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tres said:
even ps3 people will agree they'd die. but it will always fall back on what does ms bring to the table game wise. we can all agree microsoft for the last few years have dropped the ball. and its not about kinect cause i actually like kinect. id be suprise if sony dont use the new eye for voice control.

the funniest thing people complain about a new xbox 8 halo but rejoice a killzone. will complain about a new gears but look forward to uncharted. i always laff at the comparing how each one looks vs the next. its like comparing a picasso to a rembradnt to a divinci.

excuse me if i want them all.

The old PS Eye has a mic on it. I'm not sure if the new one does because PS4 is supposedly coming packed in with a headset now.

Kinect is pretty cool, if for anything besides gaming and voice controls that can be slower than using buttons. If they improve on it maybe it will really shine.

I love Halo and Killzone. I just don't like Gears, Uncharted is great though.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(