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Forums - Gaming Discussion - These forums will be hilarious if Next Xbox is more powerful than PS4


Would the meltdowns be epic?

Yes 237 59.25%
No 107 26.75%
Maybe 53 13.25%
tres said:
even ps3 people will agree they'd die. but it will always fall back on what does ms bring to the table game wise. we can all agree microsoft for the last few years have dropped the ball. and its not about kinect cause i actually like kinect. id be suprise if sony dont use the new eye for voice control.

the funniest thing people complain about a new xbox 8 halo but rejoice a killzone. will complain about a new gears but look forward to uncharted. i always laff at the comparing how each one looks vs the next. its like comparing a picasso to a rembradnt to a divinci.

excuse me if i want them all.

The old PS Eye has a mic on it. I'm not sure if the new one does because PS4 is supposedly coming packed in with a headset now.

Kinect is pretty cool, if for anything besides gaming and voice controls that can be slower than using buttons. If they improve on it maybe it will really shine.

I love Halo and Killzone. I just don't like Gears, Uncharted is great though.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

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JayWood2010 said:

No im not downplaying anything.  Whether it is 4gb or 8gb it is a massive jump over 256MB.  256MB isn't even enough to allow cross game chat.  But people are not realizing what shared memory means either as you can see in this thread alone.  It isnt all towards dedicated memory.  

And to Turkish above you.  2GB reserved for the OS.  

Ah, just don't mind them. It would be nice if the GPU was a Titan and used 6GBs but that isn't happening. The good thing about the RAM is that there is enough to max out the graphic load or whatever the devs want to use it for.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

platformmaster918 said:
Akvod said:
Hmm, I think it'll be mixed. I'm not even a PC person so I have zero clue about the significance of the announced specs (and I think most people too really). The big thing people have been caught up on is the 8GB ram thing, so if Microsoft somehow one ups that maybe.

But Sony's DIFFERENTIATING benefits seems to really be:
1) Ease of development
2) Big library of first party games (i.e. "we're for hardcore gamers")
3) Social

To me, graphics have sort of become a thing to achieve competitive parity. People also seem to be not valuing them as much anymore as the last gen (a lot of the backlash against the PS4 announcement is that people feel like there's only an incremental improvement in graphics).

So, yeah, if Microsoft one ups Sony in any fashion, there'll be some kind of reaction. A huge one? Eh, if Sony fans really did value the specs that much, ironically they'll probably DEVALUE the importance of the specs and tout something else (as opposed to if they didn't really think it was an important benefit, they would just shrug and accept it).

I'm a Sony fan and like most that I've either talked to online or know in person it's all about the games.  If PS4 puts out 10% less power than nextbox it won't really matter to most because Sony systems for everyone I know who buys them sell on games and free online (for the basics at least).  No one seemed to care that PS and PS2 were less powerful.

And see there's two possibilities:

A) You really do think specs are important. But because Microsoft has an advantage in such an important attribute, you would devalue that attribute (pretend it's not all that important) to be able to be internally consistent with your support for Sony.

B) You don't really think specs are all that important.


I mean, either way, Sony fans are just going to go "meh", whether or not they think specs are important or not.

I agree. MS will launch at a higher price tag and the people who constantly talked non stop shit about sony will shut up really fast and spin it to make it somehow a different situation

JayWood2010 said:
Chark said:
JayWood2010 said:
The thing about the RAM that people arent realizing is that it is SHARED MEMORY. at least 2 GB is going to the OS and then 2-4 GB will be going to the GPU. People are ignoring that though.

So 2GB is just going to be sitting there? 2GB for the OS is possible, but it wouldn't be set in stone. Other "rumours" indicate the memory is very flexible and that the OS is simple and efficient, allowing resources to be sharred with game demand, hence unified.

Do you know anything about hardware?  If not dont talk to me about it.  The OS is pretty much tied in with gaming now so itll likely be using at least 2gb at all times for the OS and like i said it is also sharing memory with the GPU.

It was a beautiful PR move at the sony conference because people dont know much about hardware.  As soon as someone said 8GB of RAM everybody is like !!!!!!  But in reality it isn't as good as it sounds.  Still though, if it is using 2-4gb of RAM Memory then that is up to 8x better the the PS3 which was using 256MB of RAM.

only at launch.  over time that came drastically down.

launch games will probably be limited to 4Gb (as that is what GG said they had available for killzone).  over time ps4 and xbox 8 will both, most likely, improve their OS to free up more over time (especially if devs are requesting more).

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Chark said:
JayWood2010 said:

No im not downplaying anything.  Whether it is 4gb or 8gb it is a massive jump over 256MB.  256MB isn't even enough to allow cross game chat.  But people are not realizing what shared memory means either as you can see in this thread alone.  It isnt all towards dedicated memory.  

And to Turkish above you.  2GB reserved for the OS.  

Ah, just don't mind them. It would be nice if the GPU was a Titan and used 6GBs but that isn't happening. The good thing about the RAM is that there is enough to max out the graphic load or whatever the devs want to use it for.

im just glad that there will be a siginificant leap in power this gen.  PC people will say that PC's are still more powerful which is true but PC gamers also rely on how powerful consoles are because developers for the most part develop with consoles in mind.    The best part of the conference in my honest opinion was about the hardware and the OS.  That is what got me excited.  Im hoping Naughty Dog and Santa Monica has something good for us at E3 though.  


