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Forums - Gaming Discussion - These forums will be hilarious if Next Xbox is more powerful than PS4


Would the meltdowns be epic?

Yes 237 59.25%
No 107 26.75%
Maybe 53 13.25%
hatmoza said:
The way I see, at least the forums are more active now. I've had fun here for the first time in years these last few weeks. I hope it continues for a long time.

Oh it will.  The old days of Vgchartz with massive meltdowns and crazy predictions is coming back.

We've come to it at last.  The great battle of our time

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platformmaster918 said:

MS will just spin it by saying they have 8gb just like PS4 and use marketing muscle to make people believe them.

See what drugs do kids?





platformmaster918 said:
MS will just spin it by saying they have 8gb just like PS4 and use marketing muscle to make people believe them.  They will also most likely get COD and BF on stage at their reveal to get the casual shooter crowd to think they're exclusive or somehow better on Xbox.  Then they'll show the console and have a couple jabs at Sony for not showing theirs "And now since consumers like to know what they're paying for, here's Xbox whatever" something like that because apparently this is a big deal or people think Sony isn't going to show it by the time they release or something idk.

Sounds plausible, as I like Sony better, I hope MS have lower specs, althought I don´t want them to fail either, I may very well have both consoles, like I did in this gen, but Sony is much more appealing to me and treat me much better as a gamer, so, I hope they have the specs to outlast the competition.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

WagnerPaiva said:
platformmaster918 said:
MS will just spin it by saying they have 8gb just like PS4 and use marketing muscle to make people believe them.  They will also most likely get COD and BF on stage at their reveal to get the casual shooter crowd to think they're exclusive or somehow better on Xbox.  Then they'll show the console and have a couple jabs at Sony for not showing theirs "And now since consumers like to know what they're paying for, here's Xbox whatever" something like that because apparently this is a big deal or people think Sony isn't going to show it by the time they release or something idk.

Sounds plausible, as I like Sony better, I hope MS have lower specs, althought I don´t want them to fail either, I may very well have both consoles, like I did in this gen, but Sony is much more appealing to me and treat me much better as a gamer, so, I hope they have the specs to outlast the competition.

I'll probably go Sony, Nintendo like I did this gen.  Nintendo has some fun exclusives and is great for local MP, but Sony has always given me the majority of my gaming hours.  Their SP focus and exclusive focus is just up my alley, they'll get all the third party stuff xbox does (really don't care about timed exclusive COD map packs), and PS+ will continue to give awesome incentives for the fee it charges instead of just online play I believe (and if not I just won't subscribe since I like SP so much).

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

ironmanDX said:
platformmaster918 said:

MS will just spin it by saying they have 8gb just like PS4 and use marketing muscle to make people believe them.

See what drugs do kids?





Yep I must be on drugs to believe that a company that who has an inferior architecture (based on rumor) in ONE area wouldn't try to cover that up somehow.  It's not like they would just say "Well we have 8gb too but it's not as fast so I guess their memory is superior sorry folks!"

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

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WagnerPaiva said:
VGKing said:
Tha'ts impossible. The whole system is built to get arond the DDR3 RAM limitations. They can't just switch to GDDR5 lmfao. There is also no "little tiny improvement" that will somehow make it more powerful than the PS4. 

As much as I respect you, I have to say to you: This is no "lmfao" matter, Microsoft will not want to look like "the brother with the tiny dick" in the next gen man, and I say that as a day one PS4 buyer, they will have better specs.

I built many custom PC's and faster memory often means very little in real word peformance.. Faster GDDR5 will actually be waiting on the system bus..the bus is where the data travels between the cpu, gpu, memory, hard drive and bluray player.  The system is only as fast as the slowest piece my friends and that will be mostly the HARD Drive...Games will probably still have to be installed to the hard drive because even with 6x bluray i would think games wouldnt run smooth enough.. This is exactly why GDDR5 is a waste.. Microsoft has been doing x86' more then Sony ever thought - They make windows! The first XBOX WAS X86!  The Microsoft answer is to use GDDR3 a still faster the the system bus - but to speed up the bus - its rumored MS will use a small cache of ESram ( exspensive and much faster then GDDR5 ) and it will be placed directly on the GPU - this will give the system similar bandwidth the PS4 using GDDR5... MS is making the bus fastest where it actually matters where the cpu/gpu/memmory all communicate... If any does or doesnt understand this concept that the system waits on the slowest piece... Just ask anyone who has upgraded from a mechanical hard-drive ( in their windows PC )  like the one found in any console and the PS4 to a 'Solid State Hard drive... You go from loading windows in 12 seconds to 2 seconds.. Files save faster..everything is faster.. You can build a high end PC with the best cpu... And if that PC uses a hardrive like the ones found in consoles it could still perform slower then one using a Solid State Hard drive..

I can already see who the people are that will be having major breakdowns in this thread!.. so defensive already and MS console hasnt even been announced.. relax ps kids enjoy these times while no confirmation of nextbox specs yet. =)


Ps4 soon to rule mars

platformmaster918 said:

I'll probably go Sony, Nintendo like I did this gen.  Nintendo has some fun exclusives and is great for local MP, but Sony has always given me the majority of my gaming hours.  Their SP focus and exclusive focus is just up my alley, they'll get all the third party stuff xbox does (really don't care about timed exclusive COD map packs), and PS+ will continue to give awesome incentives for the fee it charges instead of just online play I believe (and if not I just won't subscribe since I like SP so much).

All I want is that ALL THREE SURVIVE, and sony is the one that need more to suceed this time, THEY NEED TO TURN A PROFIT. If the things get too bleak here in Brazil, I will go only with Sony, for the same reasons you have listed. Althought, if MS show something really crazy and unique, I might try later in the cicle when the price is right.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

raf40928 said:

I built many custom PC's and faster memory often means very little in real word peformance.

Your small rant is so wrong I don't even know where to start so I just leave it at that. For the rest of the readers, the problem of what is faster - ddr3 or gddr5 - is a very complex question, and depends on many things but basically boils down to severely following programming models and how the memory transactions are wired into the system.. It has absolutely, but really absolutely nothing to do with harddisks. You can be 100.000% certain that both Sony and MS ran thousands of hours of code simulations to get to their preferred method. Both systems, PS4 and XBox720, have additional (bus-transactional) hardware that makes it essentially impossible to discuss the matter since we don't now what is going on on the busses when games are running on either system.