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kitler53 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Chark said:
JayWood2010 said:
The thing about the RAM that people arent realizing is that it is SHARED MEMORY. at least 2 GB is going to the OS and then 2-4 GB will be going to the GPU. People are ignoring that though.

So 2GB is just going to be sitting there? 2GB for the OS is possible, but it wouldn't be set in stone. Other "rumours" indicate the memory is very flexible and that the OS is simple and efficient, allowing resources to be sharred with game demand, hence unified.

Do you know anything about hardware?  If not dont talk to me about it.  The OS is pretty much tied in with gaming now so itll likely be using at least 2gb at all times for the OS and like i said it is also sharing memory with the GPU.

It was a beautiful PR move at the sony conference because people dont know much about hardware.  As soon as someone said 8GB of RAM everybody is like !!!!!!  But in reality it isn't as good as it sounds.  Still though, if it is using 2-4gb of RAM Memory then that is up to 8x better the the PS3 which was using 256MB of RAM.

only at launch.  over time that came drastically down.

launch games will probably be limited to 4Gb (as that is what GG said they had available for killzone).  over time ps4 and xbox 8 will both, most likely, improve their OS to free up more over time (especially if devs are requesting more).

i dont know about that as I think now the OS is extremely important to the consoles because they have soooo much going on.   Im glad they are investing in good OS's.  I want multimedia hubs with a lot of options.  If they do free them up over time though that will be great but I think it is very important to have a good OS.

I mean no offense to the WiiU as Ill still get Nintendo exclusives but I wasnt happy with it's OS.  It just feels lacking for an 8th gen console.  

What i really liked about Sony's OS is recording all gameplay and streaming that gameplay similar to Onlive.  You will probably need good internet but that is something that I love