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Chark said:
JayWood2010 said:

No im not downplaying anything.  Whether it is 4gb or 8gb it is a massive jump over 256MB.  256MB isn't even enough to allow cross game chat.  But people are not realizing what shared memory means either as you can see in this thread alone.  It isnt all towards dedicated memory.  

And to Turkish above you.  2GB reserved for the OS.  

Ah, just don't mind them. It would be nice if the GPU was a Titan and used 6GBs but that isn't happening. The good thing about the RAM is that there is enough to max out the graphic load or whatever the devs want to use it for.

im just glad that there will be a siginificant leap in power this gen.  PC people will say that PC's are still more powerful which is true but PC gamers also rely on how powerful consoles are because developers for the most part develop with consoles in mind.    The best part of the conference in my honest opinion was about the hardware and the OS.  That is what got me excited.  Im hoping Naughty Dog and Santa Monica has something good for us at E3 though.