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WagnerPaiva said:
platformmaster918 said:
MS will just spin it by saying they have 8gb just like PS4 and use marketing muscle to make people believe them.  They will also most likely get COD and BF on stage at their reveal to get the casual shooter crowd to think they're exclusive or somehow better on Xbox.  Then they'll show the console and have a couple jabs at Sony for not showing theirs "And now since consumers like to know what they're paying for, here's Xbox whatever" something like that because apparently this is a big deal or people think Sony isn't going to show it by the time they release or something idk.

Sounds plausible, as I like Sony better, I hope MS have lower specs, althought I don´t want them to fail either, I may very well have both consoles, like I did in this gen, but Sony is much more appealing to me and treat me much better as a gamer, so, I hope they have the specs to outlast the competition.

I'll probably go Sony, Nintendo like I did this gen.  Nintendo has some fun exclusives and is great for local MP, but Sony has always given me the majority of my gaming hours.  Their SP focus and exclusive focus is just up my alley, they'll get all the third party stuff xbox does (really don't care about timed exclusive COD map packs), and PS+ will continue to give awesome incentives for the fee it charges instead of just online play I believe (and if not I just won't subscribe since I like SP so much).

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