BenVTrigger said:
kitler53 said:
i expect hilarity but more in the realm of step 1) ms releases specs 2) fans argue back and forth each claiming superiority.

in the end it wont matter. xbox will be "on par" with ps4.

Yeah I 100% agree.  Both consoles will be very close in power next gen either way.  Regardless it would make for some fun times on Vgchartz 

..there will always be a place for "lens of truth".  i never cared about those details really (expect for games like skyrim that serious sucked and crashed on ps3).

Akvod said:
platformmaster918 said:
Akvod said:
Hmm, I think it'll be mixed. I'm not even a PC person so I have zero clue about the significance of the announced specs (and I think most people too really). The big thing people have been caught up on is the 8GB ram thing, so if Microsoft somehow one ups that maybe.

But Sony's DIFFERENTIATING benefits seems to really be:
1) Ease of development
2) Big library of first party games (i.e. "we're for hardcore gamers")
3) Social

To me, graphics have sort of become a thing to achieve competitive parity. People also seem to be not valuing them as much anymore as the last gen (a lot of the backlash against the PS4 announcement is that people feel like there's only an incremental improvement in graphics).

So, yeah, if Microsoft one ups Sony in any fashion, there'll be some kind of reaction. A huge one? Eh, if Sony fans really did value the specs that much, ironically they'll probably DEVALUE the importance of the specs and tout something else (as opposed to if they didn't really think it was an important benefit, they would just shrug and accept it).

I'm a Sony fan and like most that I've either talked to online or know in person it's all about the games.  If PS4 puts out 10% less power than nextbox it won't really matter to most because Sony systems for everyone I know who buys them sell on games and free online (for the basics at least).  No one seemed to care that PS and PS2 were less powerful.

And see there's two possibilities:

A) You really do think specs are important. But because Microsoft has an advantage in such an important attribute, you would devalue that attribute (pretend it's not all that important) to be able to be internally consistent with your support for Sony.

B) You don't really think specs are all that important.


I mean, either way, Sony fans are just going to go "meh", whether or not they think specs are important or not.

that's why I'm saying it pre-emtively and when most speculation seems to say PS4 is more powerful because it really doesn't matter.  Again PS and PS2 were my favorite consoles in their gen and yet were least powerful.  Saying it now debases this accusation at least for me.  If it has better specs, great.  If not, won't bother me.

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kitler53 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Chark said:
JayWood2010 said:
The thing about the RAM that people arent realizing is that it is SHARED MEMORY. at least 2 GB is going to the OS and then 2-4 GB will be going to the GPU. People are ignoring that though.

So 2GB is just going to be sitting there? 2GB for the OS is possible, but it wouldn't be set in stone. Other "rumours" indicate the memory is very flexible and that the OS is simple and efficient, allowing resources to be sharred with game demand, hence unified.

Do you know anything about hardware?  If not dont talk to me about it.  The OS is pretty much tied in with gaming now so itll likely be using at least 2gb at all times for the OS and like i said it is also sharing memory with the GPU.

It was a beautiful PR move at the sony conference because people dont know much about hardware.  As soon as someone said 8GB of RAM everybody is like !!!!!!  But in reality it isn't as good as it sounds.  Still though, if it is using 2-4gb of RAM Memory then that is up to 8x better the the PS3 which was using 256MB of RAM.

only at launch.  over time that came drastically down.

launch games will probably be limited to 4Gb (as that is what GG said they had available for killzone).  over time ps4 and xbox 8 will both, most likely, improve their OS to free up more over time (especially if devs are requesting more).

i dont know about that as I think now the OS is extremely important to the consoles because they have soooo much going on.   Im glad they are investing in good OS's.  I want multimedia hubs with a lot of options.  If they do free them up over time though that will be great but I think it is very important to have a good OS.

I mean no offense to the WiiU as Ill still get Nintendo exclusives but I wasnt happy with it's OS.  It just feels lacking for an 8th gen console.  

What i really liked about Sony's OS is recording all gameplay and streaming that gameplay similar to Onlive.  You will probably need good internet but that is something that I love



Whether the XB3 has the specs rumored or they rebuild it to be faster the difference will be very small. We are talking even harder to see than the PS3 vs the 360. With where graphics are for these consoles it would take major advantages to actually make a difference.

To me the higher the baseline for development, the happier I am. That means more room for PC devs to stretch their legs, and that makes me happy.


I am really confused at what you are trying to say with the RAM. 360 had the same unified RAM set up, and the OS had 32MB reserved during gameplay. That left the CPU and GPU to share the remaining 470MB any way a developer saw fit. The GPU had 12MB of dedicated embedded RAM.

With the PS4 I think Sony wants full access to the OS at all times, and that would be why it may take as much as 2GB. That however, would be the limit for the OS during gameplay. The other 6GB would available to developers to split between the CPU and GPU exclusively for the game features any way they want. All the streaming, cross game chat, Share features, and the lot would be part of that 2GB reserved for the OS.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

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