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Forums - Gaming Discussion - These forums will be hilarious if Next Xbox is more powerful than PS4


Would the meltdowns be epic?

Yes 237 59.25%
No 107 26.75%
Maybe 53 13.25%

It wont matter whose more powerful.. Both systems will be using the same video card with nearly identical fill rates.. We keep hearing the Ps4 cpu might be more powerful, but the funny thing is in x86 gaming the games will be built mainly around the Gpu. The limiting factor will be the Gpu. Not the cpu. The gpu is somewhat dependent on the cpu.. But in my experience building custom PC's i saw you could run a mid range graphics card with a mid range cpu - and changing the cpu didnt change frame rates...

Last gen the ps3 was more powerful and it was also more expensive. SO FAR - the most powerful console has NOT won the console race of any generation since the original NES did which killed Atari..

Both consoles will be x86.. So guess what? Youll see more ports then ever! Which means you can count on many of the most popular multiplatform games looking almost identical - all over again !

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VGKing said:
ironmanDX said:
VGKing said:
ironmanDX said:
The meltdown would be epic. Why isn't there a meltdown already? The most powerful console has never won.

The console with the best combination of games/technology/price has always won.

We can assume PS4 will have the games and technology. It sure as hell won't have the PS3's price problems. So I'd say the odds are pretty good. The next Xbox also has a high chance to win next-gen. A $50 price difference won't matter, it will come down to exclusives and marketing.

What exclusives do Sony have so far for the ps4? MS have something like 5 in the works with there own studios and Destiny might/probably will be timed.

MS will easily beat Sony out for marketing too, then the price will also be in their favor. MS are in a really good position.

Sony are in a good spot to though. It will be interesting.


Destiny has already been revealed to be comign to PS4. It will even have exclusive content. You should have watched the Playstation Meeting.

It's funny how you say that MS has 5 exclusives in the works yet completely ignore the PS4 exclusives ALREADY ANNOUNCED with more to come at E3.

Announced PS4 exclusives

-Killzone Shadow Fall
-inFamous Second Son
-Drive Club
-The Witness

I'd say Diablo 3 as well but that is already on PC. I

I know it is, did they say when? Saying it's going to be on the ps4 without actually giving a release date still could mean it's timed. You're right though. I haven't watched the conference.

raf40928 said:
It wont matter whose more powerful.. Both systems will be using the same video card with nearly identical fill rates.. We keep hearing the Ps4 cpu might be more powerful, but the funny thing is in x86 gaming the games will be built mainly around the Gpu. The limiting factor will be the Gpu. Not the cpu. The gpu is somewhat dependent on the cpu.. But in my experience building custom PC's i saw you could run a mid range graphics card with a mid range cpu - and changing the cpu didnt change frame rates...

Last gen the ps3 was more powerful and it was also more expensive. SO FAR - the most powerful console has NOT won the console race of any generation since the original NES did which killed Atari..

Both consoles will be x86.. So guess what? Youll see more ports then ever! Which means you can count on many of the most popular multiplatform games looking almost identical - all over again !

Is it opposite day?

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Soriku said:
I agree, it would be hilarious to see the Nextbox cost $599 as a result.

Plus no used games, always online, and paid online services to boot.

 It was Sony that actually ( fact) patented technology to stop use of used games.  Fortunately they reasoned against it.

I'm betting Microsoft who was considering going to go along with Sony ( together ) is much smarter then you think and will not attempt to go alone by blocking used games.  

If any console will cost more the Sony console has a better chance- just like PS3 was more powerful then xbox 360 - PS4 is more powerful: a more expensive cpu.. And more exspensive ram which is great marketing if that ram wasnt slowed down the system bus it would actually be worth it.. In the end both system are limited mostly by the GPU of which games in x86 are built around - unlike CELL, in which games were built around thr cpu.  So you see it really doesnt matter.. John carmack said there would be improvements in gaming but the powerful cpu in both consoles would give better Artificial Intelligence in the games and that graphics wouldnt get much better. They will be 1080p..nothing new there.. Frame rates will improve obviously.. But a more powerful cpu wont help that..

Both system are x86 which means what?  If you thought games were ported alot last generation - you aint seen nothing yet! 

VGKing said:
Tha'ts impossible. The whole system is built to get arond the DDR3 RAM limitations. They can't just switch to GDDR5 lmfao. There is also no "little tiny improvement" that will somehow make it more powerful than the PS4. 

