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raf40928 said:

I built many custom PC's and faster memory often means very little in real word peformance.

Your small rant is so wrong I don't even know where to start so I just leave it at that. For the rest of the readers, the problem of what is faster - ddr3 or gddr5 - is a very complex question, and depends on many things but basically boils down to severely following programming models and how the memory transactions are wired into the system.. It has absolutely, but really absolutely nothing to do with harddisks. You can be 100.000% certain that both Sony and MS ran thousands of hours of code simulations to get to their preferred method. Both systems, PS4 and XBox720, have additional (bus-transactional) hardware that makes it essentially impossible to discuss the matter since we don't now what is going on on the busses when games are running on either system.