to PS3 age) before going digital.

Never. If consoles ever get to the point where games can't be bought physically anymore, I'll find a new hobby.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."