As much as I respect you, I have to say to you: This is no "lmfao" matter, Microsoft will not want to look like "the brother with the tiny dick" in the next gen man, and I say that as a day one PS4 buyer, they will have better specs.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

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easyrider said:
platformmaster918 said:
I'm a Sony fan and I really don't care. PS4 is a big leap is what that presentation showed me and the RAM in it will ensure quick app switching, boot up time, and loading times along with bigger environments and 1080p gaming. I buy Sony systems because they have the best first party stable in the industry. I'm buying it for SSM, GG, ND, SP, QD, Polyphony, PSN games, Evolution, free online (for basics and awesome game giveaways with plus), and hardcore gamer catering. This is what Sony has repeatedly emphasized even when recently a news reporter kept asking Tretton if there were enough hardcores to support them and he basically said that there were and that he hopes to convert those cell phone gamers to hardcore ones because PS4 will offer such a rich experience. Given my experience with their last 3 home consoles I'm inclined to believe him.

So all the rumors about a pay system don't concern you?

pay system?  Like pay for online?  I believe there will be a fee for streaming, spectating, and taking control features, and it will be called PS+.  They've built that service up this whole gen and now they're going to make it more than just free games, cloud storage, and automatic updating (the last of which they made clear PS4 will do for everyone).  I think basic online play, store and app access, and sharing will be free (it would be weird to have it on the controller and not include it).  This is a big selling point and will continue to be.  I believe most of the rumors were worded in a way that said they will have a teired service and that basic online play will be free at least (the ones I've read anyway).  It doesn't matter to me because I've had PS+ for 7 months and gotten over $200 worth of games that I thoroughly enjoy (just finished Vanquish and it was awesome) so I know Sony will give me a lot of value for the paid teir of their system.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

Chark said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

Yep at least rumor wise Sony is doing a better job spec wise. My worry is the price + games. So far so good but they need to really bring it in the upcoming events

This goes for MS as well obviously

I'm beggining to think Sony is able and willling to sell for a bigger loss than we are assuming. Yoshida talked about the PS3 launch and the upcoming PS4 launch and he has said things like, the PS4 hasn't cost us the factories or the research that made the PS3 so expensive, and we have ways to subsidize off our costs.

If Sony was willing to spend a billion in Cell development and sell the console at a $240-$300, I'm beginning to think they'd be plenty okay selling at a $200 loss. Given the total cost of everything in box and shipped will probably be over $500. I don't think they will sell at a crazy loss because of shareholders and recent financial troubles though, but $399 should make the cut easy.

yeah wouldn't be surprised. Did you see that thread/info on gaf that talked about some 'clam shell' design/approach to RAM? I tried to find the post but couldn't :S  It was a bit too technical for me but from what i understood the way they implimented RAM in the system will help them increase the amount without any hassle while actually 'reducing' the power consumption. Don't ask me how lol Couldn't understand most of it. 

There was some talk of makers such as Samsung going into mass production of large GDDR5 chips too. So who knows, it might actually be not as expensive as we think. but yea that's my worry about the system as of now. Already got 3-4 games I want and some really cool features...the price is the real deal breaker (since they said used games are ok with em)

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The way I see, at least the forums are more active now. I've had fun here for the first time in years these last few weeks. I hope it continues for a long time.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

i doubt it. if it was dont you think it'll be a little expensive? more power than PS4 AND built in kinect? microsofts $599 incoming!

WagnerPaiva said:
VGKing said:
Tha'ts impossible. The whole system is built to get arond the DDR3 RAM limitations. They can't just switch to GDDR5 lmfao. There is also no "little tiny improvement" that will somehow make it more powerful than the PS4. 

As much as I respect you, I have to say to you: This is no "lmfao" matter, Microsoft will not want to look like "the brother with the tiny dick" in the next gen man, and I say that as a day one PS4 buyer, they will have better specs.

MS will just spin it by saying they have 8gb just like PS4 and use marketing muscle to make people believe them.  They will also most likely get COD and BF on stage at their reveal to get the casual shooter crowd to think they're exclusive or somehow better on Xbox.  Then they'll show the console and have a couple jabs at Sony for not showing theirs "And now since consumers like to know what they're paying for, here's Xbox whatever" something like that because apparently this is a big deal or people think Sony isn't going to show it by the time they release or something idk.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers